Accidentally injecting T into a blood vessel

But the US -- the place where they let their women and children get felt up by security guards -- should know better.

That's the kind of shit, that will never happen around me

Yeah, I got you, though.

Our grandparents wouldn't let alot of this shit
happen, if they were still here.

I forgot you said you are in America. My bad
I thought you were just some Fenchman talkin shit
Not just busting your balls for no reason --- we do want to help you, bro.

Hmmm. Do you think he was serious? I thought we were just goofing around. He used a :( in the same thread where someone poked fun at people using :(, so I thought he was just joking.

Pinkman, if you *were* serious, I was only yanking your chain. No offense meant bro.
Still I will point out that the REAL doctors you speak of happen to be the ones that REALLY hurt people when the screw up, or if they are ignorant, lazy, incompetent, or just hateful no talent bastards. For someone to be injured by an AVATAR on the internet, is for someone to INJURE THEMSELVES. The internet is a great place for subjective information as fuel for education and further learning isnt it....:)

And FYI, if that was a shot at Scally, I will point out that I have never seen him advertising any protocol freely at this site, nor have I seen him give anything other than objective insight and offerings or published data, and usually with the greatest of careful scrutiny - or more...

No by "real" doctors I mean tangible people who I can touch and not avatars on the Internet.
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I know there are weak Americans, just like there are weak people
in any other country, but I don't know many at all, like you seem to

I guess Birds of a feather, really do flock together ;)

The USA owns this planet, so if we are weak, then
what does that make other countries?
get a life Manwhore, would ya? and you wonder why the majority of the world thinks of Americans as pompous braindead morons? mostly because of windbags like you. its any fucking wonder terrorists pile planes into skyscrapers.

more typical yanky 'god bless our country' bullshit, i work in the hospitality industry and believe me 9/10 Americans havent the common sense they were born with, some golden dumb questions like:

do you know how many red light stops i'll encounter between here and the city centre and do taxis have to stop at reds?

do you know where in Ireland Dunboyne Castle is?
errr, yes, its in Dunboyne
im calling from the USA so i reckoned id call an Irish hotel for clarification
ever heard of fucking typing it into google?

if i set my iphone clock time to Irish time does that mean i have to re-set my usual wake up alarm?
sigh and wtf?

yeah sure, yous run the world lmfao, more like yous installed tyrants to protect ill gotten gains and then when they give one back in your face you brainwash your poorly educated youth into jumping into mass suicide.
and oh, lets not even get started on that American gem known as 'friendly fire'
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BBC3 said:
Still I will point out that the REAL doctors you speak of happen to be the ones that REALLY hurt people when the screw up, or if they are ignorant, lazy, incompetent, or just hateful no talent bastards. For someone to be injured by an AVATAR on the internet, is for someone to INJURE THEMSELVES. The internet is a great place for subjective information as fuel for education and further learning isnt it....:)

And FYI, if that was a shot at Scally, I will point out that I have never seen him advertising any protocol freely at this site, nor have I seen him give anything other than objective insight and offerings or published data, and usually with the greatest of careful scrutiny - or more...

Um...,that had nothing to do Scully and no you're wrong...the Internet and more specifically forums are a HORRIBLE place to get medical information unless you know how to sift through the bullshit - most people do not. 95% of what's posted here is fucking nonsense by misinformed people who may or MAY NOT be who they say they are or have the credentials they claim to have.

So when getting medical advice I'll take the 5% of useful information from this forum into consideration but when push comes to shove the tangible doctor with the verifiable credentials gets more consideration.

That's just called having a brain.....
get a life Manwhore, would ya? and you wonder why the majority of the world thinks of Americans as pompous braindead morons? mostly because of windbags like you. its any fucking wonder terrorists pile planes into skyscrapers.

more typical yanky 'god bless our country' bullshit, i work in the hospitality industry and believe me 9/10 Americans havent the common sense they were born with, some golden dumb questions like:

do you know how many red light stops i'll encounter between here and the city centre and do taxis have to stop at reds?

do you know where in Ireland Dunboyne Castle is?
errr, yes, its in Dunboyne
im calling from the USA so i reckoned id call an Irish hotel for clarification
ever heard of fucking typing it into google?

if i set my iphone clock time to Irish time does that mean i have to re-set my usual wake up alarm?
sigh and wtf?

yeah sure, yous run the world lmfao, more like yous installed tyrants to protect ill gotten gains and then when they give one back in your face you brainwash your poorly educated youth into jumping into mass suicide.
and oh, lets not even get started on that American gem known as 'friendly fire'

That post wasn't toward you.

I have nothing against other countries, I thought
Chronological was talking bad about America.

You have to admit, when other countries need backup,
they always come to us.

i work in the hospitality industry and believe me 9/10 Americans havent the common sense they were born with, some golden dumb questions like:

I don't believe Einstein had much common sense either.

Here you go ...

1. United States of America

Whether you like or not United States is the most powerful country in the world. With the lagest economy of $14 trillion, which by the way is a quater of world total GDP. The strongest army the world has ever seen. For all those that didn’t know US spend over $700 billion on their military in 2009, thats more then the whole world combined. Accounting for almost a half of worlds nuclear weapons having army bases and military presence in Asia,Europe Middle east and South America truly shows that United States is the Worlds Only Remaining Super Power.

I’ll just mention couple of more facts about U.S.

(1) U.S. has many powerful allies who they really control, for example: UK, Japan, South Korea, Israel, Colombia and many more.

(2) U.S. holds one of the 5 UN Security Council Seats.

(3) U.S. is home to world’s leading companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple and many more.

(4) U.S. is home to Hollywood and basicly to all the influential Film Studios (And Movies are watched by millions if not billions and definitely influences the way people think)

(5) U.S. Has World’s 3rd biggest population of 308 million people and is the 3rd largest country in the world with many natural resources.

(6) U.S. has the world’s most influential culture.

(7) U.S. is a nuclear power with 2,468/9,600 nuclear weapons.

Here is the LINK this article came from ..

I am Irish, Polish, and Russian BTW
So, not much of a drinker then? ;)


I don't drink alcohol at all now.
.. Mainly because I don't know when to stop lol

I drank 3X since beginning of Dec and last drink was end of Jan
or maybe beginning of Feb. I am pretty sure Jan though.

Even though I don't smoke much and only since 2008, I know
it would be good if I stopped altogether .. Tobacco that is
2 hrs ago, I just accidentally injected 3mL (600mg) t-Cyponate into a vein. I have a legal Rx for 3ml/week.

I have low T and I have a sports med Dr whos keeping my T up to build muscle fast so I can lose weight faster. I'm also 42, 6,5" and 260lbs. In the last year I lost 80 lbs of fat and put on 30lbs muscle

First off, I dunno why so many ppl go underground. Most sports med Drs seem to gladly Rx out 1-2ml/week for people who want it. And Injections are CHEAP. 3ml/week costs me 120$/month vs 500-600$ for androgel. My ins won't pay for anything because its over 1ml/week.

Anyway...I ALWAYS aspirate... Ths time.. No blood... So I depressed the plunger and all 3mL went in... I must have been close to a vein and my hands are not as steady so the needle moved a bit inside.

Within 15s my lungs were on fire, I was dripping sweat, and my heart was racing. I kept coughing up oil and alcohol...and after a while a little blood... It got so bad my bronchials started to close up so I called 911. I almost passed out... A fire truck came and put me on o2 then an ambulance put me on Albuterol to open things up..

It was the SCARIEST 30mins of my life. I though I was going to die. I've injected myself every week for over a year, and this never happened.

I read some forums say you can die (a myth... Or at least VERY RARE)... But I called my Dr and he actually laughed a bit. He said its a very unpleasant experience, but always call 911 if u have ANY cardio or pulmonary (breathing) distress

Now I'm in bed and 2 hrs later my lungs burn. Everything tastes like crap an I'm still coughing that junk up now and then.

Aspiration should ALWAYS be done...but it's not 100% fail safe. Next time, I'm pushing the plunger MUCH slower. At least that way I can stop if I feel weird. Oh and this can cause one to caugh up blood. Enough hard coughing cam tear a bronchial tube and cause bleeding.. My Dr confirmed that

Dr said my T will spike HIGH for 24-48 hrs, but my kidneys will rid me of most of it and old me to take extra anastrazole (to prevent conversion to estrogen) and extra avodart to protect my prostate...but then to reinject myself in a few days