6 month cruise PCT need advice in my situation


New Member

I am 28,6`5'', 245 lb today, bf 7%. I train 6 times a week ever since i was 17 y/o and do muay thai 5 times a week and bjj 4 times a week.

I did a cycle(first) of test E 300 mg/wk(12 weeks) and tren a 450mg/wk(10 weeks) with caber at 0.5mg/wk starting at week 3, i used aromasin as an ai at 12.5mg/ED(14 weeks) Pct was started week 15 clomid 50/50/25/25/25/0 with arimidex 1mg,ED/1mg, EOD/0.5mg,EOD/0.5 mg E3D/0.5mg,E4D/0.5mg E5D. No problems whatsoever on this PCT no mood swings no drop in libido i was chilling. After that everything went back to normal per bloodwork felt good libido went back to normal eventually, sex drive was insane no problems.

So I went on a short cruise 2 months after my pct starting from sept2017-feb 2018 i used a total of 6250 mg of testE during a 24 week peroid. I have decided to stop this cruise as i intend on doing a testE/EQ/HGH run next year and i wanted my body to catch a break. I started my pct 2 weeks after my last test E shot at the following dosage clomid 200/100/50/50 nolva 100/40/40/20 with aromasin at 12.5 mg ED.

The sunday before the 2nd week of PCT started my car got stolen so i felt sad and i started to cry and got emotional at nighttexting old gf`s and crying like a bitch.My issues started 2nd week of this pct on monday( I had no issues in the first week all was good felt great) as my libido went down i started to have a limp dick(dick didnt even get hard whatsoever it was flappy and soft it was kaput out of order). Also Monday( 1st day of 2nd week) my heart rate increased rapidly i felt my heart pounding through my chest i have a feeling that clomid(200) was the culprit of my increased heart rate and nolva(100) for the ED and limp dick even when resting my heart continues throbbing.So I went to the ER to get checked EKG was normal chest scans were normal nothing out of the ordinary. I was told to stop the PCT meds by my doctor.

So I decided to stop the PCT meds and to start blasting HCG at 1000iu ED for 10 days to help kickstart my testes( today is day 3) with 12.5 mg aromasin ED to combat estrogen. My balls are working again it gets hard no more limp dick but my sperm count is low which is expected but at least i got a kickstart. After the 10 days are over I intend to get back on the serms( as i heard hcg starts you clomid and nolva finish you) Day 1-35:clomid 50mg morning and night . Day 1-45: nolva 20mg morning and night . Day 1-45: aromasin 12.5mg E3D.

I understand that the half life of clomid is approx 5-7 days so i am hopeful my heart rate goes back to normal after the 5-7 days pass so i can continue with the serms. I intend to pull bloods 7 weeks out from this pct to check if everything went back to normal.

I Just want some advice hopefully from more experienced members about my situation and if the protocol i am running now will help me recover in due time as i have not done a lot of damage to my body. I am hoping i can receive some responses inorder to erase the confusion from my mind and to help me focus on recovery instead of stresssing.
I think you found one of the problems already, the clomid.
You were on a pretty big dose too.

I would go ahead and stop the HCG now, start back on some nolva at only 20mg a day with very low dose clomid (25mg eod) or no clomid at all. Clomid is known for some odd emotional side effects. YOur aromasin dose also seems a little high for a pct dose ( or with HCG). Drop that way down or eliminate it.
You can get some cheap bloods done, see how the SERMs are working to boost the LH and FSH numbers. You'll also see how the E2 looks.

I am 28,6`5'', 245 lb today, bf 7%. I train 6 times a week ever since i was 17 y/o and do muay thai 5 times a week and bjj 4 times a week.

I did a cycle(first) of test E 300 mg/wk(12 weeks) and tren a 450mg/wk(10 weeks) with caber at 0.5mg/wk starting at week 3, i used aromasin as an ai at 12.5mg/ED(14 weeks) Pct was started week 15 clomid 50/50/25/25/25/0 with arimidex 1mg,ED/1mg, EOD/0.5mg,EOD/0.5 mg E3D/0.5mg,E4D/0.5mg E5D. No problems whatsoever on this PCT no mood swings no drop in libido i was chilling. After that everything went back to normal per bloodwork felt good libido went back to normal eventually, sex drive was insane no problems.

So I went on a short cruise 2 months after my pct starting from sept2017-feb 2018 i used a total of 6250 mg of testE during a 24 week peroid. I have decided to stop this cruise as i intend on doing a testE/EQ/HGH run next year and i wanted my body to catch a break. I started my pct 2 weeks after my last test E shot at the following dosage clomid 200/100/50/50 nolva 100/40/40/20 with aromasin at 12.5 mg ED.

The sunday before the 2nd week of PCT started my car got stolen so i felt sad and i started to cry and got emotional at nighttexting old gf`s and crying like a bitch.My issues started 2nd week of this pct on monday( I had no issues in the first week all was good felt great) as my libido went down i started to have a limp dick(dick didnt even get hard whatsoever it was flappy and soft it was kaput out of order). Also Monday( 1st day of 2nd week) my heart rate increased rapidly i felt my heart pounding through my chest i have a feeling that clomid(200) was the culprit of my increased heart rate and nolva(100) for the ED and limp dick even when resting my heart continues throbbing.So I went to the ER to get checked EKG was normal chest scans were normal nothing out of the ordinary. I was told to stop the PCT meds by my doctor.

So I decided to stop the PCT meds and to start blasting HCG at 1000iu ED for 10 days to help kickstart my testes( today is day 3) with 12.5 mg aromasin ED to combat estrogen. My balls are working again it gets hard no more limp dick but my sperm count is low which is expected but at least i got a kickstart. After the 10 days are over I intend to get back on the serms( as i heard hcg starts you clomid and nolva finish you) Day 1-35:clomid 50mg morning and night . Day 1-45: nolva 20mg morning and night . Day 1-45: aromasin 12.5mg E3D.

I understand that the half life of clomid is approx 5-7 days so i am hopeful my heart rate goes back to normal after the 5-7 days pass so i can continue with the serms. I intend to pull bloods 7 weeks out from this pct to check if everything went back to normal.

I Just want some advice hopefully from more experienced members about my situation and if the protocol i am running now will help me recover in due time as i have not done a lot of damage to my body. I am hoping i can receive some responses inorder to erase the confusion from my mind and to help me focus on recovery instead of stresssing.

You have made multiple HTPA recovery comments in this post yet haven’t a single lab to prove it.

And “knowing your body” is NOT
a lab test!
You have made multiple HTPA recovery comments in this post yet haven’t a single lab to prove it.

And “knowing your body” is NOT
a lab test!
I am planning on getting LH,FSH,Estradiol, Free and total test done soon anything else i would need
I am planning on getting LH,FSH,Estradiol, Free and total test done soon anything else i would need

Since you dont have a starting point for your test levels before juicing it will be impossible to say if you have ever recovered to the number you had pre cycle.
Some things you will have to go off of feel.
It's always good to have some bloods done, it will put current numbers to how you feel right now. Get the package deal on the bloods, so you have a comprehensive metabolic panel and a complete blood count to go with the hormone panel.
Since you dont have a starting point for your test levels before juicing it will be impossible to say if you have ever recovered to the number you had pre cycle.
Some things you will have to go off of feel.
It's always good to have some bloods done, it will put current numbers to how you feel right now. Get the package deal on the bloods, so you have a comprehensive metabolic panel and a complete blood count to go with the hormone panel.
Going to get bloods(Hormone Panel with F&T Testosterone LC/MS-MS) next week brother hopefully that should shed some light on what I should do next and hopefully with bloodwork folks here can help steer me in the right direction.I just wanted to know if recovery is possible after 6-8 weeks of being done with this protocol:
1000iu hcg ED with 12.5mg ED aromasin for first 10 days
day 1-35: clomid 50mg twice per day
day 1-45: nolva 20mg twice per day
The blood work will definitely help tell you what is going on. It's possible your test levels have recovered and the weird sides are just related to the Clomid.

And even these results will be a little bit misrepresented, since you still have HCG and other compounds in your system.
Do you have Viagra? Sometimes the fear of erectile dysfunction can lead to having erectile dysfunction. Just a little bit goes a long way with that stuff. Eat a quarter of a pill and test it out on some porn hub. Maybe you'll find your mojo is back
The blood work will definitely help tell you what is going on. It's possible your test levels have recovered and the weird sides are just related to the Clomid.

And even these results will be a little bit misrepresented, since you still have HCG and other compounds in your system.
Do you have Viagra? Sometimes the fear of erectile dysfunction can lead to having erectile dysfunction. Just a little bit goes a long way with that stuff. Eat a quarter of a pill and test it out on some porn hub. Maybe you'll find your mojo is back
thanks for your response bro actually after the first shot of hcg i took on thursday 2 hours later my dick started working again it gets hard and isnt flappy like (mon-wed) though it only shoots small loads so i expect my lh and fsh to be low as well as my test levels, going to continue the hcg for now as its also helping with the size of my balls and hopefully the bloods of the hormone panel next week and then go back to the serms and hopefully all goes well. Just wanted some reassurance as their is a lot of scaremongering on this issue.
Getting bloods done on tuesday(thats 6 days after my last dose of clomid) results would take a week until they come through. I know the results will be misrepresented due to the hcg being present but i want to have numbers that show how i am feeling right now. The HCG thus far has kickstarted my balls hopefully the clomid and nolva will finish the job and they will increase my test levels. Will report back here once results come through as i want advice if i should continue the aromasin once i start the serms or cut it out.
Here are the results of my blood test after 5 days of doing HCG. My HCG blast of 1000iu ED for 10 days is finished i feel much better, erections and loads are great, sex drive is insane im back to 6-8 times a day, no more heart palipatations and everything is back to normal ofc the hcg has greatly influenced the results this was only done to see if the HCG succeeded in increasing my levels of LH and FSH which it did and thus i have now started my pct again clomid 50 mg twice a day and nolva 20 mg twice a day i am also taking Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol)3,300 IU, zinc 30mg, magnesium 100mg, D-asparitic acid 3120mg, Ashwagandha Root 1000mg, Tribulus Terrestris 750mg, Fenugreek Extract 600 mg, Diindolylmethane 250mg, Nettle Extract 175 mg, DHEA 160 mg all in one blend.
Lmk your thoughts on those results.
btfinal1.PNG btfinal2.PNG
WO precycle baseline labs it’s difficult to KNOW what is going on
but effective PCT followed by HTPA recovery can only be proven in the absence of gonadotropin receptor agonists namely HCG, SERMS or AIs.
Alright will continue my pct as planned currently in week 2 and will test 8 weeks after I am done with it and hopefully all goes well thank you for your input.
You must DC ALL receptor “stimulants” repeat the LH and TT
assays 2-3 weeks later to ensure
HTPA recovery
what do you mean by this statement.
2-3 weeks after PCT the serms will still be active i thought the procedure was bloods 6-8 weeks after.

In addition to HCG I thought you weed running an AI for some reason.

Nonetheless the lag period of 2-3 weeks applies to AIs and HCG but bc the effects of Clomiphene may linger for up to TWO months, a retesting interval of 6-8 WEEKS is optimal.

what do you mean by this statement.
2-3 weeks after PCT the serms will still be active i thought the procedure was bloods 6-8 weeks after.

Or maybe it’s bc I was reading a
discussion/debate article on the use of Letrozole vs Clomiphene
as therapy for anovulatory infertility. :)
Yeah I finished the hcg and my ai 13 days ago. I am currently taking, day 1-42 clomid 100 mg( 50 mg twice a day), day 1-52 nolva 40 mg( 20 mg twice a day), day 1-52 aromasin 12.5 mg EOD.
I`ll do bloods 8 weeks after this phase.
These are my bloods after 5 days of hcg and aromasin just to check if there was any stimulation, after that i started clomid and nolva.
Testosterone, Total, LC/MS.... 591.4..... 264.0-916.0 ng/dL
Free Testosterone(Direct)...... 13.5........9.3-26.5 pg/mL
LH............................................ 24.1...1.7-8.6mIU/mL..............High
FSH.......................................... 29.0..1.5-12.4 mIU/mL............High
Estradiol................................... 17.1 ........7.6-42.6 pg/mL

Lmk what you think
Those bloods look good for the moment, LH and FSH are so hi I would have thought you had been taking serms.