Anadrol starts today.

500 Test E/week.

25mg drol (IH's Oxymeth) today. Testing testing 123...
Very nice. Good luck bud. I love Anadrol. Makes me have lots of energy and great strengths/gains. I took anadrol at 25mg twice a day. Of course some people have bad sides on it but majority of the people I met loves it as Well. When I eat clean I have very little bloat if any.

25mg for two days. Testing.

50mg. 5th day today. Not sure what to say. Not sure if it is Test or drol giving me strength! I can feel the drol kicking in hour or less and my heart is racing. Still having a debate in my head about blood donation. Thinking of just wasting it using 10cc syringes instead of donating and getting an 18G shoved in me.

Will be upping to 75 soon and then 100 until the pack finishes and no side effects.

Past 2 days, my appetite is insane. I pound 4K calories after holding my self back. This is fucked. My dreams of recomp, let alone cutting fat, are shattered. Sure hope to get my hands on tren next month. I can feel and see the bloat.

25mg for two days. Testing.

50mg. 5th day today. Not sure what to say. Not sure if it is Test or drol giving me strength! I can feel the drol kicking in hour or less and my heart is racing. Still having a debate in my head about blood donation. Thinking of just wasting it using 10cc syringes instead of donating and getting an 18G shoved in me.

Will be upping to 75 soon and then 100 until the pack finishes and no side effects.

Past 2 days, my appetite is insane. I pound 4K calories after holding my self back. This is fucked. My dreams of recomp, let alone cutting fat, are shattered. Sure hope to get my hands on tren next month. I can feel and see the bloat.
Hey bud. Try some proviron for the bloat. It worked for several people I know. I personally never had to take it but you never now.

In addition, there are it ups and downs in aas world just like without. Just try to make the best of it and dont let your dreams be crushed. Its all part of the game as we learn from our mistakes. No cycles are perfect in the beginning.
Good luck! You'll be fine. It's nowhere near as bad as some people say.

Lets see. Some guy here opened a new Pandora's box about gut flora. I just recovered from 6 day upset stomach. Damn I don't need no tum problems!

Just got back from all pins. 2x Test E on shoulders. 50mg Tren in glute.

Tren A 100 mg/ml in Miglyol 840. Funny oil name. I keep saying it! Migly-ol Migly-ol Migly-ol

No coughs for me. Some def leaked out because my shorts and jeans are stained with blood. Well, I was driving, so...

Lot to write but I need to sleep.
I am burning. Eyes burning. Face is on fire. No power to do anything. No gym, no cardio.

Will get my temp/bp/b.sugar checked. Will stay away from meds.

Night was fkd up.
First, I am not sure what to believe. Some say ed injections are good but eod users didn't have any heavy sides either. I originally planed to pin eod but now I am rethinking that and to pin ed. Really am confused. EOD or ED, I've no idea how the hell you guys pin this frequently. Damn. I will be pinning with slin. Lets experiment.

Last night was not good. Couldn't even go to sleep. Was psyched or tren, not sure. Fan turned on at full.

Woke at 6AM to take a leak. Cold does that. Shut the fan off. Came back to sleep. Shivered like a mad man till 7:15. Finally got up, really weak on the verge of fainting, got me a thicker sheet to take over me. Instant satisfaction. Felt amazing. 10 minutes later started feeling my feet are cold. Soon, all that shifted and within an hour I was boiling. Whole body just boiling hot. Face was giving off heat like a heater. Too lazy to get up to turn the fan on. Struggle to sleep. Not sure. Got up at 9. Took the sheets off and tried to sleep but brain was on full alert like a stubborn erect dickens. Couldn't sleep. Just laid on the bed. Woke at 9:30.

Have been feeling mild headache all day even till now. Feeling hot and weak. Injection site is fine. Ate food, like 800 cal in the noon. Okay, now this is extremely rare for me. I never sleep in the middle of the day but today, after eating, I felt gnarly good and just thought to go and lay down in the bed. Fan turned on took the sheet over me and boom!, I went to sleep. Woke at evening. I feel bad that I have now completely fkd up my routine. Let see when I sleep now.

Ate food/dinner and went to get checked like 30 minutes later.

Sugar: 120.
Blood pressure digital: 131|83. 115 heart rate.
B.P manual: 130|100.
Temperature using strip: 99F.

Now I am thinking, thinking and thinking to pin again. Thinking of experimenting on the part that you shouldn't. Calf.

40mg ED. Originally planned to pin 50mg EOD. Then planned to pin ED 25mg, then changed that to 30mg. Now I am pretty firm on 40mg and maybe increase next month If I am alive and well.

Some cycle info:

500mg Test E every 7th day.
500IU HCG and 12.5mg Aromasin every 4th day.
1mg Finasteride ED.
Anadrol ended but last dose was 100mg.
Tren Ace started. First pin 50mg.
Last edited:


11th: 500. 12.5mg asin. 25mg oxydrol.
12th: 25mg oxydrol.
14th: 50mg oxydrol.
15th: 50mg oxydrol. 500IU hCG. 12.5mg asin.
16th: 50mg oxydrol.
17th: 50mg oxydrol.
18th: 50mg oxydrol.
19th: 500IU hCG. 50mg oxydrol. 12.5mg asin. 500.
20th: 75mg oxydrol.
21st: 75mg oxydrol.
22nd: 100mg oxydrol.
23rd: 100mg oxydrol. 12.5mg asin.
24th: 500IU hCG. 100mg oxydrol.
25th: 100mg oxydrol.
26th: 100mg oxydrol.
27th: 100mg oxydrol.
28th: 12.5mg asin. 100mg oxydrol. 500.
29th: 100mg oxydrol.
30th: 500IU hCG. 25mg asin.
31st: 100mg oxydrol.


1st: 100mg oxydrol.
2nd: 100mg oxydrol.
3rd: 100mg oxydrol.
4th: 100mg oxydrol.
5th: 100mg oxydrol. 500IU hCG. 12.5mg asin. 500.
6th: 100mg oxydrol.
7th: 100mg oxydrol.
8th: 100mg oxydrol.
9th: 100mg oxydrol.
10th: 100mg oxydrol.
11th: 100mg oxydrol. 12.5mg asin. 500IU hCG.

OK, so... pinned 40mg using slin on me glute. SubQ. NO pain at all. Yeah, do that with pharma Test E and you"ll be crying with pain after only .200 ml. Forget pinning 1ml. Castor Oil...

Anyway, within 1 hour, my headache and burning eyes were back. I am not sure if this is random or what. I still am getting random headaches throughout the day. Popped 150mg aspirin. Didn't do jack. They come and go. Water intake is high.

I am gonna waste some blood now. Fuck this.
Drol ended yesterday.

Tren Ace starts today. 50mg eod. Pray for me. m a trenvirgin.

That is a very safe and conservative dose; depending on the week, at most you pinning 200mg of Tren A. However, I think you will eventually realize that with Tren, you will want to minimize spikes and dips. That said, I believe you would (eventually/when you are ready) benefit from 50mg daily. That’s just 350mg of Tren A with minimal sides, yet potent enough to accomplish your short term objectives. Just humble 2 cents in the mix. Good luck bro.
That is a very safe and conservative dose; depending on the week, at most you pinning 200mg of Tren A. However, I think you will eventually realize that with Tren, you will want to minimize spikes and dips. That said, I believe you would (eventually/when you are ready) benefit from 50mg daily. That’s just 350mg of Tren A with minimal sides, yet potent enough to accomplish your short term objectives. Just humble 2 cents in the mix. Good luck bro.
I would agree that steady bloods are detrimental with testosterone and actually beneficial with other long ester AAS.

Just curious what makes you think dips from Tren or other harsh drugs like superdrol will cause? IMO not more sides,but opposite, less sides!

NOT having CONSTANT peak plasma concentration of ANY drugs that have harsh side effects is going to beneficial. Pinning Tren everyday is not going reduce estrogen, prolactin, anger, insomnia and elevated blood pressure.

This train of thought has been bro science for quite a long time.
I would agree that steady bloods are detrimental with testosterone and actually beneficial with other long ester AAS.

Just curious what makes you think dips from Tren or other harsh drugs like superdrol will cause? IMO not more sides,but opposite, less sides!

NOT having CONSTANT peak plasma concentration of ANY drugs that have harsh side effects is going to beneficial. Pinning Tren everyday is not going reduce estrogen, prolactin, anger, insomnia and elevated blood pressure.

This train of thought has been bro science for quite a long time.

I think you have an inverted understanding of specific vs. general. Please make reference to your opening sentences where you clearly said “steady bloods are detrimental with testosterone...” yet you did not specify what form or ester of Test. You just made an Ass-umption that your reader would blindly follow your faulty logic.

Nevertheless, we are NOT talking long ester, Sir, we are specifically talking abut Tren ace, and you’re attempting to reason by making general comparisons. For instance “other harsh drugs like superdrol”. WTF, now your brining orals in when we are discussing oil based injectables?

Regarding “dips”..please notice about yourself that you look at things from a narrow point of view. I mentioned BOTH peaks AND dips. (Prefect place to call you a dip-shit...I made a funny. Ha ha). Here again you’re make assumptions that it is only dips that are “detrimental”. In MY opinion, it’s the high points that make men look at the ugliest fatest bitch and fantasize about the smell of her asshole (you’re probably looking at men—see I just made an assumption about you).

Ahhh, now look at your conclusion..”ANY drugs that have harsh side effects is going to beneficial.” Sir, it is YOU that are a detriment to the anabolic community with your faulty logic and equivocations.

He said “bro science”. LOL. That totally legitimizes your authority over the subject.
I think you have an inverted understanding of specific vs. general. Please make reference to your opening sentences where you clearly said “steady bloods are detrimental with testosterone...” yet you did not specify what form or ester of Test. You just made an Ass-umption that your reader would blindly follow your faulty logic.

Nevertheless, we are NOT talking long ester, Sir, we are specifically talking abut Tren ace, and you’re attempting to reason by making general comparisons. For instance “other harsh drugs like superdrol”. WTF, now your brining orals in when we are discussing oil based injectables?

Regarding “dips”..please notice about yourself that you look at things from a narrow point of view. I mentioned BOTH peaks AND dips. (Prefect place to call you a dip-shit...I made a funny. Ha ha). Here again you’re make assumptions that it is only dips that are “detrimental”. In MY opinion, it’s the high points that make men look at the ugliest fatest bitch and fantasize about the smell of her asshole (you’re probably looking at men—see I just made an assumption about you).

Ahhh, now look at your conclusion..”ANY drugs that have harsh side effects is going to beneficial.” Sir, it is YOU that are a detriment to the anabolic community with your faulty logic and equivocations.

He said “bro science”. LOL. That totally legitimizes your authority over the subject.
Go fuck yourself your nit picking faggot!
Blah blah, more Tren equals more sides you fucking moron!! M
Now go write another five paragraph novel about how much you like multi dicks in your mouth. Nobody here cares about you lack of knowledge and shitty attempt to be a funny fag boy.