Am I being a whiny bitch? Need a outside perspective on TRT

And we envy you for that. ;):D

I was at 11nmol/dL and I was able to be put on. Try seeing a Urologist that specializes in Andrology. I also had lots of symptoms of low T. The endo seemed to treat me by the numbers not the symptoms and wouldn't put me on, but the Urologist seemed to be more receptive to my symptoms of low T. 100mg/wk puts me around 1000ng/dl with estrogen still in normal range, but high end. I feel fine with that estrogen level, maybe some minor ED issues, it is manageable, but there could be other factors contributing not just E2. I wouldn't want to run arimidex all the time anyway. I have to donate blood every 3 months, but other than that life is good.