Accidentally injecting T into a blood vessel

While we're on the topic...

Have you ever noticed that the frequency at which a poster uses the unhappy face ( :( ) is directly proportional to how un-helpable a poster is going to be?

It never fails: the users that always use that unhappy face are always the ones that have magical reasons why they cannot do what everyone else has done to solve their problems.

And I don't mean the poor bastards that have used finasteride or have ultra-low SHBG, etc, rather, I mean people with everyday hypogonadism that magically can't use TRT because "it's too dangerous to use gels because they contain flouride" or "I can't get a test for my testosterone because if the test comes back low, then my medical insurance will drop me" or "will I get better if I eat bull testicles? It's safer than TRT." etc.

Every time I see a post with that emoticon, I think "oh shit, here we go again..."
Structure said:
While we're on the topic...

Have you ever noticed that the frequency at which a poster uses the unhappy face ( :( ) is directly proportional to how un-helpable a poster is going to be?

It never fails: the users that always use that unhappy face are always the ones that have magical reasons why they cannot do what everyone else has done to solve their problems.

And I don't mean the poor bastards that have used finasteride or have ultra-low SHBG, etc, rather, I mean people with everyday hypogonadism that magically can't use TRT because "it's too dangerous to use gels because they contain flouride" or "I can't get a test for my testosterone because if the test comes back low, then my medical insurance will drop me" or "will I get better if I eat bull testicles? It's safer than TRT." etc.

Every time I see a post with that emoticon, I think "oh shit, here we go again..."

That caused Perrier to come out of my nose....excellent observation :(
Okay...I just dont have the time to see if I ever used the :( in a post. and if I did is it really all that bad? :( "There's your sign!" :(:( and if I didn't use the :(...then "I'm okay, you're okay!" :) You PhD's are really bothering me! :( Alright, there I said it! :mad:
:( I mean, Is it really all that bad? I've seen babies make that face when they fill their diapers. It could mean I just dont like succotash! It should never be implied that I'm losing it! :eek: Really If I did, use it, it probably happened the same time the cat jumped on my face.

I dont even drink Perrier...I'm not sure what that was that came out of my nose, but it wasn't pretty! :(
This thread is typical of why we all come here!!:D There are no 'REAL DOCTORS' that have the tolerance that has been shed here. And...I know some doctors that dont want you to 'TOUCH' them. I've met some lady doctors I would like to 'FEEL', but that might create another :(. I'm just say'n, if they dont feel good! :) And then again you might not have to touch them to find out how they feel.:rolleyes:
Everyone has a right to be sad okay? You got that? Damn! :(
I really had expected a little more empathy towards depressed, low T males like me.
Everyone has a right to be sad okay? You got that? Damn! :(
I really had expected a little more empathy towards depressed, low T males like me.

Not just busting your balls for no reason --- we do want to help you, bro. You get plenty of good advice when you ask questions. There's just always a reason why you wont follow it (usually is because you find it excessively risky). Of course, that's not to say that we aren't a reckless bunch; it will be up to you to figure out if the problem lies with all of us, or with you. Cognitive therapy is good for this, as well as for depression and anxiety. Far better than an antidepressant in any case...
Millard Baker said:

Did you read what you've posted? It very clearly states, "No studies confirm or reject current aspiration techniques & no data currently exists to document the necessity for aspiration(1,5,8,11)" Translation no one has really even looked at the issue. The absence of data doesn't prove anything.

Furthermore it states that aspiration may be indicated while injecting large molecules like penicillin. This at least opens the door to the idea that there are times when it may be appropriate.

They make no mention of oil based injections which have their own risk of complications.

That "study" is weak at best. I'm not saying I'm right. Just giving you my opinion as someone who has given thousands of injections and seen positive aspiration hundreds of times (albeit in the mouth but similar concept). What you posted is not definitive evidence either way and ultimately people who read this will or won't aspirate. But in the absence of clear evidence the next best thing is an intelligent discussion :-)

At least the readers who read this board will read some of the arguments and be able to make a more informed decision about how they want to inject.
are you an American? Reason I ask is that contrary to its "Home of the Brave" moniker, the USA is the most shit scared place I've ever seen, especially since 9/11. People here are scared of everything that ever appears in the news no matter how utterly rare it is. I don't understand it to be honest. The place was settled by bad-ass Europeans who had the balls, and presumably the Testosterone, to push across the entire continent, killing natives as they went, and generally showing everyone who was boss. Something seems to have gone badly awry in the intervening few hundred years.

I know there are weak Americans, just like there are weak people
in any other country, but I don't know many at all, like you seem to

I guess Birds of a feather, really do flock together ;)

The USA owns this planet, so if we are weak, then
what does that make other countries?
Everyone has a right to be sad okay? You got that? Damn! :(
I really had expected a little more empathy towards depressed, low T males like me.

Empathy? This is a steroid forum bro. You will get
NO empathy.

If you really are that sad, as all those :( make you
out to be, then you better just suck it up and pin
yourself. Trust me, you will thank me soon enough
... or have some serious health issues ;) .. nahh, only kiddin

I remember my first shot. I gave it to myself .. .No No actually
I didn't. I think the 3rd one was the first I gave to myself cause
the guy who gave them to me, was at the bar and too drunk that day.
After the last one he gave me while drunk, I was ready to do them myself lol

Anyway, I was very nervous .. Just like any scared American would be ...
but I did it and after the ringing in my ears and massive sweating went away,
I was ready for my next shot.. That was 1 week later, though.

If you want, I will boot up 1ml of Test, and let you know what happens :cool:
If you think the current generation of adults lack toughness or coping skills.

As a pediatric dentist I get to see current parenting practices and their consequences and lets just say the next generation has really shitty coping skills. Parents coddle, protect, hover, want to be their child's friend, never want to say no, and never want their child to experience any discomfort or have to do anything they don't want to do.

The result is "normal healthy" 10 year olds with no past history of negative experiences who can't sit to get their teeth cleaned without whining about everything. This is all fueled by parents sitting there constantly reassuring them and asking if it's ok?

My mother just told me to shut up and deal....guess what? I sat there and learned to deal.
My mother just told me to shut up and deal....guess what? I sat there and learned to deal.

My mother used to kick my ass .. No shit..
That lasted until I was about 13yrs old when
she went to hit me, and I looked her in her eyes
and said go ahead an try it. .. "I'm calling your father"
is what came out of her mouth next. LOL

My father never hit me .. His voice was enough
to scare me, but I would have beat
his ass if he hit me anyway :)

I love my mother BTW

I am very respectful to people, but I don't take
shit from anyone. That comes mostly from my mother and her
side of the family, mostly because I didn't see my father as much.

I think the fact that I didn't have a father around much growing up
made me angry, and I think that's where alot of my anger/temper
comes from. Only when someone pushes me to that point, otherwise, I
am very easy going with a great sense of humor.

Anything else you want to know about me? :D
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My mother used to kick my ass .. No shit..
That lasted until I was about 13yrs old when
she went to hit me, and I looked her in her eyes
and said go ahead an try it. .. "I'm calling your father"
is what came out of her mouth next. LOL

My father never hit me .. His voice was enough
to scare me, but I would have beat
his ass if he hit me anyway :)

I love my mother BTW

I am very respectful to people, but I don't take
shit from anyone. That comes mostly from my mother and her
side of the family, mostly because I didn't see my father as much.

I think the fact that I didn't have a father around much growing up
made me angry, and I think that's where alot of my anger/temper
comes from. Only when someone pushes me to that point, otherwise, I
am very easy going with a great sense of humor.

Anything else you want to know about me? :D

Not really!!! :D

I'm guess'n here, but your ears must not ring unless somthun' is serouslee wrong!

With me, my ears ring all the time. It's when they dont ring I'm go'n...ah, uh, oh! :drooling:
I know there are weak Americans, just like there are weak people in any other country, but I don't know many at all, like you seem to

I guess Birds of a feather, really do flock together ;)

The USA owns this planet, so if we are weak, then
what does that make other countries?

Who said anything about weakness? I was talking about fear.

But on whatever topic, who gives a shit about other countries? They're mostly basket cases, but that's beside the point.

The USA should be different because it, out of all the nations in the world, figured out (once upon a time) and articulated in a superb way that freedom is an inalienable right. So the UK citizens are serfs but they don't claim otherwise. The French are borderline communist, but they're happy with that.

But the US -- the place where they let their women and children get felt up by security guards -- should know better.

The phrase is "Land of the Free", not "Land of the a bit more free than the North Koreans". The phrase is "Home of the Brave", not "Home of the not *completely* terrified".
Not really!!! :D

I'm guess'n here, but your ears must not ring unless somthun' is serouslee wrong!

With me, my ears ring all the time. It's when they dont ring I'm go'n...ah, uh, oh! :drooling:

No, nothing was wrong... It's just like when I stand up sometimes
from the couch or squatting down and I get light headed and little
ringing in my ears. That's all, nothing major.

My sister used to pass out because her blood pressure was
so low.. Who family has great pressure, and I still do get light headed
at times. I drink pickle juice sometimes, just for the salt