Hey man impressive work!
Since you look young, and a "clean slate" with an untouched HPG axis, intact hairline, full sized nuts, clear arteries, and a brain that hasn't been charged the "testosterone spacial intelligence penalty" from supra-physiological levels yet, you have an option not really open to those who've gone down the road of steroids already.
We're right once edge of new compounds called "antimyostatins". They've had billions poured into developing them so they can be added to huge market of GLP drugs and reduce muscle loss that comes with weight loss.
Essentially they take the brakes off muscle growth, making gaining mass much easier, without all the undesirable effects (damage) of steroids.
Plenty of guys would've preferred never to start with steroids for various reasons, but there weren't any other options to reach their physique goals.
In phase two, they're being tested on humans right now, and will probobly start hitting the market in a year or two. The UGLs will likely pump them out before that even happens,
I suspect you still haven't hit your genetic limits yet, so if you feel like staying on the very successful natty road you're on a little longer, it may pay off big in health benefits for the long term. You're uniquely positioned to benefit from the future of PEDs, and not be one of the last to start using the old generation.
Agents in development would preserve lean body mass and further promote fat loss in people taking new antiobesity medications for weight loss.
Either way you choose, welcome to MESO.