Analiza Bialek Analytical Laboratory

What about MZ Biolabs? Anyone done a thread on them here?
I wouldn't ever use them, see below.

I wouldn't ever use them, see below.

Thank you Sir
I'm very interested in the results, and how they will compare to Jano, who I've used 5 times with great results.

But competition benefits the customer, especially in this field as long as its accurate. 2 or 3 years ago my sample cost $90, now it's $120. I get stuff costs more over time but if you're the only guy doing something, people will pay whatever you charge.
Virtually the same price as Lab4Tox, who doesn't test mixes and takes longer to deliver results than we do, and is pretty much our only real legal competition, so I think it's appropriate pricing.

We have to pay full time employees, maintain and buy new equipment, pay off the lab itself and the horrendeous amount of paperwork that doing this legally involves requires a dedicated compliance officer at this point. I'm sure Lab4Tox has it the same.

Basically any other legal competition is much more expensive (SIMEC used to charge over 300 USD IIRC? ) or a joke (MZ Biolabs purity testing costs the same, but they do like 1/10th of the work necessary to ensure the results are valid ).

This lab is not a legal competition, it took a single page of their thread for them to go from "we're legal" to "yeehee, but we can't get your samples from the customs" - which, coincidentally, legal lab such as Lab4Tox which, even more coincidentally uses even the same customs office, can. Woah.

They also make stuff up on their test numbering or skip taxes ("other payment options possible only through email, tee-hee") or both, because if they didn't, they'd long be a Polish VAT payers ( 23% if I recall correctly ), which would instantly raise their prices by 23%. So the 79 Euro blind test would be 97 Euro ( 107 USD ) right away, which is barely cheaper than us or Lab4Tox.

While the customs issue will certainly lead to investigations given enough cases, I'm pretty sure nobody here really cares about the VAT and tax skipping stuff and my rants, but I think it's only fair to mention such relevant information when prices are being compared.
Could I, pretty please, see a document permitting you import and handling AAS in the Eurozone, which you, as a legal company, surely have?

Do you own your equipment, or do you rent it (or use without authorization), from, I don't know, maybe SpinProt Sp. z o.o.?

Your website, was registered on 4th of October 2021 and the first reports I'm aware of by Analiza Białek sp. z o.o. are dated on 30th of December 2021 and published on website Badania środków dla sportowców - , numbered 2497, which is curious, because it's both before the company was registered and before the domain was registered. There is not a single analysis that I was able to find that did not involve PEDs.

So did you start numbering your analyses at 2497?
If you've indeed done >3000 analyses at this point, which I doubt, where's your VAT ID?

What are your ties to
How did the bodybuilding scene find you and order and pay, you know, as you are a legal company, well before your company was registered?

How do you calculate margin of error on your analyses?
I just wish I could be as good as you are and achieve physically impossible margins, you know.
interesting to learn that Janoshik owns a very legal document permitting him to import and handling aas within EEA .come on man are you serious ?I , as a customer I am happy for any competition which brings better price for us .You have been milking us for long time so far..
I sent 2 blind samples, oil and peptide.
I'm going to be looking forward to these results. What would be awesome is to send jano the same two samples to compare the tests.

I'd be down with throwing some money towards the jano test if you decide to, because it will show whether this new company is a viable and true alternative. It depends how they do on this blind test first, they might show they're clueless and a waste.
I'm going to be looking forward to these results. What would be awesome is to send jano the same two samples to compare the tests.

I'd be down with throwing some money towards the jano test if you decide to, because it will show whether this new company is a viable and true alternative. It depends how they do on this blind test first, they might show they're clueless and a waste.
Or atleast maybe send this lab. 2 homebrew samples one with much lower concentration and one normal. If the results are accurate, you got a new lab. you can trust for tests, with lower prices.
Who cares they're legal or not. Most of us aren't buying steroids legally either.
Also, slightly less accuracy than Janoshik is still perfectly acceptable. Janoshik isn't injecting hCG into rats for accuracy either. 15% error is okay for me if it saves me lots of money.
I'm going to be looking forward to these results. What would be awesome is to send jano the same two samples to compare the tests.

I'd be down with throwing some money towards the jano test if you decide to, because it will show whether this new company is a viable and true alternative. It depends how they do on this blind test first, they might show they're clueless and a waste.
I’d be down to send some BTC to help also, but I would want to wait until @HB_22 receives the first results incase they are a clueless waste as you said
I'm going to be looking forward to these results. What would be awesome is to send jano the same two samples to compare the tests.
I did send the samples to Janoshik as well. So this will be a good comparison I think, 1 aas oil and 1 peptide. This was only possible with the help of @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals , im just the guy sending in the products.
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I have sent my blind sample as well, 2 weeks ago. Still pending results.
Package has been received by them and i've paid already. Shouldn't be much longer.
I’d be down to send some BTC to help also, but I would want to wait until @HB_22 receives the first results incase they are a clueless waste as you said
Yea great idea, if they get the samples right, we in the EU could put them to the test with more stuff creating some type of funding.
I have sent my blind sample as well, 2 weeks ago. Still pending results.
Package has been received by them and i've paid already. Shouldn't be much longer.
1 down side jano doesn’t have, he is crazy fast, as soon as the same day he receives samples, keep us posted pls and thanks fir testing
Lab4tox performs GC-MS not HPLC and they require 3 ml of oils, that is a lot of oil imo, that is a downside on that method
Lab4tox performs GC-MS not HPLC and they require 3 ml of oils, that is a lot of oil imo, that is a downside on that method
It's not because of GCMS (they could do with 0.01ml for that), which they use for ID. It's for the qNMR, which they use to tell the quantity.
Virtually the same price as Lab4Tox, who doesn't test mixes

Do you have any idea / thoughts on why that is? Eg equipment related?

Ideally I’d ask them in their own thread but I’d probably be waiting an age for a reply.