Analiza Bialek Analytical Laboratory

janoshik extremely desperate to shit on these guys when he himself was caught scamming a member of this forum. I wonder how many times janoshik got away with it.
i for one would be prepared to send a sample to janoshik and analiza bialek to compare results if there is any interest?
janoshik extremely desperate to shit on these guys when he himself was caught scamming a member of this forum. I wonder how many times janoshik got away with it.
i for one would be prepared to send a sample to janoshik and analiza bialek to compare results if there is any interest?
Energy Control Florida has a bridge to sell you too.

Thank you, if somebody wants to bring in a sample and see it analyzed they can come any working day between 10am and 5 pm and see it happen, correct?
Samples can be delivered to the laboratory yourself, but testing immediately may be dependent on the length of the queue. In this case, you must make an appointment in advance.
I will send over my package tomorrow. Already packed and ready to go.
Was doubting what to send over so did ini mini mo and picked one.

Will be a blind test.
I will send over my package tomorrow. Already packed and ready to go.
Was doubting what to send over so did ini mini mo and picked one.

Will be a blind test.
I'm very interested in the results, and how they will compare to Jano, who I've used 5 times with great results.

But competition benefits the customer, especially in this field as long as its accurate. 2 or 3 years ago my sample cost $90, now it's $120. I get stuff costs more over time but if you're the only guy doing something, people will pay whatever you charge.
I'm very interested in the results, and how they will compare to Jano, who I've used 5 times with great results.

But competition benefits the customer, especially in this field as long as its accurate. 2 or 3 years ago my sample cost $90, now it's $120. I get stuff costs more over time but if you're the only guy doing something, people will pay whatever you charge.


Remember when that other tester "analyser" or whatever he was called appeared on here and started testing too a few years back, people were very pleased and more and more people began using him

Then Jano built a "relationship" with him, and soon enough the feds bust analyser and once again it's back to just Jano being the only tester in town and getting all the money, convenient eh.

Look how he has immediately jumped in the topic trying to shit all over the new tester and sow seeds of doubt. Defo expect him to try some more sneaky shit to get rid of these guys too
you say your prices for AAS analysis is 49 euros. I just contacted you by email and was quoted 79 euros. Not factoring in the 10% off you quoted on your thread and my email. So why the price difference and why would I pay you only a $33 USD difference to test my product when you have no history on this forum or any other forum? Jano charges 120 usd you charge 87 usd

Shouldn’t there be a bigger incentive to want to trust you with my analysis because your new with no history. And shouldn’t your prices be consistent instead of me emailing you and getting different quotes?

Also in our email you said if customs catches my shipment, I’m basically fucked. You said It will be returned to the sender. That is a big security issue for vendors. And people who value opsec
Looking at his price list on page 1 it is listed as "AAS blind test - 79€".
Read the intro

““Prices for AAS analyzes is €49 per sample and for peptides from €110.”

Idk why there is an additional charge for blind testing. Seems shady. If I tell you it’s test prop, you’ll tell me it’s test prop. Thanks, now my wallets $87 shorter and I know what I knew before.
Also in our email you said if customs catches my shipment, I’m basically fucked. You said It will be returned to the sender. That is a big security issue for vendors. And people who value opsec
Can you think of anything they may be missing that's required to get customs clearance for such samples?
Can you think of anything they may be missing that's required to get customs clearance for such samples?
They forgot to post tits, which is basically a legal requirement. Maybe we have to send in a A4 picture of tits to distract customs and let the sample through?
What other substances can you analyze, outside of AAS and peptides? Also, can you detect nanoparticles like silicon dioxide or titanium dioxide etc?
I'm very interested in the results, and how they will compare to Jano, who I've used 5 times with great results.

But competition benefits the customer, especially in this field as long as its accurate. 2 or 3 years ago my sample cost $90, now it's $120. I get stuff costs more over time but if you're the only guy doing something, people will pay whatever you charge.
What about MZ Biolabs? Anyone done a thread on them here?