An updated guide to internet privacy and anonymity

Most of the time they'll probably get you via a browser exploit anyway, so whonix or tails...doesn't matter. I said VPN first then Tor then another VPN. If you go straight to Tor, your ISP can easily see who connected at what time in whichever area. Anyway, this stuff should only be a concern for the more serious cyber criminals.

Thumbs up.

You’re not bright enough to even realize that I did contribute something enlightening. But hey, your whonix on Linux host is already complex enough for you. Think about the tunnel I described if you one day do need better anonymity.

None of this is complex actually, and i doubt you even know what you're arguing about. Tor is one of several risk mitigating efforts you can employ (VPNs aren't one of those, they introduce risk).
Thumbs up.

No VPN is anonymous unless you do nothing.

All of your activities are seen as one person doing them. Posting on one website, yeah you're anonymous. But then you post on another website. You send a proton email, you send a bitcoin payment. All of this information viewed together can easily de-anonymize you. This is even worse if you hack granny's computer, because there's no one else sharing the traffic, it's all you.
All of your activities are seen as one person doing them.
Thank you for your response.

Seen by who? The VPN provider? So an open source, no logs VPN service serves no purpose once you do something instead of nothing?

Yes the VPN provider does see your IP address so the no log policy is the critical piece.

Not trying to argue. Genuinely interested in all this.
Thank you for your response.

Seen by who? The VPN provider? So an open source, no logs VPN service serves no purpose once you do something instead of nothing?

Yes the VPN provider does see your IP address so the no log policy is the critical piece.

Not trying to argue. Genuinely interested in all this.

paradoxically , the better “no log “ VPNs having far less users is what makes you more trackable. You want more users. With tor the exits nodes are shared by all who are using tor.
paradoxically , the better “no log “ VPNs having far less users is what makes you more trackable. You want more users. With tor the exits nodes are shared by all who are using tor.

Trackable by who and how?

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Before you respond, think about forming a coherent argument. No insulting intelligence or moving the goalpost. I want to hear what your main point is.
Believe what you want. The part where I said you light up like a christmas tree during summer when going straight to Tor not coherent enough for you? If you really were interested you'd be able to figure out what to do with what I've said and why. Let me spell out my main point for you: you don't want to stick out like a sore thumb, dumbass.
Believe what you want. The part where I said you light up like a christmas tree during summer when going straight to Tor not coherent enough for you? If you really were interested you'd be able to figure out what to do with what I've said and why. Let me spell out my main point for you: you don't want to stick out like a sore thumb, dumbass.

You can use VPN -> Tor then. Or just VPN if you don’t care about anonymity and only about hiding tor from your ISP (they don’t care). You’re confusing anonymity and people not knowing what you’re doing. Having both isn’t as simple as combining VPN and tor.

Look this is something very obvious and intuitive that I wonder if you’re just taking the piss.
My main point:

Tor is the first part of maintaining anonymity, Or I should say last, DON’T connect to a VPN to hide a tor exit node.
. Let me spell out my main point for you: you don't want to stick out like a sore thumb, dumbass.
Trackable by who and how?

It’s better to assume they already know the “what”, because a lot of times it’s out of your control. Say you order from sources that are already on the radar. So much for trying to not stick out. And then not only do they know that you ordered they also know every damn thing you’re doing. Not too smart.
On the threshold of 2025, are you still convinced that you can remain anonymous online?
Sorry to disappoint you, but nowadays it is impossible! There are some tricks to be used : Panellar antenn maximum range of 50 meters, replacement network card Mac address and serial number, connections of the neighborhood if you can pierce them but you'll also have to pierce the router to delete the logs / Linux operating system live usb (there is a live specifically for this purpose) the operating system was created specifically for these purposes, vpn with no log policy even if it keeps the @mail and payment records, i could go on until tomorrow but all these measures delay the capture of the criminal is just a matter of time and money for those who order the capture, it's a bit 'like those who think that computer security is possible on the network, you want to be sure not to catch viruses (do not connect to the internet) but above all do not let anyone near your desktop PC or notebook!.
You can also pierce the connections at hand while you are travelling, but in this case you don't have enough time to pierce the router and delete the logs! the mac adress of your network card will be recorded in the router's logs, not to mention that if you are unlucky enough to find the twin card of your mac adress, an IP conflict will occur and two identical cards (mac adresses) cannot coexist in the same network.
PS: Now i have told you too much, i leave the conclusions and actions to be taken to you, but above all, don't you dare ask me for more information because i won't do it!
By the way, a lot of people talk about Tor but don't know shit about Tor and nodes, so spare yourself the nursery rhyme created by others in various blogs and sites to attract visitors most of the guides are old some date back to 2007 in 1998 the Tor network is born and has been placed in the public domain in 2006!
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On the threshold of 2025, are you still convinced that you can remain anonymous online?
Sorry to disappoint you, but nowadays it is impossible! There are some tricks to be used : Panellar antenn maximum range of 50 meters, replacement network card Mac address and serial number, connections of the neighborhood if you can pierce them but you'll also have to pierce the router to delete the logs / Linux operating system live usb (there is a live specifically for this purpose) the operating system was created specifically for these purposes, vpn with no log policy even if it keeps the @mail and payment records, i could go on until tomorrow but all these measures delay the capture of the criminal is just a matter of time and money for those who order the capture, it's a bit 'like those who think that computer security is possible on the network, you want to be sure not to catch viruses (do not connect to the internet) but above all do not let anyone near your desktop PC or notebook!.
You can also pierce the connections at hand while you are travelling, but in this case you don't have enough time to pierce the router and delete the logs! the mac adress of your network card will be recorded in the router's logs, not to mention that if you are unlucky enough to find the twin card of your mac adress, an IP conflict will occur and two identical cards (mac adresses) cannot coexist in the same network.
PS: Now i have told you too much, i leave the conclusions and actions to be taken to you, but above all, don't you dare ask me for more information because i won't do it!
By the way, a lot of people talk about Tor but don't know shit about Tor and nodes, so spare yourself the nursery rhyme created by others in various blogs and sites to attract visitors most of the guides are old some date back to 2007 in 1998 the Tor network is born and has been placed in the public domain in 2006!
Just use tails with a laptop you bought on fb and a cellular signal from a prepaid e-sim - you don’t even have to go to Starbucks.

VPN - use mulvad with wireshark. DNS encrypted. HTTPS always. No RTC leaks. Tor on Max security. And never use Java for any internet. Oracle - who owns Java - has collected 5 billion dossiers of everyone’s internet activity for decades. VPNs won’t help bc they can fingerprint you so easily.

I can’t stress this enough, you are EASILY identifiable if you EVER logon with that computer in the clear or to accounts with your personal info (banks, personal email, Amazon, Walmart, school, work).

Follow the advice above and never use that laptop for personally identifiable websites and you can remain semi anonymous. That is, up to the point they want to catch you. And they will want to catch you if you’re a distributor of illegal stuff - see parallel investigations.

You’re welcome.
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