do NOT take tongkat ali with finasteride. tongkat ali literally makes it 3x times harder to cum, and finasteride is already hammering you in that department as it is. Don't double whammy yourself like that
if you want real gains, run test again with an actual anabolic injectable alongside it, such as Tren, deca, primo, masteron, and an actual oral ontop of those if you are so inclined, not anavar(which hammers your libido aswell) dogshit oral
I saw you talking about your training. it doesnt matter what numbers you put up, it matters if youre growing or not, strength comes and goes. I can take a 1 week hiatus and come back to the gym fully rested and strong as fuck, but doesnt mean i've grown bigger. Go by the mirror not by the numbers on a bar, besides if you want to get big youre not gonna do low reps high weight sets anyways, youre gonna do pump training and then let the protein and anabolics handle the rest. Time under tension makes you grow not 5x5 sets with 95% of max effort