Anadrol vs dbol


Anadrol vs dbol for keepable gains strength and size? Which is the better option to add to a test/dhb cycle for size and strength? Never ran dbol or Adrol and I always here how great dbol makes you feel but how Adrol makes you “look” and “feel” like you’re on aas but my big thing is keeping as much of strength and size in the end. I’m gonna B&C so no issues of coming off. I’m 6-3 210 under 15%bf not sure how much haven’t measured but most body fat I carry is in my upper stomach lots of loose skin in my lower stomach form major weight loss (105 lbs ) everywhere else I’m lean and vascular. Thinking of the following cycle to bulk up:

Test 300-500 wk
Dhb 300-500 wk
Dbol or Adrol 50 per day
Also have NPP I could throw in there but I’ve never ran it before nor the 2 orals.
Its less about which is better and more about which one you personally tolerate best. A google search will show you its split 50/50 on preference of one over the other. Flip a coin. Keep nolva on hand.

Cut that dbol dose in half though, dbol and anadrol are not equal mg for mg.
In my experience I like dbol way more. I feel like on steroids and I love how I feel on it, the euphoria and motivation. For me it's the most fun steroid.

Anadrol I feel like on meds, it is strong and very comparable to dbol in terms of performance. However, I don't feel so good on it and for me it's very important.

As far as keepable gains go, there are no keepable gains im my opinion. You always lose that on look no matter what. Maybe first couple cycles you keep some, later on it's a hard grind.

These orals are best used for couple of weeks to break through a plateau (size & strength), they are very good at it. Otherwise not much of use outside of that.

I'd say 30mg dbol equals to about 100mg drol and 50mg dbol = 150mg anadrol. This is based on my experience. As always everyone is different and your opinion and experience may be different.
Personally i prefer dbol over anadrol.

Dbol just makes me hungry, horny and happy, and also gives great pumps at the gym. 10-20mg per day wont give any bloat or estrogen problems for most. Slight increase in blood pressure.

Anadrol is much fuller look and stronger in the gym. But it makes me angry and shoots my blood pressure up like crazy. And worst part of it all, it destroys my appetite like no other oral. And this is only at 25-50mg per day which is considered low. It might be better for cutting than bulking imo (if you can't tolerate the sides). I ran pharma so it might have been very potent.
I hope you're having a pretty strong liver to sustain the upcoming abuse. It's a about to take a beating with DHB already and you plan running a liver toxic oral on top. I'm not sure this is the smartest idea.

I'd suggest swapping DHB with bold cypionate or primo if you plan running an oral too, otherwise keep the DHB and don't run any orals at all. Just my opinion.
I hope you're having a pretty strong liver to sustain the upcoming abuse. It's a about to take a beating with DHB already and you plan running a liver toxic oral on top. I'm not sure this is the smartest idea.
anadrol usually just fucks with blood thickness, not liver
Dbol I liked when I was really lean already and ran it, filled me up very nicely. Anadrol I think I would run more often at lower doses. 50 before a workout and I’m g2g. Any higher or past 100 and I feel like shit, very taxing on my body. Now if I’m 15 percent body fat or a little above and I run dbol, I’ll get even heavier and bloated. If I had to choose, I’d go adrol at 75 mg max. Now adays I take what my body can handle. Can’t blast like I used to.
Anadrol vs dbol for keepable gains strength and size? Which is the better option to add to a test/dhb cycle for size and strength? Never ran dbol or Adrol and I always here how great dbol makes you feel but how Adrol makes you “look” and “feel” like you’re on aas but my big thing is keeping as much of strength and size in the end. I’m gonna B&C so no issues of coming off. I’m 6-3 210 under 15%bf not sure how much haven’t measured but most body fat I carry is in my upper stomach lots of loose skin in my lower stomach form major weight loss (105 lbs ) everywhere else I’m lean and vascular. Thinking of the following cycle to bulk up:

Test 300-500 wk
Dhb 300-500 wk
Dbol or Adrol 50 per day
Also have NPP I could throw in there but I’ve never ran it before nor the 2 orals.
Run NPP. Anadrol is probably better than Dbol but NPP is better than both of them for your purposes.

I edited this post. I got mixed up, i thought you said DNP, DHP is not something i am familiar with.
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The biggest and strongest I’ve been was test/dhb anadrol.
I’ve recently tried dbol with test NPP and my blood pressure was the highest it’s ever been. Dropped the dbol and dropped the NPP.
I get too depressed on NPP plus it fucked with my sex, weaker erections and not as frequent.
The biggest and strongest I’ve been was test/dhb anadrol.
I’ve recently tried dbol with test NPP and my blood pressure was the highest it’s ever been. Dropped the dbol and dropped the NPP.
I get too depressed on NPP plus it fucked with my sex, weaker erections and not as frequent.
Damn im also experiencing weaker erections and less frequent on NPP. What was your full cycle dosage?
based pn your goals id go for the 50mg dbol over anadrol. ran dbol as my first oral, dont get me wormg, gains were beter than most injectables, good mental feeling etc, but when i ran anadrol equal mg the gains on drol were better. felt less "on" running deol vs dbol tho butit was very close. that being said, drol>dbol imo
In my experience I like dbol way more. I feel like on steroids and I love how I feel on it, the euphoria and motivation. For me it's the most fun steroid.

Anadrol I feel like on meds, it is strong and very comparable to dbol in terms of performance. However, I don't feel so good on it and for me it's very important.

As far as keepable gains go, there are no keepable gains im my opinion. You always lose that on look no matter what. Maybe first couple cycles you keep some, later on it's a hard grind.

These orals are best used for couple of weeks to break through a plateau (size & strength), they are very good at it. Otherwise not much of use outside of that.

I'd say 30mg dbol equals to about 100mg drol and 50mg dbol = 150mg anadrol. This is based on my experience. As always everyone is different and your opinion and experience may be different.
Man I love your posts, always on point with good info.