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On a side note how did you get the wkm status? Not an insult just curious. I've been around a while and post often but I'm not a wkm.
I am on here like 24/7 I think that's why,, like literally too much, so trophies from that and a good k/d ratio lol or rather post/like ratio
I am on here like 24/7 I think that's why,, like literally too much, so trophies from that and a good k/d ratio lol or rather post/like ratio
Reps get paid to be here, so since it his job cfig is just being a good employee.
On a side note how did you get the wkm status? Not an insult just curious. I've been around a while and post often but I'm not a wkm.
Reps get paid to be here, so since it his job cfig is just being a good employee.
Na man in not really doing the Spartan rep thing or anything it's not my cup of tea because I'm not very slick on the inherent. now brewing some day in the future I can see me doing maybe
Can you provide an invite to Agora?

Hey, I apologize but I will not be providing our personal referral link for Agora. By giving out a referral link, I would early money through every purchase that you make on Agora. This does not seem right from a source point of view. Thanks for understanding.
Hey, I apologize but I will not be providing our personal referral link for Agora. By giving out a referral link, I would early money through every purchase that you make on Agora. This does not seem right from a source point of view. Thanks for understanding.
Too bad...then I cannot view your storefront. Unfortunately, like so many others, all other referrals I've received are full :-(
His T3 is awesome. My girl loves it. Very pleased.

Very interested in this... How can she use t3 and not waste all the muscle? I mean she can't use a gram of test as we do to keep the muscle while we burn fat with t3...
Very interested in this... How can she use t3 and not waste all the muscle? I mean she can't use a gram of test as we do to keep the muscle while we burn fat with t3...
She really doesn't give two shits about her muscle. She has huge glutes, and really not much muscle mass besides that (some quads and hamstrings, I suppose). I can only get her to do squats, deads and the occasional leg press (one upper body day a week if I'm lucky) But, she only takes 50mcg's of T3 a day, and uses it for about 3 weeks. The T3 keeps her really slender and lean this time of year, as she is interested in looking good in a bikini. I would prefer she takes clen, but T3 has been VERY effective in keeping her lean.
She really doesn't give two shits about her muscle. She has huge glutes, and really not much muscle mass besides that (some quads and hamstrings, I suppose). I can only get her to do squats, deads and the occasional leg press (one upper body day a week if I'm lucky) But, she only takes 50mcg's of T3 a day, and uses it for about 3 weeks. The T3 keeps her really slender and lean this time of year, as she is interested in looking good in a bikini. I would prefer she takes clen, but T3 has been VERY effective in keeping her lean.

Well my girl like to be lean but she likes to have a bit of muscle like a fitness/bikini girl. But muscle are important for legs and ass, she has a nice ass that it's starting to pop out nicely, probably the t3 would burn trough it quite a lot.

She was using albuterol but what I found was that it made her quite soft. Don't tell me how's that possible, but her ass felt less hard then usual and much more soft while on it.
The catabolism with t3 is so far overblown it isn't even funny. The issue is people run a fuck ton of it. You don't need that much. 12.5-25mcg is good is for most peoples goals, pending they are actually giving a shit in the diet department.
The catabolism with t3 is so far overblown it isn't even funny. The issue is people run a fuck ton of it. You don't need that much. 12.5-25mcg is good is for most peoples goals, pending they are actually giving a shit in the diet department.

probably because ppl like to eat mcdonalds everyday and not get fat and they try to compensate with 75-100mcg of t3 :)

I believe we produce more or less 25mcg t3 daily. is it wrong?

I have to say that with 150mcg of t4 I'm having problem gaining weight
Going to be running

Week 1-2
Test E @200 mg E/wk
Test P @35mg ed
Tren A @50 mg ed
Mast P @75 mg ed

Week 3-5
Test E @500 e/w
Mast P @75 ed

Week 6-12
Test E @600 mg e/w

What do ya'll think.. may add anavar into week 6-12