8 Weeks into Test C cycle and not what i was expecting

Why? Your shit is already shutdown. Might as well adjust and extend the cycle imo. Then you can turn it into a real learning experience
That's what I was gunna say. I'd stay on test and adjust your diet and training and watch the next stage of your cycle start to shine.
Why? Your shit is already shutdown. Might as well adjust and extend the cycle imo. Then you can turn it into a real learning experience
Main reason is because i dont like the brand of testosterone i have. Also when i ordered everything they were out of hcg, so id like to keep shut down at a minimal amount of time.
Week 8 test cyp 300-400mg (wanted to see if i need AI on 300) is when the gains started to show up for me. Up the calories, train hard and keep up with the test and see what happens. You are already shut down, why waste it?
New user, sorry if these is in the wrong place, I'm not familiar with this forum and I'm also a dummy.

I started my first cycle 8 weeks ago (250-350mg/week ~ test c) and have experienced lackluster results. I ran 20mg/day anavar for 2 weeks at the beginning but ended it because I was prescribed a long term Anti inflammatory by my doctor for a persistent knee problem. I figured this was the right move for my organs.

I got a testosterone panel before starting cycle and just got another one this week, which i will post here.

Over all, my lifts have not increased much and are lower than there were when i was in high school. Current bench is 315, squat is around 275, deadlift is around 405. My lower body is not good because of my knee injury which I've been experiencing since November 2020. I'm 29 and have worked out off an on since high school but really got back into it in March 2021 because my knee doc said i need to strengthen my quads, which will help my knee. I've only added about 5-15lbs to all the big lifts since beginning the cycle.

I haven't experienced much lifting aggression aside from when i was on the anavar, which helped a lot with mind muscle connection and pumps. My libido has been slightly higher in the mornings. My body does look fuller, especially in the shoulders and biceps and I've put on 5-7lbs of body weight. Diet has been good except for being a sugar fiend. I've been running Jeff Nipard's power building 5-6 day/week program and tracking everything on excel.

I've been using half inch 29g insulin needles to pin (typically in quad or delt) every other day. Also, I'm on finastride.

I'm leaning towards ending my cycle and doing pct because i'm not achieving the return for the risk. My cholesterol is not good (not horrible) and my nuts have shrunk a noticeable amount lol... Everything i bought was from bioteq labs, if anyone is familiar with them? I have pain and tightness for a couple days after each injection in a 2x2 square inch spot around each injection site.

Thank you!
Solid results for the doses your on you probably dropped quite a bit of body fat too, but I really think you should have run at least 500mg