Anadrol shut down ..need help ?

From your blood tests you got LH and FSH at midrange
so it looks like your problem is in your testis
I'd try some hcg (as it mimics LH and FSH) to signal your testis to make more T, but ask your doctor
Ok thanks .i will wait and see how my blood test are next week and if my body is healing I will just carry on natural until I feel good ...if not I will consider a pct ....some horrible feeling this ...just scares me that I will never go back to how I was
Ok so I phoned my doctor today and he said my testosterone has went up to 17.8 I didn't get the rest of my results il get a print off of them next week .... still ain't got no labido ....what do use think I should do just carry on what I'm doing and give it time ?
I probably sound stupid still writeing on this post but fuck it ...this is driveing me insane the doctor was being a dick about printing off my blood work so I just left it and hoped shit would get better .....well there is some good news I can get a proper erection now and get good morning wood ..I threw away the cialis and viagra but there's one problem I have no sex drive what so ever ....I'm just wondering if this shit is in my head or is it still part of me recovering ? If someone would be kind enough to reply would be brilliant...cheers just feels like this hell is never ending

Do you drink or use any drugs?

Could be all in your head.

Hi mands I stopped drinking and drugs for about three months and had drank about 3 times over Christmas and new year and took about a gram of coke ...just been at the doctors then and all he said was we only tested for your test last time that was 17.8 and I'm booked in for more bloods on the 16th of january and he's saying he's not testing my estrogen or my thyroid ...he's just checking only my sex hormones he's just being a dick he still wouldn't test me for my estrogen or thyroid after a big argument saying I want it done ....

with the results I'm gona get off my doctor probably ain't gona be much help ...thanks tho mands I appreciate it il post up my results when there here