24k Pharma US Domestic Source

It's all cleared up. It wasn't boredom or a conversation going sideways, nor was it even a SPAM issue. It simply falls under the "shit happens" category as proofs of email are legit, yet the server shows no trace, spam or otherwise and I know this because I dug into it. Carry on.
@Vanilla gorilla I started when I was 20; after only lifting for 2 years... I saw the big guys in the gym and wanted to be like them so I took the fast route. Worst mistake I ever made in my short gym life.. Not only was my body still growing naturally I also was not mentally/emotionally mature enough to handle it. Not going to say no one wants you here but IMO you should spend most, if not all, your time in the training and nutrition forum
You're right and I agree with you 100%.. My intentions on here hasn't changed since my join date. I'm not looking to "Buy gear" but rather inform myself and expand my knowledge on the topic itself. There is too much to know about this stuff before even thinking about introducing foreign substances to the body.. Yes I am seeking connections as in keeping up with the community and making friends with veterans or anyone who has experience with AAS. Also, any potential legit source for future reference, because not gonna lie, i do plan on using eventually.. some point in my life. Age 25 or so. That being said, does it make sense that i'm lurking around and occasionally posting? There are plenty of scammers out there now a days (from what I've read) so I must be cautious and gather up all of the information now while I'm young so I have great experiences with AAS in the future. I'm not an ignorant teen looking to screw myself up. Just trying to self educate myself and interact with others. My bad if you perceived anything differently @Wunderpus
You're right and I agree with you 100%.. My intentions on here hasn't changed since my join date. I'm not looking to "Buy gear" but rather inform myself and expand my knowledge on the topic itself. There is too much to know about this stuff before even thinking about introducing foreign substances to the body.. Yes I am seeking connections as in keeping up with the community and making friends with veterans or anyone who has experience with AAS. Also, any potential legit source for future reference, because not gonna lie, i do plan on using eventually.. some point in my life. Age 25 or so. That being said, does it make sense that i'm lurking around and occasionally posting? There are plenty of scammers out there now a days (from what I've read) so I must be cautious and gather up all of the information now while I'm young so I have great experiences with AAS in the future. I'm not an ignorant teen looking to screw myself up. Just trying to self educate myself and interact with others. My bad if you perceived anything differently @Wunderpus
I appreciate the clarification. The expansion of your knowledge is certainly encouraged, do not allow you newly gained knowledge to expedite your AAS ventures, wait some years, trust me.
@Paratrooper509 Hey man, great response! I feel you on that, totally makes sense and I've read similar posts to yours. Thanks for the advice man, I'm well aware that I should not be starting at this young of an age. You're right, I should invest a lot of my time in fitness and nutrition and I have. My diet and train regimen I feel are on point, just becoming more and more interested in the AAS forums as I keep growing. Thanks for the response bro.
I appreciate the clarification. The expansion of your knowledge is certainly encouraged, do not allow you newly gained knowledge to expedite your AAS ventures, wait some years, trust me.
Thanks brother, definitely some words of wisdom right there. I don't plan on it anytime soon and appreciate your advice.
Thanks brother, definitely some words of wisdom right there. I don't plan on it anytime soon and appreciate your advice.
This is probably the smartest decision ive seen from a 19 year old on the subject of aas. Stay natty till you have reached your full potential and THEN decide if you even want to do aas. You might be very happy with your natty look and decide not to complicate things with drugs.
This is probably the smartest decision ive seen from a 19 year old on the subject of aas. Stay natty till you have reached your full potential and THEN decide if you even want to do aas. You might be very happy with your natty look and decide not to complicate things with drugs.
Exactly, too many of my peers are looking to take the stuff without even looking INTO the stuff.. Considering using AAS without even knowing what PCT is/stands for is just absurd in my opinion. They know nothing about what AAS does to the hormones and think the gains made are permanent (without a proper PCT protocol). I'm not one to judge though, as I'm still learning more about the topic myself
Dam homie u don't even have to look 2 pages back to get that answer for ur self... I know I know.... ur busy!

so what's the answer? wait. hows the var, anyone try it? wait. what about the tren? does he use mct oil? how's the pip? is the test e gtg? wait. whats the t/a like? is he open? does he sell oils and orals? wait. hows the ai's? does he sell those? is he domestic? are there bloods done on the test? does the test crash sometimes? what about the tren? oh, my bad. already asked that. wait! how's the var? oh, nevermind, already asked that. does mct oil give pip? did i ask that? does 24k answer emails on time? what's the email? can i use yahoo? does he sell pharm stuff? can i order 1 bottle at a time? how do i do injection? does it hurt? where do i pin? can i send wu or bitcoin? what's bitcoin? moneygram gtfg? what's that all about? can i use bitcoin to send to wu? i once accidently shot my load in my mouth. twice. cuz i didnt angle my cock away. big shooter here, shot some loads 28 inches over my head, hit the wall. is 24k gtg? whare's 24k, he hasnt answered any of my questions here.
I wonder how my rooster will react on 24's dbol. I want him to be swoll. Think I have some layin around. Maybe il let him peck the pill. Beef him up a bit, win me some fights.