Am I growing boobs....? gyno....?


New Member
HEy Guys,
I finished my cycle, waited 3 weeks to start pct, and finished. Nolva and clomid. So its now 3 weeks after I finished pct. I feel like my boobs are sensitive. they just feel weird.... I got blood work and here are the results. What do you guys think? My estrogen is a little high, should i go on nolva and clomid or just take some arimidex? Any input would n]be appricated. Just don't want to grow boobs! thanks

test results.png
If you are you should feel them up. I know you are worried and this was of no help I just couldn't resist making a joke. Hopefully somebody will give you answers soon with more experience.
If it bothers you OP administer an AI such as arimidex 0.25mg for 3 days and see if your nips symptoms subside. Estradiol is elevated but not a whole lot and it should subside on its own as you are not on gear anymore. I think your blood was taken a bit too soon after pct. Repeat this tests in a month and compare them. Your fsh is very low thus making me believe you are not cleared from pct. Did you use hcg? During cycle or at all?
Its been like a month, sincera i been off pct. Also i didnt use hcg this time. This was My first cycle, it was test cyp 500mg a week for 10 weeks.

Wouldn't it be berree if I uses aromisne? Thanks
Any aromatase inhibitor should do the deed but dont over do it as you will crash your estrogen levels. Should also have used hcg on cycle or at the bery least before pct.
Can I blast hcg now for a couple days? Or should I just wait it out? By balls did shrink up, they did come back down, just not all the way.