Anadrol questions


New Member
Hey guys . I have never taken A bombs. I have researched it and it says it does not convert to estrogen but it still causes water retention? I'm currently on a cut and I just want to run it for 3 weeks to feel more strength at the gym and clean muscle. I'm currently running test c 150mg week 5mg of trizepatide. I'm going to add primo at 300mg . I'm really using the anadrol to get stronger hopefully loose a bit more fat and drop it once primo kicks in . What are your thoughts to avoid water retention and sides ?
Hey guys . I have never taken A bombs. I have researched it and it says it does not convert to estrogen but it still causes water retention? I'm currently on a cut and I just want to run it for 3 weeks to feel more strength at the gym and clean muscle. I'm currently running test c 150mg week 5mg of trizepatide. I'm going to add primo at 300mg . I'm really using the anadrol to get stronger hopefully loose a bit more fat and drop it once primo kicks in . What are your thoughts to avoid water retention and sides ?
I'm not sure about the estrogenic side effects, but I will say that the vast majority of the strength gains that you see in the 3 weeks won't be permanent, just temporary neurological adaptations. Also, if you want to add muscle and lose fat, why not just up the tirz? If you're just doing it for fun, though, I understand.
Anadrol shines in a cut. It fills you out perfectly without spillover. Unless you are in a strength sport, a cut would be the ideal time to take it.
Test/Tren/Mast/EQ/GH/Anadrol is arguably the best stack out there.
Wow I thought it would cause water retention. I will be running test c at 150 primo at 300 and anadrol I was thinking just taking half at 25mg daily. Then dropping the drol and replacing it with var. I'm 46 so keeping it at a moderate dose . I just don't know if 25mg of anadrol is enough rather than taking the whole 50
Anadrol shines in a cut. It fills you out perfectly without spillover. Unless you are in a strength sport, a cut would be the ideal time to take it.
Test/Tren/Mast/EQ/GH/Anadrol is arguably the best stack out there.
Definitely agree. At least for me, running Anadrol while leaning out has a wonderful effect on muscle fullness. The best part is that the effect becomes more visibly pronounced the leaner you get, so you avoid the demotivating feeling of looking flat as you get deep into a fat loss phase.
Wow I thought it would cause water retention. I will be running test c at 150 primo at 300 and anadrol I was thinking just taking half at 25mg daily. Then dropping the drol and replacing it with var. I'm 46 so keeping it at a moderate dose . I just don't know if 25mg of anadrol is enough rather than taking the whole 50
It does cause water retention, but when lean, the good kind. It puts the water inside of the muscle, not in between the skin. Anadrol can be rough on blood pressure and you aren’t going to like how your blood work looks while on it. If you can tolerate it, 50mg would be much better. Get it in, get it out quick. A month would be a good timeline to shoot for.
Wow I thought it would cause water retention. I will be running test c at 150 primo at 300 and anadrol I was thinking just taking half at 25mg daily. Then dropping the drol and replacing it with var. I'm 46 so keeping it at a moderate dose . I just don't know if 25mg of anadrol is enough rather than taking the whole 50
Keep in mind that although every drug has primary effects that can be pretty generalizable across users, there is also a lot of room for individual variation that can be quite unpredictable. Even though it is cliché to say, the truth is that the only way to find out how *your* body will respond to a drug is to try it out and observe. You may find that anadrol's water retentive effects are more intracellular (i.e. within the muscle, contributing to muscular fullness) or extracellular (i.e. outside the muscle, contributing to a more bloated appearance).
It does cause water retention, but when lean, the good kind. It puts the water inside of the muscle, not in between the skin. Anadrol can be rough on blood pressure and you aren’t going to like how your blood work looks while on it. If you can tolerate it, 50mg would be much better. Get it in, get it out quick. A month would be a good timeline to shoot for.
I started writing my reply before you posted yours, which is nearly identical in its content, lol. Just for the record, I wasn't just blatantly re-phrasing your post, I just didn't get a chance to read it before I began mine.
Because of water retention?

Primarily, yes. How anyone will react to it is unpredictable. It’s great for preserving strength and adding muscle but comes at the cost of being somewhat toxic. It can certainly be useful on a cut, for specific purposes and at a cost.

It works great with tren and really shines on a bulk for adding muscle, which isn’t going to happen in a deficit. If one were going to try it out, that’s where I’d suggest starting, before using it in a cut.
Anadrol shines in a cut. It fills you out perfectly without spillover

True, but do you think this could be generalized enough that anyone could use it successfully for first time in a cut? Also, would you recommend it for people going through a fat loss phase that weren’t preparing for a show?
Primarily, yes. How anyone will react to it is unpredictable. It’s great for preserving strength and adding muscle but comes at the cost of being somewhat toxic. It can certainly be useful on a cut, for specific purposes and at a cost.

It works great with tren and really shines on a bulk for adding muscle, which isn’t going to happen in a deficit. If one were going to try it out, that’s where I’d suggest starting, before using it in a cut.

True, but do you think this could be generalized enough that anyone could use it successfully for first time in a cut? Also, would you recommend it for people going through a fat loss phase that weren’t preparing for a show?
Great questions
True, but do you think this could be generalized enough that anyone could use it successfully for first time in a cut? Also, would you recommend it for people going through a fat loss phase that weren’t preparing for a show?
Successful is a very relative term. We have people on this board that somehow manage to find a way to screw up testosterone. The average person is so lost and hopeless in the general population that I don’t ever think “anyone” is a good term to use. Your average bear with a normal amount of chromosomes? Sure. They can definitely use it somewhat successfully. Now they won’t get absolutely everything out of the drug, like someone more seasoned, but it will be a successful experience for them.

Yes. It wouldn’t be my first choice, especially with this guys current stack, but he probably has his own reasons for choosing it. He seems to like mild, “human” drugs. So naturally the one used for wasting patients would be one of his top choices, and anavar, the oral he suggested to run after this one only demonstrates this.

Most of us here don’t compete, the family cruise or spring break or the reunion are our shows. Competing never interests most, so why not treat whatever big event you are liking forward to as your show?

If I was going to recommend an oral to go with test/primo it would be
Tbol (only to the ones newer to orals)
Winstrol (you’ll know when it’s time for winstrol, if you don’t, it’s not time)

Anadrol isn’t a top choice, but it’s not a bad choice. Let the man experiment. Now next time he will know what it does to his body and how to better utilize it in a future blast.

We all need to learn through trial and error. That stopped a while ago and why this place is full of low dose everything, cookie cutter hArM rEdUcTiOn Reddit kids and their cycles.
He isn’t doing anything irresponsible by throwing in a low to moderate dose of a bombs with primo.
We all need to learn through trial and error. That stopped a while ago and why this place is full of low dose everything, cookie cutter hArM rEdUcTiOn Reddit kids and their cycles.
He isn’t doing anything irresponsible by throwing in a low to moderate dose of a bombs with primo.

Thanks for elaborating and I share your feelings on this. Kids these days with their 300mg “blasts”.
We all need to learn through trial and error. That stopped a while ago and why this place is full of low dose everything, cookie cutter hArM rEdUcTiOn Reddit kids and their cycles.
He isn’t doing anything irresponsible by throwing in a low to moderate dose of a bombs with primo.

A convenient aspect of experimenting with orals in particular is their short half-life. I'm of the opinion that orals are best suited for the trial-and-error approach, because if one does begin to experience unwanted effects, it's only a matter of 24 - 48 hours after cessation of intake until the substance is no longer able to exert any meaningful impact on your physiological state.
I’m just thinking, part of my initial response was biased as a result of the fact that anadrol is awesome and I feel like running it when not being a trenned up monster full of muscle glycogen might be a waste.
Probably not the best time to experiment with anadrol.
Wrong, Anadrol at the end of a cut is one of the best orals one could use. Get peeled and deflated add anadrol, blow up full of intracellular water and be a peeled huge motherfucker.

Never had water retention in the usual term is intended on anadrol, clean diet is the key as for most steroids.
Never had water retention in the usual term is intended on anadrol, clean diet is the key as for most steroids.

Agree, i used it on bulk up to 100mg preworkout and never seen a weight fluctuation on scale. It gave me strength, pumps and fullness but made me a bit lethargic.