1st Cycle Complete - Confused on PCT... Can someone help?

Should I start that now?

Honestly your E is so damn high in that bloodtest i would focus on that. Even without gyno there are a fair number of other bad shit that tends to go wrong in guys with high E.

You need to consult a doc.
I don't have a regular physician that I frequent - my last physical checkup has been well over 5+ years but ive never had any reason to go visit a dr anyhow, been pretty healthy and all...

I'd like to find a way to lower my E down without consulting a dr to keep it off the record for now.

Does anyone have any other suggestions or tips on what else I can do to remedy my situation? I'm not opposed to seeing a dr, but would prefer to do so when there's no indication to the dr that I've used aas.
I'd like to find a way to lower my E down without consulting a dr to keep it off the record for now.

Any AI drugs you have available is about your only recourse then. Do that and keep blood testing.

Would strongly suggest avoiding future AAS use without a much better grounding.

good luck...
Honestly your E is so damn high in that bloodtest i would focus on that. Even without gyno there are a fair number of other bad shit that tends to go wrong in guys with high E.

You need to consult a doc.
I think the high E is because of Tren (it hasn't cleared his system).. How can someone go into a cycle without researching the AAS.. Couple of quick search tells you that Tren will shut you down hard and not recommended for the 1st timer! Heck, even some WKM's who have many cycles under their belt would not touch Tren in their 1st or 2nd cycle!
Tren Ace - is what I took, doesn't it only last 2-3 days max? That would have been 6 days after last pin.

I didn't research b/c I took my personal trainer's word... trusted him and went in head first. This was an error on my part.

By the time when I learned about all the sides and effects it was a bit too late + the fact that I was seeing improvements physically I made a conscious decision to continue.

And to be 100% honest - Personally for me, I did not experience anything so negative and so traumatizing like what everyone has mentioned that warranted for me to take heed to drop current cycle and take a step back. I was soo tunneled vision in achieving my goal that I continued ahead. I understand that aas is to supplement and to help you achieve your goal faster, not a miracle drug. So everything else being on point I was excited to maximize my results.
Tren and Test compete for the same receptor's.

I know, just saying that I doubt his Tren Ace had anything to do with his E levels, the culprit was the long estered Test.

Tren likely contributed to the hematocrit levels etc though.
Tren Ace - is what I took, doesn't it only last 2-3 days max? That would have been 6 days after last pin.

I didn't research b/c I took my personal trainer's word... trusted him and went in head first. This was an error on my part.

By the time when I learned about all the sides and effects it was a bit too late + the fact that I was seeing improvements physically I made a conscious decision to continue.

And to be 100% honest - Personally for me, I did not experience anything so negative and so traumatizing like what everyone has mentioned that warranted for me to take heed to drop current cycle and take a step back. I was soo tunneled vision in achieving my goal that I continued ahead. I understand that aas is to supplement and to help you achieve your goal faster, not a miracle drug. So everything else being on point I was excited to maximize my results.

I can understand the path you took . I am looking at your blood work.. not only your Estro is high.. but your blood platelets is out of wack.. you're a heart attack waiting to happen! Like Grey said, wait 2 weeks for the Test to clear your system before starting PCT. After PCT, get blood and see if you need to continue.. Hoping you didn't crush your HPTA
the one thing that throws me off and Im confused as heck here is that physically, I feel great and fine - I would expect my body to throw me warning signs but nothing that is out of the norm for me. My cardio conditioning is also great i don't have any breathing or endurance issues either...

what's the chances my HPTA are shot and i'll be on TRT the rest of my life?
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Brave man for doing Tren first timer ESP at that dose. I don't think it's a smart idea dosing the Tren higher than your test. Long ago I remember doing 800mg test cyp and about 500mg Tren acet a week. Threw in 4 weeks of reforbit from the start at 40mg in hallow caps cuz the shit tasted horrible. The only new sauce in my experience was Tren, I had brewed it from pellets. I had phenomenal strength, size and hardness but it killed my sex drive for about 5 months. I did pct after cycle, 3 weeks Clomid, tamoxifen and some Hcg. It still took long time to get my erections back on par. I should've used Hcg during the on phase. Tren is heavy shit for beginner. Best of luck
You only use Test as a base and let the Tren do the work as what I've read... not the other way around.