Albuterol During or After PCT?


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I'm just finishing an 8 week Test Cyp "cutting" cycle, during which I was on T3 for 6 weeks. I made good progress, dropping 6% body fat while maintaining my starting weight. I'm still about 2% away from my target BF though, so I thought I would run a cycle of Albuterol and Ketotifen.

The question is whether it's OK to run during my PCT, which will consist of Clomid 100/50/50/50, and Nolva 40/40/20/20, or whether it will be best to run after I've recovered?

I ran HCG at 250iu EOD during the cycle, so I'm hoping recovery should be quick. And everything I've read about Albuterol suggests it's anti-catabolic. So theoretically I shouldn't have to worry about running it during my PCT.

On the other hand, would it be better to run it after I recover, so that I can run it with a calorie deficit, again without catabolizing muscle, and presumably get better results?
Why not both?
Well, like so many PEDs, there's a lot of conflicting information about off-label use. But the general picture I'm getting is that the anti-catabolic effect, and minor strength improvements suggests that using it during PCT would be ideal to both keep my energy up, and maintain if not boost the results of my workouts. In effect aiding in my recovery until I am back to normal, while targeting fat. And there is plenty of conflicting anecdotal reports about the effectiveness on fat loss. So I will be using it during my PCT and monitor BF% and weight loss. If I'm losing too quickly then I'll back off.
I have used albuterol and have got excelent boosts of energy. It helped all around in the gym. Training intensity/focus. Slight increase in strength and most def on the Cardio due to its ability to help with breathing. I kind of like using it as preform out only. Should be taken 3-4 times a day. One thing I found with it is that it makes me hungry when I take it through the day. My girl actually likes this stuff at 2 mg a dose. I go 4mg. it will help with pct not recovering but with keeping energy up. Cycle it durning and after 3 weeks on 3-4wks off then back on. Or 2wks on and 2-3wks off. Depends on how well you respond to it for how long before it starts to plateau