Am I too old?

New lab work just arrived, before TRT my T was 251, now at 1391 at the end of a 7 day cycle, too high ? I'm also taking some GH peptides . Thoughts ??

Your lab results are in.

Your total testosterone is 1391, and your estrogen level is 45.0, with an E/T ratio of 3.2%, which falls within the normal range.

Based on these results, you may discontinue the aromatase inhibitor (AI) at this time. Please reduce your dosage to 0.8cc per week.

It's a little high for TRT. How do you feel? I'd consider their dosing recommendation anyway, but especially if any skin/mood/libido side effects.

You'll still make muscle gains on 0.8 cc/wk (assuming you're still training hard in the gym).

Roger that and I am following your orders included in my 5-day workout of weight lifting is a 6 day 25 minute a day cardio getting the heart rate up to 140. Eating is pretty much cleaned up it was never really bad.
So to be clear this test was taken after 3 months.
Performance issues in the bedroom started after I went up about 2 weeks ago in the dosage of testosterone C.

Blood pressure 3 weeks ago was 125 over 80 so the increase in testosterone I'm now at 144/85.

And yeah for the BP. May want to consult your PCP about antihypertensive meds.
The lab I use is 250-1100.
Labs in Germany consider anything above 800 as extremely high already, the highest i had at a lab as for ref. range was 1000 and even when you get close to it they go full crazy mode on you.

At 1.200 i feel perfect and intend to stay at that range forever, every time i do bloods i get a nurse or lab doc telling me that i gonna die soon because of TRT.