2nd cycle summary

Did you track your macros? Just eyeballing the diet, it looked a little low on protein. I see one chicken breast all day, and the rest is mainly egg whites? Your carbs appear to be mainly sugar and honey?

Honestly, I would not recommend that diet for a bulk to anybody, including you.

BUT with that having been said, you gained 22 pounds. You can't realistically expect much more than that from a cycle.

One more bulk, and you would be much larger if you had similar gains (although it gets harder each time).

Then go on a real cut and get shredded.

I would suggest a lot more chicken and rice, and that is not a joking suggestion.

1800-2000 is ridiculously low for a male looking to bulk. You are not going to get "fat" eating lots of calories from chicken and rice. You just are not. Shoot for two pounds of chicken a day, divided up.

Don't put together a quirky diet. Go watch a bunch of Found Abiad videos on eating for cutting or bulking on YouTube. Just soak it up and learn. He actually has some good advice.

Those are my suggestions.
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@Mac11wildcat We're the same height. I'd appreciate your opinion also.
Serious recommendation here: Go read @Mac11wildcat's log. He changed his diet up a few times, but he wrote down several of his diets, which might give you some tips on types of food to use. His log is a very valuable reference here for bodybuilding. Everybody here should read it.

Your pics look very good by the way. Tweak that diet and a few more cycles . . .
Did you track your macros? Just eyeballing the diet, it looked a little low on protein. I see one chicken breast all day, and the rest is mainly egg whites? Your carbs appear to be mainly sugar and honey?
I didn't track to specific numbers, but when I started my cycle, my maintenance was as around 1700 calories. This was from dieting from end of nov. to end of feb. I had to diet off 20lbs of fat that I gained from my first cycle. I maintained those 1700 cals for the first 4-5 weeks of this cycle.

I read that mac11 states to not increase cals until the scale stops moving. I knew the scale was going to rise the first few weeks, and was more concerned with lean muscle than overall weight and size for this cycle. When the scale stopped, I started increasing cals by around 150-200. FIrst by switching the two tablespoons of swerve sweetener with sugar. Then adding two tablespoons of honey as the scale stopped again. Then something else around 150-200 cals. I don't think I went higher than 2600-2700 calories for this recent cycle. Then had to taper it back again due to getting slightly flabby at 180.

My diet for the first cycle was all clean. No sugar, but swerve sweetener. Tripled the amount of oatmeal that I ate during my recent cycle, a serving of rice, two and a half times the chicken breast, and tuna added in. I went from 151 on that cycle up to 183, then tapered back to 178 for the remainder of the cycle. Though it was a lot more fat. According to my calipers I gained 10% bf during the first cycle. The max amount of calories I ate was around 3600-3700. I gained around 5-7lbs of muscle from the first cycle. Here's what I looked like a couple weeks in the first cycle and after.

One more bulk, and you would be much larger if you had similar gains (although it gets harder each time).

Then go on a real cut and get shredded.
So do another bulk cycle, then for the following cycle, do a cut cycle? I'll probably add tren to this next bulk cycle.

Serious recommendation here: Go read @Mac11wildcat's log. He changed his diet up a few times, but he wrote down several of his diets, which might give you some tips on types of food to use.
I've gotten to about half way through it. I've spoke with him about his caloric needs when he was my weight(due to us being the same height), and they were way higher than what my body requires. I think I'm like @falseprophet09 I think my body doesn't require a whole lot of calories before it starts storing as fat.
Your pics look very good by the way. Tweak that diet and a few more cycles .
I appreciate it. It means a lot coming from you. After seeing your physique with your posted stage photo and age, I know, you know your shjt.
Hey bud. I’m pretty much going to echo what the above posters have stated already. I think you need to get back to a more traditional bodybuilding diet (5-6 meals pre day) with an emphasis on peri workout nutrition where everything is tracked and weighed. Otherwise, it’s just guess work and speculation.

You also need to fully commit to a goal, otherwise you’re just going to be spinning your wheels. If you want to reduce body fat, you need to be in a deficit. If you want to put on muscle tissue, you need to be in a surplus.

My only other suggestion, regardless of your goal, would be the inclusion of HGH. I think this is a great tool for anyone to use.
Hey bud. I’m pretty much going to echo what the above posters have stated already. I think you need to get back to a more traditional bodybuilding diet (5-6 meals pre day) with an emphasis on peri workout nutrition where everything is tracked and weighed. Otherwise, it’s just guess work and speculation.

You also need to fully commit to a goal, otherwise you’re just going to be spinning your wheels. If you want to reduce body fat, you need to be in a deficit. If you want to put on muscle tissue, you need to be in a surplus.

My only other suggestion, regardless of your goal, would be the inclusion of HGH. I think this is a great tool for anyone to use.
Thanks for the reply. Do you think it would be more beneficial to add mass first(as the majority suggested) so when cutting comes, it'll be easier due to size and increased caloric needs. Based on where I'm at with my physique in my pics.
Thanks for the reply. Do you think it would be more beneficial to add mass first(as the majority suggested) so when cutting comes, it'll be easier due to size and increased caloric needs. Based on where I'm at with my physique in my pics.
I do think that is the best plan. You’ll be that much more freaky when you lean out with the newfound muscle tissue too.
158 pounds and you think your ready to hop on steroids that’s fuckin bullshit in my opinion
i was just going off the initial pictures, doesn’t look ready for that next level. A lot of young people these days think steroids are going to put you into that upper echelon, but have no knowledge of proper training or diet. I was one of those guys that hopped on way to early, spent my first 5 years on gear spinning my wheels, It wasn’t until I started working with a coach that dialed in my nutrition, did I notice those changes I wanted.