Anadrol shut down ..need help ?


New Member
Ok so I never researched steroids ...I took a months course of oxymethelone 2 months ago with no pct and I am completely shut down don't get erections /can't keep and erection and have no labido at all and my balls are tiny ...I have been told to run nolvadex 20 mg a day for 6 weeks ....I have had my bloods done and my testosterone is in range but it's on the lower end of the range I'm 24 year old and was wondering if I am running the correct pct or should I be takeing clomid as well? Any help would be really appreciated
Some people take nolva alone and some run both nolva and clomid which is what I prefer. How long have you been off of the drol only cycle?
Iv been off the cycle for about 2 months...I was fine the first three weeks then everything just went down hill from there ...I have started takeing nolva at 20 mg a day for the last 5 days ...Iv orderd clomid much do you recommend I should take ?
That's my blood there and how much hcg should I use ?thanks


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When you get the clomiphene take 300mg the first day split in 3 separate doses with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Continue on at 50/d for the remainder of what you have, and you continue taking nolva with it at 20/d if you want, if you're having gyno issues, I would.
Ok so went privately to a encronologist and he said that by looking at my bloods that my body is repairing naturally and a couple of months ago my test would of been a lot lower he said to give it 6 weeks takeing nothing and I should feel a lot better and to go for bloods and if I don't feel better he will put me on trt
Ok so went privately to a encronologist and he said that by looking at my bloods that my body is repairing naturally and a couple of months ago my test would of been a lot lower he said to give it 6 weeks takeing nothing and I should feel a lot better and to go for bloods and if I don't feel better he will put me on trt

I would try 6 months of clomid at 25mg ED or EOD before going on TRT. TRT is a big step, and a lot of people are just not happy with it.
Well it's been about two weeks since I seen my encronologist and stopped nolvadex and tried 1 cialis and my dick has worked ever since and I'm getting more horny as the days go on wakeing up with hard on a couple dureing the day and and a night too now just need to find a bird to smash to get my confidence back up Thanks for all your help feel like a man again thank fuck
I spoke too soon I'm still shut down to fuck Been the worst three months of my life the only positive thing now is I can get a erection I just have no labido does this mean my testosterone is boosting ....iv been training a lot more and eating a lot healthier do use have any tips on how to get myself back to normal naturally ?
I spoke too soon I'm still shut down to fuck Been the worst three months of my life the only positive thing now is I can get a erection I just have no labido does this mean my testosterone is boosting ....iv been training a lot more and eating a lot healthier do use have any tips on how to get myself back to normal naturally ?
The labs that you posted are showing your not shut down.

I don't see your e2 levels?

It's most likely in your head at this point. Did you get labs again?

Stop all drugs.

I didn't know about e2 levels when I got my bloods and Im booked in for another blood test on the 25 th of this month and will ask for my e2 to be tested as well and I don't take drugs anymore ....and I don't know if it is in my head or not because I took a viagra last week when a slept with another women but I couldn't get turned on until she played with my dick and when I was haveing sex I wasn't interested and could not's a horrible being like this I'm trying to fight by going out and shagging girls but it's hard when your not interested
I think what fucked me up the most was when I stopped the steroids I was going out every weekend drinking and snorting coke and takeing es and went to ibiza for a week
And Ye spooby I will never touch that shit ever again ....I will defo go natural all the way ....lesson is defo learned just want to feel total normal again use have any idea on how long it could take ? To feel normal ....probably an impossible question to answer ahha
Give it a couple months and you should be good. Get your bloodwork in a couple weeks.

And Ye spooby I will never touch that shit ever again ....I will defo go natural all the way ....lesson is defo learned just want to feel total normal again use have any idea on how long it could take ? To feel normal ....probably an impossible question to answer ahha

It definitely can take many months. You've got to stay the course.

Remember how bad you feel now so you don't end up in this predicament again!