Am I too old?

300 mg of test C once a week I will have my updated E2 tomorrow or Friday and no I have not considered a low dose of deca/npp.
Im 61 (right there with ya) and added Deca to my TRT after talking with my doc...its good to have a an open minded doc. Deca made my joints very, very happy!
C0AB2126-E7DF-4995-876B-F25E74912989.webpI do not think anybody here, no matter how conservative, would recommend that you keep your testosterone down at 251. That is very low (like in the toilet low) and will obviously get in the way of your progress on building muscle.
Damn I embarrassed my test came back at 208. I’m 49 and ran a couple bro science cycles in my late 20’s and no bloods done. Feel like I responded well didn’t really see any sides. Haven’t ran any ⚙️ since. About to order another set of bloods since that was only total test. Want to see what the full panel tells.
Damn I embarrassed my test came back at 208. I’m 49 and ran a couple bro science cycles in my late 20’s and no bloods done. Feel like I responded well didn’t really see any sides. Haven’t ran any ⚙️ since. About to order another set of bloods since that was only total test. Want to see what the full panel tells.
No reason to be embarrassed, but, wow, which lab has a normal range of 163 to 517 ng/dL ???

That should be more like 300-1000

You would feel a night and day difference at 208 even just going up to 450-500.

At 49, there is no reason whatsoever to be living with 208
I would rather recommend doing natural supplement instead. Safety wise. I mean, that's what I would personnaly do if I was in your situation.
I would make some stack based on tongkat, shilajit, tribulis, cistanche a/o low dose yohimbine for exemple. I had pretty satisfying results with tongkat and cistanche only.
No reason to be embarrassed, but, wow, which lab has a normal range of 163 to 517 ng/dL ???

That should be more like 300-1000

You would feel a night and day difference at 208 even just going up to 450-500.

At 49, there is no reason whatsoever to be living with 208
I believe it’s called eveylywell. 208 sucks that’s why I’m lurking around trying to absorb all the info I can. And a majority of the people on here give good info along with the articles.
I would rather recommend doing natural supplement instead. Safety wise. I mean, that's what I would personnaly do if I was in your situation.
I would make some stack based on tongkat, shilajit, tribulis, cistanche a/o low dose yohimbine for exemple. I had pretty satisfying results with tongkat and cistanche only.
Not bad advice. But on a steroid forum?