AI/PCT dosing


New Member
I've read everywhere and can't find any exact numbers on i am doing. I will be running 300mg/wk of test e. I know its low but I want to see how it goes then adjust dosage from there. I have arimidex for an AI and Nolvadex for a pct. I would like advice on dosages and when to start them. I have heard 3 weeks from last pin for the Nolvadex but there's a lot of different number as far as the dosage. Same thing with the arimidex. Some say 1mg eod and some say .5 e3d. It's very confusing. Any help would be appreciated
The AI is person dependant, blood work is the only way to know for sure

Get Clomid for pct along with Nolva, and have hcg for the time between your cycle and your PCT

After your last pin do 2,000iu hcg eod for two weeks, then do the clomid and Nolva

Look up Dr Scally's power pct
The AI is person dependant, blood work is the only way to know for sure

Get Clomid for pct along with Nolva, and have hcg for the time between your cycle and your PCT

After your last pin do 2,000iu hcg eod for two weeks, then do the clomid and Nolva

Look up Dr Scally's power pct
I have arimidex and nolvadex
I have arimidex and nolvadex
I understand that, you need to purchase Clomid and hcg. Nolva alone isn't a good idea. Don't get cheap when it comes to the recovery drugs. Get pharma Clomid and some hcg
Chances are high that you will not need AI with 300mg — or even 500 mg

Treat symptoms not the number
(Especially at first)

Run the 300 (even though I’d do 500mg)
Get bloods at 6 weeks
Or sooner if you “think” you have “symptoms”

HCG is not mandatory— but wish I would have used it from day one
(So start researching)

^^^ I recommend This article and find 250IU EOD to be nice addition :)
^^^ also pay close attention to the no use beyond 500IU (just will increase your estrogen conversion)

“Scally s pct is for long blast and cruise cycles and uses high doses for stimulating seriously atrophied Leydig cells
(You won’t need that)

As for your pct—- research and pick a style u like —- try it and modify next go round

I recommend starting on the low end of the dosing spectrum — especially since most people drown the pituitary even though it’s the size of a pea