Almost a month into PCT


New Member
100mg a day clomid
100mcg ED IGF-1
Used HCG 2 weeks prior PCT.

Using some PEG MGF too, and i have soem GHRP-6

Anyways heres a pic so far, i have lost mass but ehh guess it looks ok.

Jeton shut your eyes lol

You look great bro. A lot better than before that you were all water weight and shit. A lean defined physique is all i can see. You haven't lost any muscle mass. Only unwanted bf and fluids. Your chest is coming along nicely and so do your traps.

Work on those damn forearms. 15-30 rep range!
100mg a day clomid
100mcg ED IGF-1
Used HCG 2 weeks prior PCT.

Using some PEG MGF too, and i have soem GHRP-6

Anyways heres a pic so far, i have lost mass but ehh guess it looks ok.

Jeton shut your eyes lol

View attachment 8453

:cool:hell no. looks good btw, u seriously have to divorce ur self-esteem from the minutiae of ur body weight day to day...feel good about the general direction of ur body transformation, because years from now ur gonna be looking back and laughing at ur current discontent. organic systems can't always behave in a purely linear fashion, so u can't expect to always grow n never shrink. ur goal is bodily transformation plus good health, and it's smart to explore a real recovery right now.

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Bro you look good I think your just loosing water you still look hard keep it up, I think that clomid is fucking with you too