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tren made me literally cry one minute, rage the next, then back to crying. literally 2-3 minutes back to back. godam but it got me lookin good.
i also stalked 2 women and wrote ridiculous love letters to strangers.

Please tell me you have decided to never, ever touch tren again...ever! That is some scary shit man, it sounds like you were a threat to the safety of the people around you, dude.
Please tell me you have decided to never, ever touch tren again...ever! That is some scary shit man, it sounds like you were a threat to the safety of the people around you, dude.

man, that was the last time for years. i made more 3 years ago and tried it for 3 weeks, with winny. i woke up feeling just foul and shitty, knew exactly why, then i dumped it out. my mistake was going from 50 to 75 a day. that was when the shit hit the fan. if, and i stress if, i do it this spring my dose will be 25 a day. fellas really overuse it. that small dose can work wonders and keep sides at bay.
then again, i am kinda emotional to start with. like an italian, only i'm a polack.
and im getting bloods next week on 24k test cyp im doing at 400 a week. i'm officially a sexually frustrated old fuck who's tuggin it 3 times a day and 4 if i cant sleep.
man, that was the last time for years. i made more 3 years ago and tried it for 3 weeks, with winny. i woke up feeling just foul and shitty, knew exactly why, then i dumped it out. my mistake was going from 50 to 75 a day. that was when the shit hit the fan. if, and i stress if, i do it this spring my dose will be 25 a day. fellas really overuse it. that small dose can work wonders and keep sides at bay.
then again, i am kinda emotional to start with. like an italian, only i'm a polack.
and im getting bloods next week on 24k test cyp im doing at 400 a week. i'm officially a sexually frustrated old fuck who's tuggin it 3 times a day and 4 if i cant sleep.

I won't try to tell you what to take and what not to take, so I'll just encourage you to use it very, very responsibly.

Personally, I would think that you'd be better off with a test and npp/deca run and leaving the tren out. Maybe you would handle NPP or deca better?
stay away from that shit or we will be reading about you in the news.

I knew I could count on my good friend Ironwill to say what I was trying to say, albeit more bluntly.:mad:

His point is quite valid - irresponsible use of AAS is what contributes greatly to the stereotypes and misconceptions that exist regarding our AAS use.
I knew I could count on my good friend Ironwill to say what I was trying to say, albeit more bluntly.:mad:

His point is quite valid - irresponsible use of AAS is what contributes greatly to the stereotypes and misconceptions that exist regarding our AAS use.

True. Obviously, we all make informed (hopefully) decisions about AAS and know the risks to our own bodies. When it comes into play and starts affecting other people negatively, I think reconsideration should be taken...
Cheat meals yes.... More like 4 Mcribbs kind of cheat days.... and actually since im trying to bulk I have been eating a little more unhealthy than usual.. 4,000 calories minimum and usually 300 grams of protein minimum... No cardio for the last 3 weeks but I keep moving when im in the gym.. usually pushups and situps inbetween reps so maybe I need to slow that down.. stress is on point.. sleep sucks... up every hour on the hour.. usually eating or sweating .. No bloods.. I live in a very small town and its just not a option for me.... My drug reg is kind of fucked up because I had the idea that instead of wasting 4 weeks waiting for test e and tren e to take full effect I would pin test p and tren a for the first 3-4 weeks along with 50 mg of anadrol the tesp p at 75mg eod and the Tren a at 100 mg eod but the way it breaks down with pinning the enanthate 2x weekly im basically pinning something every fucking day.. Adex at .5 mg eod and hcg at 250 iu e4d...
I'd say if your not getting bigger at 4000 cals a day and your using all the get you jacked gear that 4000 cals is your new baseline number. Try increasing your carbs and fat at 5 % of of the total and place those numbers in your pre and post workout meals and see if you get a few pounds out of that.. if not just keep making small 5% increases untill you stop gaining, or you reach your number for gains. A lot of people make huge jumps, or they just say hey I can't eat anymore, and either they get fat ,or they stand still. If your standing still increase your cals week by week trying not to gain more than 2-3 pounds a week( better would be just 2 pounds) If you gained 2 pounds keep it the same for the next week... if not increase. Keep it the same until you stop gaining and increase only then. It's not easy to eat all of that food.
I'm running 75 mg ED and I'm loving it. I'm not gonna lie bro, like I told a couple other bros, I HAVE to have 5 mg of diazepam sometime after the work out. I'd freak out on my wife or some other poor soul however, the longer I been on, the more that rage feeling slowly goes away. I've channeled it into razor sharp focus in the gym. Strength gains are amazing too. Rite now, I got the "good" type of tren dick too;)
I can fuck my wifes ass and get her off 2-3 times. I start to get a little winded tho and just pull out and beat on it to finish off, so I get my issue too. Cuz really her and I know, it's all about ME ;)


I have been reading older posts to try and combat what I'm going through my gains and strength are coming up well on
deca 600 mg wk pinned three times wk
test c 400 mg wk pinned twice wk
tren e 600 mg wk pinned twice wk
anadrol oral 50 mg daily

now here is what I'm dealing with the insomina is terrible and my aggression is extreemly high which is saying alot because i have aggression issues anyway pstd but i am a recovering addict and was just wondering if you know of anything outside of benzo's that help or if my doseing is the problem.I haven't posted in a while because of work i am a GC so time is tight but i do read on here alot. My avatar is my current state and to be honest I'm 44 now and get lazy at times any feed back is welcome.....by the way what ever your doing its working keep up the good work
I have been reading older posts to try and combat what I'm going through my gains and strength are coming up well on
deca 600 mg wk pinned three times wk
test c 400 mg wk pinned twice wk
tren e 600 mg wk pinned twice wk
anadrol oral 50 mg daily

now here is what I'm dealing with the insomina is terrible and my aggression is extreemly high which is saying alot because i have aggression issues anyway pstd but i am a recovering addict and was just wondering if you know of anything outside of benzo's that help or if my doseing is the problem.I haven't posted in a while because of work i am a GC so time is tight but i do read on here alot. My avatar is my current state and to be honest I'm 44 now and get lazy at times any feed back is welcome.....by the way what ever your doing its working keep up the good work
Your a GC and not going up on stage right? 44, I'm 43 and I'm in the same line of work. If your in recovery why let your guard down by taking a benzo... why not just subtract the things that are making you feel you need something more to calm you down. I've been down that road and even as an older guy too. That mix screams heart attack. or worse state bid. Don't get me wrong you do you.. You asked out loud for advice. Anyone who has been on this site long enough doesn't want to see another member get hurt, or hurt soemone else. We are here to share and help each other. The chemicals are the smallest part of the puzzle. I'd say knock out the tren and the a bombs... You could bump that test C to 600 and start test P eod. I'd get an at home BP cuff and start checking to see how far out of whack your BP has come. I'd also get some bloods to see where your hemacrit numbers are. Do you donate blood regularly? With the issues you already have Id tread lightly. 44-50 comes fast and you do want to make it to enjoy the hard earned retirement right?
Your a GC and not going up on stage right? 44, I'm 43 and I'm in the same line of work. If your in recovery why let your guard down by taking a benzo... why not just subtract the things that are making you feel you need something more to calm you down. I've been down that road and even as an older guy too. That mix screams heart attack. or worse state bid. Don't get me wrong you do you.. You asked out loud for advice. Anyone who has been on this site long enough doesn't want to see another member get hurt, or hurt soemone else. We are here to share and help each other. The chemicals are the smallest part of the puzzle. I'd say knock out the tren and the a bombs... You could bump that test C to 600 and start test P eod. I'd get an at home BP cuff and start checking to see how far out of whack your BP has come. I'd also get some bloods to see where your hemacrit numbers are. Do you donate blood regularly? With the issues you already have Id tread lightly. 44-50 comes fast and you do want to make it to enjoy the hard earned retirement right?
thanks for the advise brother I do have alot of experience with aas but its mostley early ninties info when sust was about the only test and deca was big but I cant handle the deca dick and like others I get lost in the more train, what do you think about trading the tren for mast
thanks for the advise brother I do have alot of experience with aas but its mostley early ninties info when sust was about the only test and deca was big but I cant handle the deca dick and like others I get lost in the more train, what do you think about trading the tren for mast
My goal is vacularity with fullness at 230lbs and of course the strength just trying to find that right cycle.....thanks again
My goal is vacularity with fullness at 230lbs and of course the strength just trying to find that right cycle.....thanks again
The Mast is only good when your already at around 6-8 % body fat. I don't like the deca,NPP, or EQ because for older guys they are all compounds that lead Hemacrit/Hemoglobin numbers to go out of range fast. If your really going for that look drop the Anadrol as it can have you holding to much water. It's all in your diet and how you recover from training. You have to have a baseline number you move around at and then it's a matter of making small subtractions from your carbs and fat intake. Adding in cardio starting at 15 minutes 3 days a week and making out at 60 minutes 6 days a weeks, and always changing the cardio types you do. You have to know how much lean muscle you have and how much fat you have. Ever week you have to make changes given the situation your trying to reach. Your sleep has to be good and if your getting angry all the time your creating cortisol all the time and thats going to stop progress. The last things is drugs and your always going to need a test base 400-600 mgs , you could add Test P, winni tabs, anavar.....plan on adding HGH if you have the money 4-6 ius a day and that should also help with body fat reduction. When you get down to single digits then change the drugs. I do 12 week cycles and then cruise for 12 weeks. I never flip out anymore and I used to just go... Like run it for a year or more at a time none stop. After some bad health issue that took time to resolve and destroyed relationships, ect I chose to learn the game the right way. Get bloods not to see if what you have is real but to make sure your ok on the inside and to see what your insides can handle. Remember that look you want is all diet. You don't have to lift really heavy to get there either. Most pros dont lift heavy at all... its about pumping up the muscles.
The Mast is only good when your already at around 6-8 % body fat. I don't like the deca,NPP, or EQ because for older guys they are all compounds that lead Hemacrit/Hemoglobin numbers to go out of range fast. If your really going for that look drop the Anadrol as it can have you holding to much water. It's all in your diet and how you recover from training. You have to have a baseline number you move around at and then it's a matter of making small subtractions from your carbs and fat intake. Adding in cardio starting at 15 minutes 3 days a week and making out at 60 minutes 6 days a weeks, and always changing the cardio types you do. You have to know how much lean muscle you have and how much fat you have. Ever week you have to make changes given the situation your trying to reach. Your sleep has to be good and if your getting angry all the time your creating cortisol all the time and thats going to stop progress. The last things is drugs and your always going to need a test base 400-600 mgs , you could add Test P, winni tabs, anavar.....plan on adding HGH if you have the money 4-6 ius a day and that should also help with body fat reduction. When you get down to single digits then change the drugs. I do 12 week cycles and then cruise for 12 weeks. I never flip out anymore and I used to just go... Like run it for a year or more at a time none stop. After some bad health issue that took time to resolve and destroyed relationships, ect I chose to learn the game the right way. Get bloods not to see if what you have is real but to make sure your ok on the inside and to see what your insides can handle. Remember that look you want is all diet. You don't have to lift really heavy to get there either. Most pros dont lift heavy at all... its about pumping up the muscles.
great stuff I will make the appropriate changes and thank you for the help I'll post again in a few weeks to state the change in the cycle forum
24k test e and deca came in and due to the below freezing temps where I live the test e was completely frozen and looked like a big crystal. I think this is called "crashing" correct me if I'm wrong. I thawed pretty much all of it and it stayed liquid, would this still be good to run? Also the deca was not frozen at all.
24k test e and deca came in and due to the below freezing temps where I live the test e was completely frozen and looked like a big crystal. I think this is called "crashing" correct me if I'm wrong. I thawed pretty much all of it and it stayed liquid, would this still be good to run? Also the deca was not frozen at all.
It happened to me last year and a very experienced friend had me put it in a sauce pan and warm it till it liquefied and it was fine


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