AEL test cyp bloodwork and question

Dohn joe

This was done during week 3 after the 5th injection of 250mg test cyp 2x per week. Approximately 50 hours after injection.

This is my first cycle and im not exactly sure where test levels should be around this point. Anyone get bloods around this time frame and have a comparison? Or even an educated estimate? Just curious to see how it stacks up and to make sure its properly dosed or fairly close.

Ok thanks, i know its still early in the cycle and it hasnt compounded totally yet. I just wanted to make sure i wasnt far off.
Not too bad
But it's still a tad bit early. Why didn't you just wait a few more weeks? Or
Are you just getting more bloods at the halfway point?
Well it turns out this was a bust. Mid cycle bloods just came back and and my total test was only 1527.6. First vial was apparently good but the second was way under dosed.

Is this cycle a bust? Anything i can do to cheat my levels up or is that just dumb? I have some other vials from victory that i can finish with. I was thinking either upping my dose for the back half or maybe getting some test prop and adding to the mix. Suggestions?
Well it turns out this was a bust. Mid cycle bloods just came back and and my total test was only 1527.6. First vial was apparently good but the second was way under dosed.

Is this cycle a bust? Anything i can do to cheat my levels up or is that just dumb? I have some other vials from victory that i can finish with. I was thinking either upping my dose for the back half or maybe getting some test prop and adding to the mix. Suggestions?
How much were you taking?
How many weeks have you been using the 2nd vial? Are both vials from the same source? Both the same dose per mL?
How many weeks have you been using the 2nd vial? Are both vials from the same source? Both the same dose per mL?

I broke the first vial so only got 4 weeks out of it. So i have been using vial 2 for about 3 weeks now. Both from same source and same dose.
Anyone have an opinion about me using test p at a lower dose to increase my t levels for a few weeks or should i let it ride since the levels are still above normal?