whats up with all the internet tuff guys around here these days lol. I can guarantee you if you were in front of me you wouldnt be runnin your mouth like this. Just makes me wonder how crappy some of these guys lives are they have to come on here and talk shit to people. Were here to look out for one another not put each other down
The classic internet wanna be bully line "I can guarantee you if you were in front of me you wouldnt be runnin your mouth like this." L-O-FUCKING-L. Oh no, you have everyone shaking in their boots. Heck, I almost wet my pants thinking about how much of an internet badass you are. The funny shit is as much as you talk shit about in person vs online blah blah blah, you end up running your mouth just as much as the next guy.
You don't want to get called out for shit? The solution is simple.....don't make claims out your ass that put others in danger. That's not that difficult is it? Didn't think so. Thanks. Now back to enjoying your internet tough guy act as this is at least the 3rd time in as many months you've used it.