1st Pct necessary?? 8 weeks low tes-tren combo


New Member
As my title states i am 2 weeks away from finish up my 1st cycle, i personally wouldn't call it a cycle but more of an experiment to see how my body reacts to these compounds for the first time. My reasoning behind such low dosages was that i have a full life ahead of me and nothing in life ever comes quick so why go crazy your first time and attempt running a lot of gear and have it possibly backfire on yourself??

My strenght gains have been through the roof, libido like clockwork, intense pumps and fucked up dreams at night and waking up in sweat, i didn't break out with acne and my nuts haven't shrunk enough for me to even notice if they did at all. So i must say side effects were kept at a minimum.

test p 71 mg EOD
Tren 53 mg EOD

I ordered my gear though this old timer at the gym i gotten to know. My order consisted of 2 vials of Test Propionate 100, 1 vial of Trenbolone tri-mix 150 (Tren A 50mg, Tren Hexa 50mg and Tren E 50mg ) 25 1mg Arimidex just incase i started experiencing any high estrogen side effects , but didn't find it necessary so i haven't taken any since only thing i felt was a little bloated due to water retention but; buy cutting salt from my diet and lowering my carbs helped with all of that.

This was my planned pct cycle but i am not sure whether i should go through with it since i only ran 248mg week of test and 212mg week of tren for 8 weeks?

PCT 5 weeks
1 off
2 40mg Nolvadex (ED)
3 40mg Nolvadex (ED)
4 20mg Nolvadex (ED)
5 20mg Nolvadex (ED)

So im asking for somebody experienced on AAS to chime in on this topic and let me know whether i should just go ahead and finish up with my pct or just go about my life and have my body naturally recover from all this. This might sound like a stupid question to some but understand its my first time running gear and i would not like to fuck this up
Is this a serious question? Honestly I don't think you were ready for steroid use, if you are asking this question. You def need to run a pct. The nolva looks good but you need Clomid to. I hope you have some or can get it. If you don't run a pct your going to loose all of those gains you made, and kiss that libido goodbye.
Is this a serious question? Honestly I don't think you were ready for steroid use, if you are asking this question. You def need to run a pct. The nolva looks good but you need Clomid to. I hope you have some or can get it. If you don't run a pct your going to loose all of those gains you made, and kiss that libido goodbye.

I defiantly read everywhere how essential a proper pct cycle needs to be incorporated after every cycle however, all the info I found on pct was from people who ran dosages easily 2x as much as I have.

So I only wanted to ask somebody's "personal" experience
I defiantly read everywhere how essential a proper pct cycle needs to be incorporated after every cycle however, all the info I found on pct was from people who ran dosages easily 2x as much as I have.

So I only wanted to ask somebody's "personal" experience

Yeah def do pct. You have been replacing your test for 2 months and even if it was a small dosage, Your going to be shut down.
Any amount of test you inject into your body greater than or equal to your natural producton which varys between 50mgs to 150mgs a week will shut you down! And tren supresses your test also. Deff need a pct! You will mess up your self more with out it trust me I kno....been there done that...im 24 and on trt...you dont wanna do that nooooooooooooooo time sooo..assuming that you aren't in your 30s...good luck
Thanks guys for the info i'm not going to be a guinea pig and experiment on myself just yet, Monday is my last shot so i will be starting my pct later on next week, hope my strenght still stays up and don't lose too much muscle size i weighed myself earlier today around 1 p.m after a few meals and half a gallon of water in me and must say i was not expecting to be 280!!! I gained 45 lbs since february 14th and my physique is a lot leaner than it was before. I cannot wait for my next cycle beginning in june!