Advice Needed.


New Member
OK so to start of this is my cycle
Tren A 100mg EOD 8wks
Test E 250 wk 12wks
Arimidex .5 e3d
Taper down with Test P last 4 wks after test e
Have nolv/hcg on hand
Started Tren In the 2nd week
I'm on 4wk of cycle

I'm 26yrs
And I'm about 175/180lbs
OK so I'm looking to building basically an aesthetic body now I'm stupid as hell to just jumping into the cycle I know. But I did.
A friend of mine suggested a stop the bulking and start cutting since I started with about 18/19 BF%. He said it's better to start an aesthetic body at low bf and don't go over 15%.
I did think about it before I cycle but I said fck it and we'll here I am.
I have notice some gains coming in my cloths are getting tighter and I can see some of the muscle I've got but to much fat over it. My diet isn't the best cause of my job even if I meal prep I'm limited to what I can take, sometimes it's a bit difficult to get all my calories in but I try my beat. I work 4 days then 4 days off which helps with eating when I'm off.

So what do you guys think cut to below 12/13% like my buddy said or continue to build and cut at the last 4 weeks?

Thank you and sorry for any typos Grammer I'm half asleep.
That's how I ran my cycles. I always ended with a cut. I did watch bf%, and I didn't go above 15%bf even on bulking cycle. I'm sure you understand, 90% of the success of your cut cycle is dependent on proper nutrition.