Not true. I want it to be good for the reason that it is a very accessible source/product in this area (more the reason not have "quite the stash" lying around). It's been around for quite some years, correct? Prior to '09, atleast. I am going to assume it will stay around. I'd much rather decide upon a source or product that's here to stay and is G2G (the G2G part needs checking out!), rather than the bi-annual roll the dice lotterly of "is my gear underdosed or not" from a source that is indubitably and self-proclaimed UG.
The fact that I want it to be good does not cloud my judgement, though. And besides, my judgement is not really of importance. All that matters is the evidence. It is pretty much established scientific method that anedoctal evidence ranks the lowest in the hierarchy. And with all due respect to the LM analyses - which I am not discounting or ignoring - let's not disregard the 9 samples from WEDINOs either.
I am not going to decide finally upon this product until there is conclusive proof. Conclusive proof is not here yet. I would like to contribute to its coming. PM me details on how I can, if anyone is a position to test it properly.
I'll share my own thoughts on the issue though. Considering the fact that they have expensive packacing, amps (more expensive than vials), scratch off codes for online verification, serial/batch numbers, manuf. dates and exp. dates, inserts, a water mark and are CONSISTENTLY confirmed to qualitatively contain that which is claimed, and considering that they have a strong brand-name, are registered for business in several countries, and make lots and lots of money, they' be stupid beyond reckoning to skip expenses where it matters most: CONTENT. In the grand scheme of things I absolutely cannot fathom why anyone in their position would cut costs at such a minor post as AAS raws. What the hell money difference does it make if their purity is 60% or 98%, in terms of cutting costs? Minimal. And, if they DO underdose it, that has potential to negatively influence sales big time. For all these reasons I am very curious.
Listen brother I want it to be good just as bad as you do especially since I have a crap load of it. And yes there was a small amount of blue green fluorescent that showed up at the beginning of the labmax. With that I at least know there is a small amount of test in there. But I'm not convinced it's dosed even close to where it should be. Just look at NandroXL blood results. If he is telling the truth then it would be barely over 5x. That is extremely underdosed. Which means to me that I am going to have to run it at 1g to get my numbers up to 5000. But even at that dosage I'll run it so not to have to trash it. I will get bloods done also when that time comes (spring). But you can bet your ass I won't be wasting anymore money on it. This low dose crap is driving me crazy. I'll stick with Pharma gear.
Another note, I have been told by a very reputable source that the Alpha Pharma Test E was sent off for further testing from a lab. So instead of posting up abunch of made up honky about how awesome their gear is I will wait for the test results to come in. Then I will decide to chunk it or run it. You should also sit in the back row and wait for the results instead of looking like your a rep for them. Just be patient and let's see the test results brother. Then we can continue this debate with some evidence whether it's good or bad. Thanks