3 day going on 4 day delts pain


New Member
its been 3 days since my first "delt" injection.. Its a syntrop blend of tren and test E..

Day 3 delts have become more red and stiff, and the redness has even started craling half way down my arm. Day 4 redness is almost half way down arm. My glute injection a week ago was just as bad but at least i was more mobile with the glute pain.

Any experienced users have problems with their first delt injection?
i.e redness, stiffness, hardness, extreme pain and discomfort,
damn bro... you got some shitty luck when it comes to infections.... doesn't sound good bro... are you using clean needles and swabbing with alcohol first?

find out if the gear is made with EO you may be allergic... then again... you may just have some shitty gear...

Keep us posted... what about the actual inject site? any redness or puss?
damn bro... you got some shitty luck when it comes to infections.... doesn't sound good bro... are you using clean needles and swabbing with alcohol first?

find out if the gear is made with EO you may be allergic... then again... you may just have some shitty gear...

Keep us posted... what about the actual inject site? any redness or puss?

yea its fucking annoying..thank god axio got busted, no i moved to a better site. Yes, clean needle and sterilization EVERY time.. Not sure if it has EO..its called TTX4Hundred...

I think it mawy because of the BA content being so high, or just because the gear has high mg to ml ratio.. 400mg/ml.. Might try and order some grapeseed oil to cut it. :eek:
its been 3 days since my first "delt" injection.. Its a syntrop blend of tren and test E..

Day 3 delts have become more red and stiff, and the redness has even started craling half way down my arm. Day 4 redness is almost half way down arm. My glute injection a week ago was just as bad but at least i was more mobile with the glute pain.

Any experienced users have problems with their first delt injection?
i.e redness, stiffness, hardness, extreme pain and discomfort,

Idk man ive used Sust 300 before and that shit hurt so fucking bad, i had redness and swelling from my should to my forearm, but it cleared up in like 2 days.
Idk man ive used Sust 300 before and that shit hurt so fucking bad, i had redness and swelling from my should to my forearm, but it cleared up in like 2 days.
funny you say that

I pinned a small dose of sust 400 in the teardrop of my quads and I am limping on both legs now....
I have only used pharma grade gear and i never had problems like this. I am not going to inject ever again long esters in my delts or any other small muscle group. Never. You should better do only your glutes, quads and ventroglutes.
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wow, well you never pinned them before, so of course they are going to hurt. Also, since the mg/ml is high you're also going to have issues where the compound is going to be sitting on the muscle causing pain.

It sounds like an infection, from all of your other posts, you have really bad luck pinning and with infections, so obviously you are doing something wrong. OR a really bad reaction.

However, I have not had an issue like that. (knock on wood) Sure I've pinned Test 300 and Tren A in the same muscle in my quad, yeah they hurt for a few day's, but shit cleared up quick, and didn't hurt any of the other pins.

However, if I had newb muscles like stu, then I'm sure I'd be limping for days on end.
good posts. thanks..the pain has mostly gone away... the swelling and redness has gone down to elbow. the pain is mostly in my tri now...i was able to upper body(chest) today...FINALFUCKINGLY!
good posts. thanks..the pain has mostly gone away... the swelling and redness has gone down to elbow. the pain is mostly in my tri now...i was able to upper body(chest) today...FINALFUCKINGLY!

usually when u workout with it, the pain isnt as bad as when ur just dealing with it throughout the day.
The following is a recent case report on a deltoid infection. It is not said enough to be sure and use sterile technique. The full-text report is available at the link.

A 25-year-old male bodybuilder was admitted in septic shock. He had marked limitation of left shoulder movement with nonfluctuant swelling extending from the acromio-clavicular joint to the postero-lateral and anterior deltoid. Lesions consistent with herpes labialis were also noted. A computed tomography scan demonstrated collections of both gas and fluid within the deltoid muscle and numerous pockets of gas within the soft tissues conforming to the fascial planes. On further questioning he admitted to injecting himself with anabolic steroids into the left deltoid region six days prior to admission. He underwent emergency drainage with debridement of large areas of necrotic muscle and a fasciotomy of the upper arm. Gemella morbillorum and Veillonella were isolated from culture of pus. Dialister pneumosintes was grown from blood cultures. The strains were identified by 16 s rDNA sequencing. He was treated with benzyl penicillin and clindamycin. Histology showed necrotic skeletal muscle tissue with mixed inflammatory infiltrate. Despite extensive muscle debridement he retained excellent shoulder function.

Grant S, Dearing J, Ghosh S, Collier A, Bal AM. Necrotizing myositis of the deltoid following intramuscular injection of anabolic steroid. Int J Infect Dis 2010;14(9):e823-4. http://download.journals.elsevierhealth.com/pdfs/journals/1201-9712/PIIS1201971210023933.pdf
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