hello friends,
did a 14 week cycle early this year and had great results. i had dabbled before but never did a proper cycle. I had already lost a LOT of fat, and wanted to stay around the same weight, basically just recomp and gain some muscle back and hopefully lose some of the more stubborn fat (very happy with the results @ 6'1" 210lb, look and feel much better at a similar weight). diet was keto, around 20g carbs daily
Here is what i did last time:
-test P/Sust/C 600mg/wk (kickstarted with P, used S and C for the majority, then switched back to P at the end so that there was less waiting on esters to clear before PCT)
-HCG 250 iu 2x/wk from first week until end, and blasted similar to the PowerPCT protocol while waiting for esters to clear
- HGH 4 iu /day (added at week 12-14 and ran through PCT). i didnt expect much from the gh, but as soon as i added it my abs started popping like never before, seemed to work REALLY well in combination with test for losing stubborn fat,
- Aromasin EOD @ 12.5mg
- PCT was standard Clomid/Nolva with HCG, similar to powerpct (i seemed to recover great, felt slightly shut down for about a week a month after PCT, but it was not as bad as i expected, very manageable.
Finished PCT mid May. maintained all my fat loss and most of my gains. i probably should have done about 3-400mg instead of 600, not because of any side effects or anything (didnt have anything but minor acne and constant boners), but because i think i would have had similar/same results off of a smaller dose (fresh receptors, etc)
i want to try to do another cycle and finish it before newyears (lots of traveling, dont want to be worrying about gear)
I am having bloodwork done monday to figure out exactly how well i recovered (unfortunately i didnt get a baseline test before my first cycle though) and how safe it is to start back soon so i can finish 12 weeks before new years. I feel great, morning wood every morning, and am relatively sure i am recovered, but want to at least have a baseline bloodtest this time. planning to get started after the blood test
i had considered doing test, EQ, tren, t3, and GH for this cycle (because they are available to me), but realized how dumb that was for a 2nd cycle. i had used EQ alone once (dabbling before i understood anything) and it made my bloodpressure CRAZY HIGH even at low doses, which makes me want to avoid it even though it is handy. and obviously tren, for the same reasons as everyone else (though i figure i should hold off on that till i stop getting the results i want on milder compounds) . Not wanting to add more than 1 new compound at a time, i started looking at some of the least harsh (hairline and liver) stacks that i should consider. my liver has had a rough life, so i have avoided all orals, even though i have access to anavar and proviron
What i am considering for 2nd cycle:
Option #1: test 600mg/wk, primo 500mg/wk, aromasin, possibly finasteride (hairloss hasnt been an issue yet, but i want to play it safe as possible, thou PFS is scary too)
Option #2: test 500mg/wk, deca/NPP 400mg/wk , gh 4iu/d, aromasin, (caber?), (finasteride?)
Option #3: test 600mg/wk, gh 4iu/d (same as last cycle, but run the GH the whole time instead of only at the end)
I think i am leaning toward #3, since it worked so well last time. Thought about test + tren at low dose, but seems unnecessary (for now) as well as test+gh worked before. I am not so familiar with mast, primo, deca family, etc.. primo sounds like a good match for me, but at that price would have to pick between that and the GH. i know gh is more of an advanced compound and didnt expect much bang for my buck, but it really synergized d well with the test last cycle.. let me know if you have any questions or need any more info
i would really appreciate any feedback, advice, etc., regarding my planned cycle, the safety of my timing (i know technically i should probably wait another month or so, but i feel fine and hopefully bloods will say the same), compounds i plan to use, or better suggestions.
thanks for everything guys, really appreciate all the knowledge that gets shared on here
did a 14 week cycle early this year and had great results. i had dabbled before but never did a proper cycle. I had already lost a LOT of fat, and wanted to stay around the same weight, basically just recomp and gain some muscle back and hopefully lose some of the more stubborn fat (very happy with the results @ 6'1" 210lb, look and feel much better at a similar weight). diet was keto, around 20g carbs daily
Here is what i did last time:
-test P/Sust/C 600mg/wk (kickstarted with P, used S and C for the majority, then switched back to P at the end so that there was less waiting on esters to clear before PCT)
-HCG 250 iu 2x/wk from first week until end, and blasted similar to the PowerPCT protocol while waiting for esters to clear
- HGH 4 iu /day (added at week 12-14 and ran through PCT). i didnt expect much from the gh, but as soon as i added it my abs started popping like never before, seemed to work REALLY well in combination with test for losing stubborn fat,
- Aromasin EOD @ 12.5mg
- PCT was standard Clomid/Nolva with HCG, similar to powerpct (i seemed to recover great, felt slightly shut down for about a week a month after PCT, but it was not as bad as i expected, very manageable.
Finished PCT mid May. maintained all my fat loss and most of my gains. i probably should have done about 3-400mg instead of 600, not because of any side effects or anything (didnt have anything but minor acne and constant boners), but because i think i would have had similar/same results off of a smaller dose (fresh receptors, etc)
i want to try to do another cycle and finish it before newyears (lots of traveling, dont want to be worrying about gear)
I am having bloodwork done monday to figure out exactly how well i recovered (unfortunately i didnt get a baseline test before my first cycle though) and how safe it is to start back soon so i can finish 12 weeks before new years. I feel great, morning wood every morning, and am relatively sure i am recovered, but want to at least have a baseline bloodtest this time. planning to get started after the blood test
i had considered doing test, EQ, tren, t3, and GH for this cycle (because they are available to me), but realized how dumb that was for a 2nd cycle. i had used EQ alone once (dabbling before i understood anything) and it made my bloodpressure CRAZY HIGH even at low doses, which makes me want to avoid it even though it is handy. and obviously tren, for the same reasons as everyone else (though i figure i should hold off on that till i stop getting the results i want on milder compounds) . Not wanting to add more than 1 new compound at a time, i started looking at some of the least harsh (hairline and liver) stacks that i should consider. my liver has had a rough life, so i have avoided all orals, even though i have access to anavar and proviron
What i am considering for 2nd cycle:
Option #1: test 600mg/wk, primo 500mg/wk, aromasin, possibly finasteride (hairloss hasnt been an issue yet, but i want to play it safe as possible, thou PFS is scary too)
Option #2: test 500mg/wk, deca/NPP 400mg/wk , gh 4iu/d, aromasin, (caber?), (finasteride?)
Option #3: test 600mg/wk, gh 4iu/d (same as last cycle, but run the GH the whole time instead of only at the end)
I think i am leaning toward #3, since it worked so well last time. Thought about test + tren at low dose, but seems unnecessary (for now) as well as test+gh worked before. I am not so familiar with mast, primo, deca family, etc.. primo sounds like a good match for me, but at that price would have to pick between that and the GH. i know gh is more of an advanced compound and didnt expect much bang for my buck, but it really synergized d well with the test last cycle.. let me know if you have any questions or need any more info
i would really appreciate any feedback, advice, etc., regarding my planned cycle, the safety of my timing (i know technically i should probably wait another month or so, but i feel fine and hopefully bloods will say the same), compounds i plan to use, or better suggestions.
thanks for everything guys, really appreciate all the knowledge that gets shared on here