44 years old and need help


New Member

After a major car accident and recovery, I've gained like 50 lbs of fat and having trouble losing it. Apparently being in bed for about 7 months recovering, I've lost a lot of lean mass, so my metabolism is very slow. I'm basically skinny fat and probably in the obese category sadly.

My stats: 44M - 235 lbs - 5'10". I haven't run a cycle in over 10 years and haven't been to a gym in about 2 years due to recovering and honestly there is some depression and laziness as well.

What can I do to restart my metabolism and get on the pathway back to good health? Most days I'm just so tired. I've started walking around the neighborhood for about 30-60 mintues a day but it is very taxing. Next week I'm going to join a gym and start doing resistance training.

I don't think AAS can help me right now as I'm trying to cut not bulk. I'm thinking I could order some GLP1. I even ordered some test a few months back but don't think I will run it because it will just convert to estro because of the fat I'm carrying ?

I've often thought I was low-T, but I have a pretty good libido and don't have any issues with erections. I did come back on the low side for testosterone on a panel about a year ago, but another doc said I was normal at 650 ng/dl. I don't know if the doc is full of shit or not. And I don't really trust doctors after the covid mess.

Current Diet for this week: 100g protein with low fat and moderate carbs from rice or fruit everyday. Meals are mostly tuna, rice, and fruit (apples or oranges).

Thanks in advance if you read all of that and can provide some tips

You’re just gonna have to embrace the suck and force yourselves to eat right and exercise every day. It won’t take long before it’s a habit you enjoy or don’t want to stray from.
How do I eat right? What is a good diet for my situation? What should the macros be?

I've never been skinny fat until this car accident situation. :(
come on dude are serious? Do some research, your already asking to be spoonfed a fucking diet ffs, come on quit being a lf and get started,,,, Research weight loss diets,,,,
Yeah I get it. This post looks like I'm trolling. I'm really not, I'm just in a bad spot, although I'm thankful I'm not permanently injured for life from the car crash. In my own defense, I was always a hard gainer and lean most of my life. I've never really needed to diet to lose this much fat. So I don't really know how.

Another forum member gave me some good advice in another thread and I'm going to start with that.

I'll follow up here down the road with my progress.
Yeah I get it. This post looks like I'm trolling. I'm really not, I'm just in a bad spot, although I'm thankful I'm not permanently injured for life from the car crash. In my own defense, I was always a hard gainer and lean most of my life. I've never really needed to diet to lose this much fat. So I don't really know how.

Another forum member gave me some good advice in another thread and I'm going to start with that.

I'll follow up here down the road with my progress.
i just fractured my back in two places( got t boned by car doing 65 mph) in 2022 so i get it,,,,,,, but do some research and you'll just have have to stick with one,,,,,,,diet wise the chicken&rice combo does wonders, cardio at least 3-4 times a week , and a gallon at very least of water daily minimum , restrict carbs , keep protein intake on higher side(clean protein) lowest fat as you can do and you'll lose weight , gotta get active though,,, "Thats alll Folks",,,,
i just fractured my back in two places( got t boned by car doing 65 mph) in 2022 so i get it,,,,,,, but do some research and you'll just have have to stick with one,,,,,,,diet wise the chicken&rice combo does wonders, cardio at least 3-4 times a week , and a gallon at very least of water daily minimum , restrict carbs , keep protein intake on higher side(clean protein) lowest fat as you can do and you'll lose weight , gotta get active though,,, "Thats alll Folks",,,,
Gosh man, I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you fully recovered from the incident and sued the shit out of the driver that hit you.

My partner and I were hit basically head on by a drunk driver who turned out to be an illegal alien. Two surgeries later and a lot of physical therapy I've been given full release to be active again. My partner also suffered multiple injuries including a broken arm and a puncture to her left knee from the dash impact .
How do I eat right? What is a good diet for my situation? What should the macros be?

You weigh 235Lbs? Aim for 200g of lean protein, maybe a bit less. Keep the carbs low and unrefined. Lots and lots of veg. Salads are your friend. Don't eat any fast food, in fact don't eat out at all. Purchase your food from the perimeter of the grocery store.

Cardio every day, at least 30m, resistance training 3-4 days per week.

TRT at 200mg or thereabouts, tirzepatide, HGH if you wanna.
You weigh 235Lbs? Aim for 200g of lean protein, maybe a bit less. Keep the carbs low and unrefined. Lots and lots of veg. Salads are your friend. Don't eat any fast food, in fact don't eat out at all. Purchase your food from the perimeter of the grocery store.

Cardio every day, at least 30m, resistance training 3-4 days per week.

TRT at 200mg or thereabouts, tirzepatide, HGH if you wanna.
I'm going to get some Tirzepatide from QSC and try to run it while dropping the fat for the next 6 months. I am not sure on the TRT since I'm so fat I'm worried about gyno. I'm going to order a blood panel from online soon, because I don't really know what my t-levels really are post accident. I just know that I feel like shit most days and have no energy.

Thank you and I appreciate the reply.
I'm going to get some Tirzepatide from QSC and try to run it while dropping the fat for the next 6 months. I am not sure on the TRT since I'm so fat I'm worried about gyno. I'm going to order a blood panel from online soon, because I don't really know what my t-levels really are post accident. I just know that I feel like shit most days and have no energy.

Thank you and I appreciate the reply.

Discounted labs has an e2 panel from quest for <$40. If you’re feeling plucky you can throw in some primo to keep e2 under control and aid in nitrogen retention.

Plan to run the tirzepatide for the rest of your life. Use the normal dose escalation schedule and don’t get impatient.

“While dropping fat for the next six months”doesn’t strike me as much of a commitment. Seems like you think you’re going to try this for a bit and see all the changes you want to see and resume your normal life.

50lbs? You’ll need a year at least. Rather than think of it as a thing you’re going to do for a period of time maybe treat it as a fundamental change to your life. Adopt new habits, learn new techniques, and let it takes as long as it takes.
I'm going to get some Tirzepatide from QSC and try to run it while dropping the fat for the next 6 months. I am not sure on the TRT since I'm so fat I'm worried about gyno. I'm going to order a blood panel from online soon, because I don't really know what my t-levels really are post accident. I just know that I feel like shit most days and have no energy.

Thank you and I appreciate the reply.
The amount youll be running for TRT gyno shouldnt really be a concern, and the positives of running TRT on a cut outweigh the negatives in my opinion.
On a cut your natty levels are going to TANK, with TRT they will stay high and stable thus resulting in more fat loss and preserving your muscle mass.

Both HGH and Tirz stimulate lipolysis , releasing fat stores.
Discounted labs has an e2 panel from quest for <$40. If you’re feeling plucky you can throw in some primo to keep e2 under control and aid in nitrogen retention.

Plan to run the tirzepatide for the rest of your life. Use the normal dose escalation schedule and don’t get impatient.

“While dropping fat for the next six months”doesn’t strike me as much of a commitment. Seems like you think you’re going to try this for a bit and see all the changes you want to see and resume your normal life.

50lbs? You’ll need a year at least. Rather than think of it as a thing you’re going to do for a period of time maybe treat it as a fundamental change to your life. Adopt new habits, learn new techniques, and let it takes as long as it takes.
Can I ask a stupid question? I've had another forum specializing in carnivore and fasting tell me just to go on a long term water fast for 30 days. I know that I have the will power to fast for 30 days, but what would that do to my metabolism? And yes I'd probably burn off more muscle as well, but I'm already skinny fat, so it's not like I have much to lose at this point. I just want the fat off as fast as possible. I really don't want to go this route, but if it's faster than I might consider it.

I will check out discounted labs. I will investigate the TRT route and it looks like I will need to order enough Test C to stay on TRT dosages for at least a year.

Edit: Also, thanks for the reply and the info. I've ordered a full panel from discounted labs
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The amount youll be running for TRT gyno shouldnt really be a concern, and the positives of running TRT on a cut outweigh the negatives in my opinion.
On a cut your natty levels are going to TANK, with TRT they will stay high and stable thus resulting in more fat loss and preserving your muscle mass.

Both HGH and Tirz stimulate lipolysis , releasing fat stores.
Yeah the only reason I'm concerned about gyno is because I've noticed that my breast/chest area is covered in a layer of fat already from overeating and inactivity for 7 months. I don't think I have full blown gyno, so that fat should get burned off as I maintain a deficit. I don't feel any gland tissue on either side yet, but it could get worse if e2 is elevated.

If I go the TRT route , I'll probably need to throw in a light dose of Anastrozole to keep the e2 down ? As egruberman suggested, I can just get a $40 e2 panel to dial it in. If my calculations are correct, I'll need about minimum 5 x 10ml vials of testC @ 200mg/dl a week to run that amount for a whole year.

I appreciate the help. Thank you.
I just want the fat off as fast as possible. I really don't want to go this route, but if it's faster than I might consider it.

You're going to fail because you don't understand what's needed. Go and re-read what I wrote.

What you need to do is adopt sustainable habits for the rest of your fucking life. The fat will go away as a consequence.

A 30 day water fast? Goddammit. How about just fucking get up tomorrow morning and do 30 minutes of cardio.