After pct


New Member
I know this has probably been discussed before but im going to ask anyway. I finished my pct a few weeks ago after coming off a test and deca cycle for pct i used nolva, clomid and proviron. Like insaid its been about 3-4 weeks since the end of pct and my libido is still very low and cant get it to stay up, i know i should of used hcg stupid mistake of me sommy question is how can i get up and running again can i use hcg alone for a little while? I also heard clomid alone works wonders any advice please
Proviron will shut you down further. It is a steroid.

You never did a correct pct

If your estrogen was or is high??
It takes up to 4 weeks to regain erection after suffering from Ed caused by high estrogen.

You ran aromatase inhibitors on cycle?
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How long after cycle did u wait to start PCT? I've read of some people experiencing estro rebound after pct with deca cycles. So as Evom said need to get bloodwork to see where ur current levels stand.

Might have been a little too early. Did u cut the deca out 2 weeks before end of cycle n run test only or did u run the deca up til the end? Proviron will still suppress the HPTA so that was counterproductive to run during PCT. Go for bloodwork asap...can't really say one way or another until u see where ur at.
Ran deca until the end i used pro pct by zydex which has nolva clomid and proviron in one i dont understand why they would put that in if it is counter productive
Ran deca until the end i used pro pct by zydex which has nolva clomid and proviron in one i dont understand why they would put that in if it is counter productive

That is stupid to combine them like that. But this brings up another possibility. How many mg of each were u taking? Are u 100% sure they were real/accurately dosed? I always recommend to go pharm grade for AI/PCT meds. That's not the times to risk getting bunk/underdosed products. Also most people will drop the deca the last 2-3 weeks since it takes so long to clear ur system.