8 Weeks into Test C cycle and not what i was expecting


New Member
New user, sorry if these is in the wrong place, I'm not familiar with this forum and I'm also a dummy.

I started my first cycle 8 weeks ago (250-350mg/week ~ test c) and have experienced lackluster results. I ran 20mg/day anavar for 2 weeks at the beginning but ended it because I was prescribed a long term Anti inflammatory by my doctor for a persistent knee problem. I figured this was the right move for my organs.

I got a testosterone panel before starting cycle and just got another one this week, which i will post here.

Over all, my lifts have not increased much and are lower than there were when i was in high school. Current bench is 315, squat is around 275, deadlift is around 405. My lower body is not good because of my knee injury which I've been experiencing since November 2020. I'm 29 and have worked out off an on since high school but really got back into it in March 2021 because my knee doc said i need to strengthen my quads, which will help my knee. I've only added about 5-15lbs to all the big lifts since beginning the cycle.

I haven't experienced much lifting aggression aside from when i was on the anavar, which helped a lot with mind muscle connection and pumps. My libido has been slightly higher in the mornings. My body does look fuller, especially in the shoulders and biceps and I've put on 5-7lbs of body weight. Diet has been good except for being a sugar fiend. I've been running Jeff Nipard's power building 5-6 day/week program and tracking everything on excel.

I've been using half inch 29g insulin needles to pin (typically in quad or delt) every other day. Also, I'm on finastride.

I'm leaning towards ending my cycle and doing pct because i'm not achieving the return for the risk. My cholesterol is not good (not horrible) and my nuts have shrunk a noticeable amount lol... Everything i bought was from bioteq labs, if anyone is familiar with them? I have pain and tightness for a couple days after each injection in a 2x2 square inch spot around each injection site.

Thank you!


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I mean. 5-7 lbs is solid especially over 8 weeks. Your body may also be recomping. What ancillaries are you running?
I mean. 5-7 lbs is solid especially over 8 weeks. Your body may also be recomping. What ancillaries are you running?

Aside from the test c, i take daily: 10mg boron, 500mg tongkat ali, shilajit, and ashwagandha, 4x/week. I was hoping this would combat shut down but might be retarded for thinking so.

You could be right about that but i've heard over and over that the first 6-8 weeks is when you feel the best during a T cycle. I really haven't felt noticeably different, both in and out of the gym, which i was not expecting. No notifiable change in energy, mood, personality etc... Slightly more agro in traffic but not by much. Body is looking better and fuller for sure but i also changed from 4x/week to 6x/week workouts when i started cycle.

Overall i'm kind of bummed and confused by my results so far as they have felt underwhelming compared to how hyped people make their first test cycle out to be.
Glosses over the most important part, “diet is good.” Is it, though? May need to qualify that a little more.
250-350mg/week ~ test c

What's that mean? Did you increase the dose?

I've put on 5-7lbs of body weight.

You need to eat more. 5-7 lbs of weight is most likely just glycogen and water (at least most of the weight is).

I've only added about 5-15lbs to all the big lifts since beginning the cycle.

How much did you add to your bench? If it's 15 lbs, that's great since it's only been 8 weeks - especially if you started the cycle not coming out of a diet. Guys who add like 70 lbs to their lifts during a basic test cycle are most likely beginners that shouldn't even be cycling in the first place to be honest.

Lastly, I find most likely expect too much out of the drugs. Building muscle is slow. It's faster on drugs, but it's still slow. Especially at 350mg of test per week.
Aside from the test c, i take daily: 10mg boron, 500mg tongkat ali, shilajit, and ashwagandha, 4x/week. I was hoping this would combat shut down but might be retarded for thinking so.

You could be right about that but i've heard over and over that the first 6-8 weeks is when you feel the best during a T cycle. I really haven't felt noticeably different, both in and out of the gym, which i was not expecting. No notifiable change in energy, mood, personality etc... Slightly more agro in traffic but not by much. Body is looking better and fuller for sure but i also changed from 4x/week to 6x/week workouts when i started cycle.

Overall i'm kind of bummed and confused by my results so far as they have felt underwhelming compared to how hyped people make their first test cycle out to be.
I would say screw those ancillaries. You could easily buff it up to 450 a week, throw in some dim 100 mg twice a day.

you could throw 20mg of anavar twice a day instead of boron. What is the antiinflammatory?

Did you take pictures?

I think you are being too hard on yourself. Some of these people that have massive gains are a big fucking bag of water
Ur running 300 mg of test what do u expect throw in25 mg of dbol fo a few weeks if ur unhappy
What's that mean? Did you increase the dose?

You need to eat more. 5-7 lbs of weight is most likely just glycogen and water (at least most of the weight is).

How much did you add to your bench? If it's 15 lbs, that's great since it's only been 8 weeks - especially if you started the cycle not coming out of a diet. Guys who add like 70 lbs to their lifts during a basic test cycle are most likely beginners that shouldn't even be cycling in the first place to be honest.

Lastly, I find most likely expect too much out of the drugs. Building muscle is slow. It's faster on drugs, but it's still slow. Especially at 350mg of test per week.
Yeah i increased the dose start of week 5.

bench went from 300-315. I think my all time was 330-335 when i was 18 and natty. My diet has stayed pretty consistent since april 2020. More calories i get a tummy, and more protein then i currently eat makes the farts unbearable.

Thanks for the reply!
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I would say screw those ancillaries. You could easily buff it up to 450 a week, throw in some dim 100 mg twice a day.

you could throw 20mg of anavar twice a day instead of boron. What is the antiinflammatory?

Did you take pictures?

I think you are being too hard on yourself. Some of these people that have massive gains are a big fucking bag of water
What is dim?

Diclofenac 75mg twice daily.

The anavar was cool but after being prescribed the diclo, i figured i should stop it. One thing about the anavar (if it isnt fake) the skin around my neck felt kind of tight and not in a pumped way but more of a high BP way if that makes any sense?

I did take pics but i lost them at the beginning of December along with my phone.

Thanks, yeah my expectations might have been too high but they were based off of what ive seen people online say as well as a few people in real life. Test is super hyped.
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Glosses over the most important part, “diet is good.” Is it, though? May need to qualify that a little more.
I weigh 185. Hovered around 175-180 depending on time of day before starting test.

My calories on workout days are around 2300-2500. Protein: 150-180g/day. carb: 200-250/day. Fat: around 100g/day. I eat the same breakfast almost every day which is where a big chunk of fats come from. It's 100g almonds, 20g coconut mana, collagen peptide shake.

If i increase protein past this point my farts become constant and ungodly smelling...
Troll post? Plus you eat like a girl. 315 bench? Be happy with that. Lots of people can't bench over 300. Eat more and wait. You havn't been on long.
If i increase protein past this point my farts become constant and ungodly smelling...
What are you eating for protein? Whole food shouldn’t be doing that to you

Also, it sounds like you had too high of expectations for steroids in general.
Well when people say to run 300mg your first cycle the reason is there are a lot of noobs out there who don't know what they're doing. So, a low dose is a safer way to acclimate yourself to training, eating, injecting, underground labs, learning from mistakes, pct etc but you shouldn't expect body changing results on 300.

There are some trt clinic sponsored people who claim The Rock is just on trt/hrt but that's just not true. That said, it's pretty hard to gain 5-7 lbs of lean muscle naturally in 2 months. However, how much of it is bloat? How much will you keep? You'll find out.
Troll post? Plus you eat like a girl. 315 bench? Be happy with that. Lots of people can't bench over 300. Eat more and wait. You havn't been on long.
Not trolling...is the eating like a girl because of the collagen peptides? I started drinking those shakes for my joints about a year ago because of my knee injury.
Well when people say to run 300mg your first cycle the reason is there are a lot of noobs out there who don't know what they're doing. So, a low dose is a safer way to acclimate yourself to training, eating, injecting, underground labs, learning from mistakes, pct etc but you shouldn't expect body changing results on 300.

There are some trt clinic sponsored people who claim The Rock is just on trt/hrt but that's just not true. That said, it's pretty hard to gain 5-7 lbs of lean muscle naturally in 2 months. However, how much of it is bloat? How much will you keep? You'll find out.
That's a good point. If i do another cycle in the future it would probably be test and primo but idk...

I think a decent amount is bloat because even though my biceps/triceps are bigger they are also a little softer looking now lol...
That's a good point. If i do another cycle in the future it would probably be test and primo but idk...

I think a decent amount is bloat because even though my biceps/triceps are bigger they are also a little softer looking now lol...
Everything you gained the first week will be bloat.
Reading through everything you said 2300 -2500 calories isn’t enough. You said “any more calories and I’ll get a tummy.”

That’s your problem right there. You’re not eating enough because you’re afraid to lose your abs. If you want to add more muscle, see your weight go up, and build more strength you’re going to have to eat more and risk putting on a little body fat.

You can always do a cut later on. But if you want to get bigger and stronger you have to eat in a surplus. Natty or on steroids.
Reading through everything you said 2300 -2500 calories isn’t enough. You said “any more calories and I’ll get a tummy.”

That’s your problem right there. You’re not eating enough because you’re afraid to lose your abs. If you want to add more muscle, see your weight go up, and build more strength you’re going to have to eat more and risk putting on a little body fat.

You can always do a cut later on. But if you want to get bigger and stronger you have to eat in a surplus. Natty or on steroids.
Agreed. Yes. I mean, if you want to recomp op this isn't a bad thing.
But if you are focused on strength, you need to eat up.
It's good that you are careful though, but I think you are being too careful now.