And I'm also not a fan of using 18g needles for drawing since they are rough on stoppers and run the risk of a piece of rubber getting into the vial or syringe.

This has always confused me. Most of the gear I use is GSO, which is on the thicker side, and drawing with a 21g takes literally seconds.

Are people really that impatient that they can't wait three seconds?
You probably plan to pin 2x per week, alternate left and right glute, no problem there. 23g x 1.5" worked for me at a bodyweight of 160lb.

I'd stick with 500mg/wk test. Good starting point, simple.

HCG dosing looks good but I'd double the duration, last HCG pin being 3 days before PCT starts. Insulin needles fine.

I'd run your AI as long as the HCG. As for dosing, idno, I only have experience with Aromasin.

PCT looks OK.

Good luck. My best advice for a beginner as you go through your cycle is, unless you're adjusting things because of negative side effects, just stick with your well thought out plan.

Thank you very much for your contribution.

Ok for the needle 23g, but I have read that needle 1.5'' is very long for a beginner, is better 1''. Confirm?

I increase the test dose to 500mg weekly.

HCG is recommended for 4 week, 6 week maximum.
Do I continue in the week 13-14 with HCGenerate?

You know you're short when you describe your height and include fractions of inches :p
ahah :)

a test cycle was too weak for me my first cycle to be honost. I had to throw in an oral. You will see great gains and feel great etc, but if youve run orals before you should throw one in there.
I have winstrol oral too. But I am worried about hair loss.
Do you think that I have to add winny for the last 4 week at 30mg ED?
Thank you very much for your contribution.

Ok for the needle 23g, but I have read that needle 1.5'' is very long for a beginner, is better 1''. Confirm?

I increase the test dose to 500mg weekly.

HCG is recommended for 4 week, 6 week maximum.
Do I continue in the week 13-14 with HCGenerate?

ahah :)

I have winstrol oral too. But I am worried about hair loss.
Do you think that I have to add winny for the last 4 week at 30mg ED?

23gauge, 1.5" is good. I find that 1" isn't really long enough for glute/quads, they are thick muscles. If you were doing shoulders I'd say 1". You aren't gonna hit bone or anything with 1.5". Deeper you get it, less the PIP will be too

Edit: by thick, I mean like deep. Also 1.5" can be somewhat intimidating for first timer, but, to me, 1" feels the same as 1.5" it's the gauge of needle that makes difference
Thank you very much for your contribution.

Ok for the needle 23g, but I have read that needle 1.5'' is very long for a beginner, is better 1''. Confirm?

I increase the test dose to 500mg weekly.

HCG is recommended for 4 week, 6 week maximum.
Do I continue in the week 13-14 with HCGenerate?

ahah :)

I have winstrol oral too. But I am worried about hair loss.
Do you think that I have to add winny for the last 4 week at 30mg ED?
1.5" seemed really long to me at first but it wasn't a problem. Half the time I had it buried to the hilt (not recommended) and I don't believe I ever hit bone.

Who recommends hcg for 6 weeks max and why? Desensitization? Not sure this has been verified.

As for HCGenerate, I have no experience with it, though I'd question the efficacy of any natural supplement.
1.5" seemed really long to me at first but it wasn't a problem. Half the time I had it buried to the hilt (not recommended) and I don't believe I ever hit bone.

I use a 1" 23g for everything I rotate: delts, VG, glutes. Works just fine.

You don't need a long needle even for glute shots if you're reasonably lean.
1.5" seemed really long to me at first but it wasn't a problem. Half the time I had it buried to the hilt (not recommended) and I don't believe I ever hit bone.

Who recommends hcg for 6 weeks max and why? Desensitization? Not sure this has been verified.

As for HCGenerate, I have no experience with it, though I'd question the efficacy of any natural supplement.

I am confused about hcg. There are many way to use ( during cycle, pct) and there are many time to start with it ( from day 1, last 4 week).
I am afraid for desensitization of my balls.
What's the best way to use HCG for your experience?