5 Guys....Not just a burger joint anymore


the one i used the other day is like this one.
we also have one like the one below. and another one like the one below but with SSB handles on it
Actually your gym, from the videos I've seen, is 10x's better than the one I go to. There's a few that train hard, but most just sit on the machines.

It gets the job done and has all the basics, I just wish they had more stuff geared towards strength athletes.

There's a small handful of guys that lift seriously, two are bodybuilders, one does strongman, one clearly uses a ton of gear and I guess just wants to be huge and the other is that dude that considers himself the all natty strongman, powerlifter and bodybuilder and tells stories of 650lb squats and deadlifts that nobody ever sees. Everyone else just randomly screws around.
We're derailing threads hard today, lol. The Kiwigear source thread is about fighting animals hand to hand right now.
Haha that is pretty off the wall.
My gym is pretty new, before this i was lifting at a community college gym, and they didn't even have barbells.
It's nice to have a place with actual powerlifters and the wacky bars lol
do bears have opposable thumbs. do you deadlift hook grip @RodgerThat

ill try to take a pic of all of the speciality bars we have. we have 4 monolifts. its like heaven in there. excepts its been HOT AS SHIT in there lately. and its cheap for what it is $30/month.

Hot is better than cold though. I've lifted in both extremes and outdoors. I'll buy my specialty bars one at a time, I guess.