2 weekers, the definitive guide

I didn't bother reading the 3 pages of posts the OP got. Another Bill Roberts dick rider. He's a good businessman but a tool. He's a fucking idiot. The shit your reading is from the late 90's. 2 week cycles? WTF is wrong with you. Join your local community college and bond with some other boring folks interested in useless info.
If you think you're going to accomplish anything in 2 weeks with any compound, you're a fool. You're a bore and a pompous fuck who believes himself to be smarter than the rest of us here.
What's up with your social life? If you are lucky enough to have a girl, do you find her dozing off while listening to your nonsense?
Let me guess as I haven't read your entire post.....you're concerned with your liver and blah blah blah? Gear is given to people with compromised immune sysstems. You'll be fine. Run a real cycle like a regular person. Are you afraid to cross the street? Does someone need to hold your hand? WTF?
I didn't bother reading the 3 pages of posts the OP got. Another Bill Roberts dick rider. He's a good businessman but a tool. He's a fucking idiot. The shit your reading is from the late 90's. 2 week cycles? WTF is wrong with you. Join your local community college and bond with some other boring folks interested in useless info.
If you think you're going to accomplish anything in 2 weeks with any compound, you're a fool. You're a bore and a pompous fuck who believes himself to be smarter than the rest of us here.
What's up with your social life? If you are lucky enough to have a girl, do you find her dozing off while listening to your nonsense?
Let me guess as I haven't read your entire post.....you're concerned with your liver and blah blah blah? Gear is given to people with compromised immune sysstems. You'll be fine. Run a real cycle like a regular person. Are you afraid to cross the street? Does someone need to hold your hand? WTF?

Who pissed in ur wheaties?

Its not the liver, its the HTPA.

Why don't you take the time to do a write-up on the protocol you use? 1gram+ of
tren/week....year round..plus you're stacking other compounds as well...

cuz we all hope to look as good as you do one day sir....
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No offense BB, but for someone running tren the way you did I am susprised to hear your stance on 2/4 cycles.

Perhaps we should run a few cycles for comparable purposes.

You run your full cycle/pct.

I'll do 2 week cycles and then compare the progress between them.
I didn't bother reading the 3 pages of posts the OP got. Another Bill Roberts dick rider. He's a good businessman but a tool. He's a fucking idiot.

Not exactly clear what you're goals are with regards to AAS. But some people want to look good and improve performance while using the least possible amount of AAS and keeping side effects to an absolute minimum.

Unfortunately, few people on the forums are proposing strategies to accomplish this. Instead, the general philosophy tends to be to take more and more steroids because this is the path to greater gains.

There is truth in this approach but IMO this is the idiot's approach to steroid use.

Optimizing training and nutrition while maximizing the effects of the steroids being used is the smarter approach IMO. If people did this, they could make the same or greater gains on less than half the AAS dosage they are using.

I applaud those who try to find safer ways to make more gains from less steroids with fewer side effects. Too bad there are not more intelligent people proposing strategies aimed at accomplishing the same.
Not exactly clear what you're goals are with regards to AAS. But some people want to look good and improve performance while using the least possible amount of AAS and keeping side effects to an absolute minimum.

Unfortunately, few people on the forums are proposing strategies to accomplish this. Instead, the general philosophy tends to be to take more and more steroids because this is the path to greater gains.

There is truth in this approach but IMO this is the idiot's approach to steroid use.

Optimizing training and nutrition while maximizing the effects of the steroids being used is the smarter approach IMO. If people did this, they could make the same or greater gains on less than half the AAS dosage they are using.

I applaud those who try to find safer ways to make more gains from less steroids with fewer side effects. Too bad there are not more intelligent people proposing strategies aimed at accomplishing the same.

I couldn't agree more. I don't think 2 weeks is enough for me personally, probably closer to 4-6 weeks might be optimal. But that being said I'm open to new ways of doing things instead of using the "more is better" approach. I like thinking outside the box and this is that type of thread.

If someone did a 4-6 week cycle would it be smart to start with test p and use for the first 2 weeks and then switch over to test e for the remainer?
If someone did a 4-6 week cycle would it be smart to start with test p and use for the first 2 weeks and then switch over to test e for the remainer?

I'm assuming test prop at beginning is to increase circulating test levels more rapidly but this could be accomplished just as effectively with a good frontload.

If anything, using prop throughout or switching over to test prop in final weeks will prepare you for a quicker restart and the end.
LOL...[:eek:)] An angry man on this thread!

Well what to say that hasn't already been said

You can gain without roids if you know how to train juice free, and that's MILES different than training with heavy long term juicing, in which you can gain well by knowing nothing, and by doing almost any routine, by having half decent genetics and eating enough.

The whole idea of a two weeker is to be able to get "some" benefit, muscle and strength wise, from steroid use, without messing up your HPTA, without having an absolute ass hdl cholesterol(the good one) that WILL seriously help clog your coronary's , and without risking serious and permanent ventricular hypertrophy of the heart resulting in early heart failure issues and death. Also, some guys with the genetics for hair loss don't want to shave their heads fucking bald!

Two weeks is enough time to get "some" benefits if you know what and how much gear to run and how to run it. Training is a little different in the two weeker too if you want best results(as per my post). Two weekers get you WELL through a stubborn sticking point that doesn't respond to a lay off (at the very least) and that doesn't disappear after you stop the cycle, and can even add real pounds of real muscles. They are great for the "athlete" and especially the pro hockey players that I train that fight like hell to not loose weight in the season. Yeah, if you're 30 pounds above your natural maximum size/weight you won't gain because you need long term heavy steroid use to just maintain that mass....then you'd be a fucking idiot unless you made your living as a pro bodybuilder.

I think 4 weekers are good too cause in a long cycle you seem to gain best in the first 4 weeks anyway. A 4-6 weeker will turn off your pituitary but at least you don't have an hdl cholesterol of zero for months on end and you probably won't cause Ventricular hypertrophy if you take equal times off.

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I couldn't agree more. I don't think 2 weeks is enough for me personally, probably closer to 4-6 weeks might be optimal. But that being said I'm open to new ways of doing things instead of using the "more is better" approach. I like thinking outside the box and this is that type of thread.

If someone did a 4-6 week cycle would it be smart to start with test p and use for the first 2 weeks and then switch over to test e for the remainer?

You'd want to get the test to clear as fast as possible after the cycle so you'd be better off doing Test Prop for the last few weeks.

Try Test e or c right off the bat but front load it. That will get blood levels up pronto. Then at week 3 or 4 switch to prop. If you are running say 500 of test e right to the end then it will take a LONG TIME to clear enough to allow for HPTA recovery to begin....ie: after a week that last 500 will be down to 250...then in another week 125...another week 60(still too high)..then perhaps half way through week 3 your hypothalamus will start to sense a low androgen and estrogen level and will start kicking out the GnRH so the pituitary can release LH to the testes and so the testes can start making T again. I'd run HCG for any cycle over 3 weeks long. 250 iu's every other day. That way your testes stay awake and working as HCG mimics LH. Don't run the HCG when the HPTA is "able" to restart.

Not exactly clear what you're goals are with regards to AAS. But some people want to look good and improve performance while using the least possible amount of AAS and keeping side effects to an absolute minimum.

Unfortunately, few people on the forums are proposing strategies to accomplish this. Instead, the general philosophy tends to be to take more and more steroids because this is the path to greater gains.

There is truth in this approach but IMO this is the idiot's approach to steroid use.

Optimizing training and nutrition while maximizing the effects of the steroids being used is the smarter approach IMO. If people did this, they could make the same or greater gains on less than half the AAS dosage they are using.

I applaud those who try to find safer ways to make more gains from less steroids with fewer side effects. Too bad there are not more intelligent people proposing strategies aimed at accomplishing the same.

The availability of cheap ugl gear is the worst thing that could have happened for kids. I've been saying this for a while now. Most kids are too immature to use gear in any kind of responsible way, but at least their doses/cycles had limits when it was expensive and harder to get and they had access to medical supervision. It's yet another example of how the war on AAS has only served to increase their use to higher levels than ever.

Sadly, it continues to get worse. The doses keep going up, the cycles keep getting longer, and restarting the HPTA is an often afterthought with blast and cruise is quickly becoming the norm. The boards are full of 20 year olds on self-prescribed TRT. Nowadays, only lip service is paid to health in a sport that should be, first and foremost, about health.

Lke you, I'm interested in what can be accomplished using the least amount of gear, or even with no gear at all. Anybody can get results with with a shotgun approach to gear use. So what! Because that approach doesn't take any creativity, you don't get the same sense of accomplishment you get from learning how to train properly. Isn't the sense of accomplishment the point of training? It should be. So, at least to me, any approach that tries to find ways to minimize gear use and promote learning to train is something that should be commended, and that includes 2 week cycles.

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If you have the money you can add in a decent dose of growth per day....8-10 iu's.
10 is fine since the cycle is only 14-15 days long.

I know this is an old thread but has anyone tried this approach at 4-6 weeks?I will be honest I've been thinking about trying this since I read about it in Bill Roberts articles. I found this thread looking at @cobra500 posts. Saw he has been around for awhile and thought I'd see what was going on here 5 years ago:).

Was wondering about the time off more than anything. "Off" meaning not blasting cause I cruise.

I know I will get flamed by some but flame away.