20yrd old suffering from ED


New Member
These are my blood test results. The doc said everything is normal but they are not because i still have zero sex drive at the age of 20. What could be the reason for my problem?

Alkaline phosphatase- 61.
AST- 36.
ALT- 51
TSH- 1.56
LH- <1.
FSH- 2.

My cycle was:

EQ 600mg aweek
NPP 100mg eod
TEST E 400mg aweek
Aromasin 12.5 eod

Duration of this cycle was 2 months exact, however, i stopped the use of NPP after the first 6 weeks.
The blood was drawn for the test 9 days after last pin. Also, my sex drive was insane!!! In the past, especially during my other two cycles of mastron, winny and test E. This was my first time trying these new steroids.
Ouch, 20 and 3 cycles in?

Man, would be pretty damn hard to spot the exact reason for the ED with so many past complicating factors.
Yeah, ouch.

Can you scan your bloods? Just make sure to black out the person info.
I'm currently one week in to my PCT as of today. My blood work is fine so I don't understand why I'm having no sex drive.

I've been on a different forum looking for an solution but still nothing.
I'm currently 200lbs, 6", 12% body fat.
My first 2 cycles were stupid. The first one I was young and didn't even do a PCT. lost all gains. The second one, kept most. This cycle was my first legit fully complete cycle that I couldn't even finish becomes of the side effects I was getting.
I'm currently one week in to my PCT as of today. My blood work is fine so I don't understand why I'm having no sex drive.

I've been on a different forum looking for an solution but still nothing.
Have you tried searching within the gay, interracial and trans sections on Pornhub? You may be interested in new things now...? Just a thought.
3 cycles deep at 6 feet tall 20 years old and your still only 200lb at 12% bf, dude stop you do not know how to diet and train! also youre one week into pct hello! thats when your sex drive will be low.
3 cycles deep at 6 feet tall 20 years old and your still only 200lb at 12% bf, dude stop you do not know how to diet and train! also youre one week into pct hello! thats when your sex drive will be low.
Can I make a prediction?! Bunk PCT products sold to him as pharma, really UGL. Not actually PCT-ing at all. But, if you're a week into PCT, why are the bloods so whacked, don't they take about a week to get? Hmmm, something seems off.

When were those bloods pulled?
And I don't have pharama grade clomid and aromasin. These pills almost dissolve in my mouth the second they hit water.
And I don't have pharama grade clomid and aromasin. These pills almost dissolve in my mouth the second they hit water.
Wait, what do you think PCT is? What are you using for this PCT? It might be very helpful to provide all the info you can here. Including when bloods were drawn, ideally a copy of the blood report, what you're using for your PCT (when you started and when the cycle ended), etc. Your little science experiments of dissolving tabs in water isn't going to help you here.