Anadrol questions

Yeah I refuse to run HCG too.
Another thing is to run 1g of Primo it's 5ml a week only of that... It's a lot of fucking oil. After a while it's really a pain in the ass to keep running it.

So it's double pain, 5ml of primo + need HCG to keep my E2 at normale range.... Not sure it's worth the hassle.
Hey guys . I have never taken A bombs. I have researched it and it says it does not convert to estrogen but it still causes water retention? I'm currently on a cut and I just want to run it for 3 weeks to feel more strength at the gym and clean muscle. I'm currently running test c 150mg week 5mg of trizepatide. I'm going to add primo at 300mg . I'm really using the anadrol to get stronger hopefully loose a bit more fat and drop it once primo kicks in . What are your thoughts to avoid water retention and sid

Different for everyone, but drol does give me water retention (mostly edema in hands and feet), fills me up like no other (people are seriously like "wtf happened to you"), but interestingly doesn't raise my BP. I've done 25mg, 37.5 and 50 and note a increase in edema in a dose dependent fashion. Being said, unless you are prepping for a show, or something that requires you to look very "dry" - what's the harm in potentially holding a bit of water for a few weeks if it improves training, strength, and subsequently muscle retention?
For me, the water drops off quickly within a couple days of stopping.
I liked Drol. I ran 50mg pre-workout (4x per week) for three weeks at the start of a 12 week lean bulk cycle and repeated the same for the last three weeks. The cycle was 500mg Test, 600mg EQ, and 400mg Mast.

Whether it’s better suited for a cut or not, I think staying relatively lean is always the way to go. If I were you, I’d finish the cut on TRT, let yourself flatten out, and then when you slowly increase the food again, adding Drol at 50mg, you’ll be full as a house while staying lean. The big downside is that it can significantly raise blood pressure for some, which is why I won’t be using it again personally.
Drol is great. Definitely boosts my strength, and fills me out. And stacks nicely with tren.

In a bulk with high food I do get gnarly lower back pumps when squatting but that's the only thing it affects.
In a cut it's great for maintaining performance towards the end and gives you a nice full look without all the subq water.
Apparently my body tolerates it well. It doesn't affect my appetite or liver enzymes, after 4 weeks ast and alt will be in range and ggt will be like 6-8 so super low. My hdl does take a hit though from 30 on blast down to 20. As opposed to anavar where my ast and alt were in the high 200s
I liked Drol. I ran 50mg pre-workout (4x per week) for three weeks at the start of a 12 week lean bulk cycle and repeated the same for the last three weeks. The cycle was 500mg Test, 600mg EQ, and 400mg Mast.

Whether it’s better suited for a cut or not, I think staying relatively lean is always the way to go. If I were you, I’d finish the cut on TRT, let yourself flatten out, and then when you slowly increase the food again, adding Drol at 50mg, you’ll be full as a house while staying lean. The big downside is that it can significantly raise blood pressure for some, which is why I won’t be using it again personally.
I yeah I only have 10 to 15 lb to go then I just want to look good for the summer to have a lean look. I just didn't want to look like the michilan man. I will be running 300mg of primo with test and var.
Please understand most of those bitching about it carrying water are the pussies that worry about the definition of their jawline. If your diet (sodium) is ok all it’ll do is fill you out. It’ll keep your strength up during a cut, and for a lot of people it’ll even cut hunger. I appreciate it in a bulk but for those reasons I feel it may actually shine best in a cut. You won’t be WaTeRy you’ll just be full and strong.
Thanks bro. My diet is on point but my sodium is a little high
It does cause water retention, but when lean, the good kind. It puts the water inside of the muscle, not in between the skin. Anadrol can be rough on blood pressure and you aren’t going to like how your blood work looks while on it. If you can tolerate it, 50mg would be much better. Get it in, get it out quick. A month would be a good timeline to shoot for.
IM e2 sensitive. Im planning on stacking it with 150mg test Wich I'm currently on and 300mg primo and 25 or 50mg of var. I'm only going to use the Anadrol for a few weeks I'm just not sure ? I know some people say the best way to run my it is 3 days on 3 days off with var switching back and forth between the var