Albuterol cycle


New Member
I'm trying to lower my bf while without a drop in lean mass. I'm trying for the first time albuterol (little brother of clen). I've some considerations. First of all I'm using an ugl albut so I'm not sure that all the cps are equally dosed or underdosed.
The cycle that is suggested by most is 2 week on - 2 week off, and I was planning of doing it this way. Then I start the first day with a 5 mg cps and I started to noticed sides like tachicardia, heart palpitations for some hours and that night I haven't slept much... The second day I took one cps in the morning and hadn't any sides, in the afternoon I took another cps and nearly zero sides like in the morning. The day after that I took two cps : one in the morning and one after some hours and nearly zero sides.
After 3 days I'm thinking that I'm getting used to this drug too quickly, so I was thinking about doing an 1 week on-2 week off rather than 2+2 for some months , in this way I should keep doses low and still have benefits... Any thoughts on this schedule? . I will not use ketotifen to restore receptors.
Albuterol is rather shit in my opinion, definitely not worth it.
If you don't want to use ketotifen you can use diphenhydramine as well, it is in common sleep aids and nyquil. Something you should do if you are planning on going ahead with the albuterol.
Albuterol is rather shit in my opinion, definitely not worth it.
If you don't want to use ketotifen you can use diphenhydramine as well, it is in common sleep aids and nyquil. Something you should do if you are planning on going ahead with the albuterol.
Dude tons of people on here have had success with albuterol it seems like.
I'll bet it's more popular than clen on this forum.
If you can't afford 30$ for ketotifen you may want to increase cardio and stay off any drugs.
Is it really necessary for a 1 week on-2 week off cycle? If it is I'll buy it, but I've read that so many people don't use it so I don't want to waste money
That's the whole point of using ketotifen with it ;)
Yea, I know Bro... But the point is this: is there an albuterol cycle that doesn't need ketotifen and give still results in fat loss? My idea was to run it for some months with intervals of two weeks, not for 4-6 week and then stop.
Yea, I know Bro... But the point is this: is there an albuterol cycle that doesn't need ketotifen and give still results in fat loss? My idea was to run it for some months with intervals of two weeks, not for 4-6 week and then stop.
How much weight are you trying to lose?
Obviously I don't want to lose lean mass during cutting and I want to increase a little bit of quality and strength
I don't talk about weight, I'm trying to go from 13% to 11% right before my next aas cycle that will begin at the end of February (in which I'll try to go to 8%).
Okay I was just asking in case you were trying to lose some astronomical amount of weight on albuterol. I just don't see how running 1 week on and 2 off would get you to your goal.
Okay I was just asking in case you were trying to lose some astronomical amount of weight on albuterol. I just don't see how running 1 week on and 2 off would get you to your goal.
And a 2+2? I'm trying to figure out a way to get results using the lowest dose of albut and, if it's possible no ketotifen
And a 2+2? I'm trying to figure out a way to get results using the lowest dose of albut and, if it's possible no ketotifen
Maybe someone with more experience will chime in but from what I've read the only way you can stay with the lowest dose possible is to run ketotifen with it.
My. Opinion would be 1 on 1 off or 2 and 2 that's what I did years ago and no ketotifen. I used the 2 and 2 method and my gym partner did the 1 and 1. We both had good results. One way over the other was not superior.

Edit: we ran this for about 3 months and had good results.
I used clen for almost 3 months straight (pyramid up/down) with little to no decrease in "effects".

Would ketotifen have helped? Probably. But it wasn't "necessary" for me.

Albuterol may have similar results.
Do you need to have low cals on clen to lose bf. Or can you eat regular and lose BF from the properties of it?