What’s the longest you’ve taken Dianabol?


Dbol on the other hand is like nothing else, it's instant gains in size and strength are insane and second to none. People hate it for their own reasons, but I love it, nothing more fun than getting stronger almost every workout and feeling that euphoria. It's a feel good steroid and is one of the best orals to break through a plateau.

Dbol was insane. I was quite lean when I started it and within a couple days I had veins showing in my abs. I get that when I’m very lean and peaking in my fitness, but I was about 6 weeks from that point if I’d continued natural.
I’d not heard that about Bali, so the pharmacies there sell pharma gear without a script? Or most of them will do that? I know from when I bought from pharmacies in Europe like Greece years ago, there d still be half the owners who would not from moral principals.
I haven’t been there and bought any myself but yes. Without a script. Also I’m pretty sure in the UAE places like dubai also allow you to buy steroids without a script
When I was a much younger man, I took 5mg a day for like 5 months. I never tested bloods, I never had a test base. It was a fantastic summer. If I didn’t already have the muscle mass I want, I’d do it again on top of my TRT and test bloods.
When I was a much younger man, I took 5mg a day for like 5 months. I never tested bloods, I never had a test base. It was a fantastic summer. If I didn’t already have the muscle mass I want, I’d do it again on top of my TRT and test bloods.
Wow 5 months is really getting into it. Did you split the 5mg in two or quarters to take it multiple times in a day? The half life being 6 hours?
I’d definitely try 5 mg for 12 weeks and get bloods every 4 weeks. So I need to find 5mg pills not the usual 10 mg so I can quarter the dose 4 times a day
Wow 5 months is really getting into it. Did you split the 5mg in two or quarters to take it multiple times in a day? The half life being 6 hours?
I’d definitely try 5 mg for 12 weeks and get bloods every 4 weeks. So I need to find 5mg pills not the usual 10 mg so I can quarter the dose 4 times a day
I’ll will actually try this starting tomorrow but I may take it PWO
Wow 5 months is really getting into it. Did you split the 5mg in two or quarters to take it multiple times in a day? The half life being 6 hours?
I’d definitely try 5 mg for 12 weeks and get bloods every 4 weeks. So I need to find 5mg pills not the usual 10 mg so I can quarter the dose 4 times a day
Never underestimate the power of being young and dumb!

I just took every morning. Thats how I’ve always done it too. I didn’t know the half life way back then. I honestly think the half life matters little in the case of dbol when I consider my other short cycles with it and the effect. Either the spike is enough, or it produces metabolites with longer half lives.

Never underestimate the power of being young and dumb!

I just took every morning. Thats how I’ve always done it too. I didn’t know the half life way back then. I honestly think the half life matters little in the case of dbol when I consider my other short cycles with it and the effect. Either the spike is enough, or it produces metabolites with longer half lives.

Dam at just once a day and still lots of results, really a phenomenal compound
Dam at just once a day and still lots of results, really a phenomenal compound
Don't forget that Dianabol was produced specifically for increasing athletic peformance: power and strength. It was so successful that it blew away good old Testostorone in sports at that time. Created ore than 60 years ago. Crazy.

Only 5mg/day is considered a male hormone replacement dose. That's very impressive to say the least.
Don't forget that Dianabol was produced specifically for increasing athletic peformance: power and strength. It was so successful that it blew away good old Testostorone in sports at that time. Created ore than 60 years ago. Crazy.

Only 5mg/day is considered a male hormone replacement dose. That's very impressive to say the least.
What do you think is the most effective drug for athletic performance now - power and strength?

Yes 60 years ago is superb technology. I wonder what’s been cooked up by Russia and China now for their athletes. Specifically thinking of Turinsbol being a state sponsored development
Just research powerlifting drug protocols. There are so many choices pick one and run it, trial and error, there is no magic recipe. Try all the orals and pick out what you like best.