Am I a candidate to run Scally's PCT? Bloodwork inside


New Member
Used to be a pretty heavy user of AAS, been off for several years now - probably about 4-5 years. I'm currently 29 years old. I ran my bloodwork over a year ago and found the results to be poor:

(These are probably in different units than you normally are used to because it was done in Canada):

Nov, 2013:

LH: 2 (Range: 2-9 IU/L)
Cortisol: 238 (65-540 nmol/L)
FSH: 4 (2-12 IU/L)
Testosterone: 11.2 (7.6 - 31.4 nmol/L)
Prolactin: 4 (<18ug/L)
Free Testosterone: 14.3 (31-94 pmol/L)

Got bio-available Test checked as well and it too was also below the normal range.

After this doc put me on TRT (androgel). A little while ago I tried to come off with some clomid/nolva therapy and a taper. I was actually feeling a lot better and thought it had worked. While my libido wasn't very good, my mood was better and so was my motivation, outlook, etc. Anyways, got my blood tested again about 2 months after I finished:

Feb, 2015:

TSH: 1.69 (0.35 - 5.00 mIU/L)
LH: 2 (2-9 IU/L)
FSH: 5 (2-12 IU/L)
Testosterone: 6.6 (7.6 - 31.4 nmol/L)
Prolactin: 5 (<18ug/L)
Free Testosterone: 103 (196 - 636 pmol/L)

I know I should have got E2 checked after reading this forum, but slipped my mind. I feel better than how I was on TRT despite low test. But man I would love to have my libido back. I'm horny maybe twice a week at best and I find I still lack excitement about things.

So I've stocked up and decided to try a restart of:

HCG: 2,000 mcg EOD 20 days
Clomid: 100mg ED 30 days
Nolva: 20mg ED 45 days

My question is - would this be recommended for me? Is it too much?

Thanks for your replies.
I'm not expert and not to well covered on this topic.

Is it certainly not much for you man.

I THINK HCG should be ran higher?

I'd imagine you would want an AI or like V or C?
I don't think HCG should be run any higher - that's the number I got from looking at Dr. Scally's PCT.

I'm just wondering what might be the protocol for someone like myself - having somewhat OK values of LH and FSH but low levels of test.

ANyone else? Really would like some insight into this.

I'd say try it man, it only make sense at this point to give something more aggressive like Dr.Scally's protocol a shot. It's been years since you've ran gear and nolva/clomid alone hasn't brought you up to comfortable levels. Maybe try strong test booster like D-Aspartic or peptide like Triptorelin? If you go through with Dr.Scally's outline make sure you're getting HCG from a reliable source, easy to test it yourself to make sure it's real deal.
I'd say try it man, it only make sense at this point to give something more aggressive like Dr.Scally's protocol a shot. It's been years since you've ran gear and nolva/clomid alone hasn't brought you up to comfortable levels. Maybe try strong test booster like D-Aspartic or peptide like Triptorelin? If you go through with Dr.Scally's outline make sure you're getting HCG from a reliable source, easy to test it yourself to make sure it's real deal.

Thanks for the reply.

Those were my thoughts exactly. So far, levels are still very low and I'm hoping to get it corrected with this method. Granted, I feel better than when I was on TRT - but I'm just not there yet. Libido no good. Energy is OK and mood is fine, but still lacking.

I just got bloodwork done today to include Estradiol as well. Getting results on Friday so will likely make my decision by then.
I think most of use, and I myself are waiting for you to post those bloods.

And scallys PCT, run it right as it says.

Are you running RC chems? or pharm grade?
I suspect the numbers will be the same as the bloodwork last month, however will know E2 as well.

Product not pharm grade but coming from extremely reliable source
Values as of today March 20, 2015:

TSH: 1.89 (0.35 - 5.00 mIU/L)
LH: 3 (2-9 IU/L)
Cortisol: 276 (65-540 nmol/L)
FSH: 6 (2-12 IU/L)
Testosterone: 10.2 (7.6 - 31.4 nmol/L)
Prolactin: 6 (<18 ug/L)
Estradiol: 90 (<157pmol/L)
Free Testosterone: 167 (196-636 pmol/L)

So numbers are a little better than a month ago. My question now becomes:

Since these numbers have risen a bit - should I wait and test in another month before starting anything? both recent labs were done at around the exact same time in the afternoon.