21 year old Lab results 5 month cycle


New Member
Start of cycle: 159lbs
Currently: 169lbs
During Cycle: 178lbs
Water weight -+5 lbs

Hey Meso, been on here for a little bit now.
About 5 months ago ran a cycle of Test E around 500 a week. Also added masteron later in the cycle because I had some spare at about 200-300mg a week. Now this was my second cycle. Did a short and small one in the past just so I could get an idea of how it was and it was good but I decided I wasn’t ready for something like this and decided to put a few more years into training.

Now during this cycle after about 4 months I got worried and didn’t want to lose my gains and go through the PCT which of course is stupid and decided to cruise at about 150-200mg of test a week for baseline levels. For a month of that I decided it was best I let my body reset and heal.

yes a lot of mistakes were made during the cycle especially the time frame and adding in another compound but overall it went very well for me, I think no one has a perfect experience their first time but what it does is allows you to learn and know what to do in the future.

so now I’m off everything I got bloods done for testosterone, nothing for estrogen or anything like that as that’s all my doctor ordered.
So here’s my baseline testosterone after 2 weeks of beings off

Total Test: 115 L ng/dL
Free: 24.9 L ng/mL

yes crazy low especially for my age but also makes sense for being on gear so long and having no production after 2 weeks

I never got labs before cycle as I was in the middle of moving states and establishing insurance and doctors so that was a mistake that won’t happen again.

overall I gained about 10lbs of muscle from cycle, and I’m holding onto about 5-6lbs from being off. Which is fine with me. But my question is

how should I go about doing this next step?
Start TRT?
or simply allow my body to come back naturally ?

I know these are questions I should be asking myself but I want to know everyone’s thoughts and what they would do. Overall I feel fine, a little bit less jump in my step but mentally I’m fine and physically I feel fine besides maybe less drive in the gym.
My current doctor is also referring me to a specialist so I probably will have the option for legal TRT and I can always see what he has to say and decide from there.

every other values were great. Liver, cholesterol, electro
Any insight or info would be great.
What’s also weird is I would like to mention. Was my sexy drive was very low and ability to have an erection was also weak during the middle phase of the cycle and end. I tried AI’s to see if it was the estrogen and didn’t see improvement. But once I came off everything sex drive and libido came right back. Any idea on this? I was pretty confused on this. Maybe my dosages were too high for me? Not sure.
Smh...only thing I will say is, no, you should absolutely not go on TRT if it's not necessary. So you had your last shot of 150-200mgs two weeks ago? If so, of course your levels are low. Your natural production is still shut down. Wait another week or two and then start a proper PCT. Then leave PEDs alone until about 2030, at least.
And randomly taking AI's or serms is fucking stupid. You either did no research before you started this, or if you did any, it obviously wasn't retained or understood. You are making stupid fucking decisions that can affect you for the rest of your life. Pull your fucking head out of your ass before it's too late.
Lay out your plan for PCT and we'll take a look at it. Your libido was fucked on cycle as it doesn't sound like you took bloods mid cycle to see if an AI was needed or being dosed correctly.

Get to reading and expand your grey matter on this stuff.

I strongly advise against TRT at your age. Trust me, you'll regret it and put your body through unnecessary stress on your organs.

Since you were on TRT for so long you will bounce back to natty quicker if you run a blast of HCG for 10 days injecting EOD around 2-3 weeks from your last pin before starting the SERM's.
Oh and if your doctor is anything like mine they'll just say to stop and wait for your endocrine system to come back to homeostasis naturally. Or even worse prescribe things that will actually hinder your recovery.
Sounds like your next specialist may be a psychiatric one.
You took enough test on your cycle to basically shut you down and turn yourself into a 50 year old.
At 21 you have enough Test and growth hormone, all you had to do is eat, lift, sleep, and chase tail. You would have kept All of those gains.
Every day the Adage" youth is wasted on the young." Rings true. Enjoy your SSRI
Start of cycle: 159lbs
Currently: 169lbs
During Cycle: 178lbs
Water weight -+5 lbs

And randomly taking AI's or serms is fucking stupid. You either did no research before you started this, or if you did any, it obviously wasn't retained or understood. You are making stupid fucking decisions that can affect you for the rest of your life. Pull your fucking head out of your ass before it's too late.

++ to Everything @MadBret said and also this:

You went on AAS for 4 fucking months to gain 10 as much weight as an identical guy could have done naturally with nothing but the assistance of peanut butter/jelly sandwiches and a shitty set of prison weights.

I have seen more impressive gains in a 4 week football prep camp just from eating and lifting.

You aren't at anything like the size or training level to need AAS yet.
Starting a steroid cycle and not knowing how to do a PCT is a dumb mistake and you're paying the price now.

I feel sad reading OP's post. When I first lifted, my stats were 145lbs at 5'7". I lifted and ate hard for 6 months and my weight was between 160 - 165lbs while being more lean. I had girls complimenting me on how much my arms grew.

Try to squeeze out newbie gains first before crashing your T from steroids.

The poor erection quality is a high E2 side. Your AI was most likely not sufficient and needed to take more.
Starting a steroid cycle and not knowing how to do a PCT is a dumb mistake and you're paying the price now.

I feel sad reading OP's post. When I first lifted, my stats were 145lbs at 5'7". I lifted and ate hard for 6 months and my weight was between 160 - 165lbs while being more lean. I had girls complimenting me on how much my arms grew.

Try to squeeze out newbie gains first before crashing your T from steroids.

The poor erection quality is a high E2 side. Your AI was most likely not sufficient and needed to take more.
actually ED is usually caused from AIs
At two weeks after your last injection, you still have circulating exogenous T.

I bet your LH and FSH were still shut down.

No point bothering with checking until at least a month after last injection.
Posters above have nailed it.

At 2 weeks out, you are basically at the low point of testosterone blood levels. The stuff you injected has mostly gone away, but your body has not yet started production.

There is a lot of debate over PCT. I used to be a firm believer in it. I no longer am.

I would advise you to eat more, get back in the gym, squat and deadlift intensely, and retest your testosterone levels in 14-15 weeks.

Testing at 2 weeks out really told you nothing at all. You did not really believe your body's endocrine system would recover from suppression in less time than it takes those substances to clear your body, did you?


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