Anavar and headaches?

So been running 300 mg test and var at 25 mgs for 6 weeks now. Was planning on doing 8 and bumping it up. The last three days my I have had a headache next to my eye and my stomaches just felt blah as well. Is this a side from var.

Side not I also had a long tattoo session on my leg sleeve done the day before all this started. So not sure if it's due to just my body recovering or if from the var. Maybe high RBC?
It’s most likely going to be your blood pressure which is probably a result of high rbc and needing to donate. I’m prone to headaches from var as well.
It’s most likely going to be your blood pressure which is probably a result of high rbc and needing to donate. I’m prone to headaches from var as well.
Yea it's been a bit since my last donation. I'm on Fin so can't use a the red cross anymore. Any recommendations on just doing it myself
most likely from the tattoo session, i have went under the needle for 8 hour sessions and the next following days i felt like i was sick, headache,woosy, sickish feeling, idk but thats my idea
Yea it's been a bit since my last donation. I'm on Fin so can't use a the red cross anymore. Any recommendations on just doing it myself

Other than blood letting use ip-6 and grape seed extract. Both can be found on amazon and have worked great for me. This is advice if you have high blood pressure from using aas although ip-6 is a wonderful drug that can be used regardless.
Other than blood letting use ip-6 and grape seed extract. Both can be found on amazon and have worked great for me. This is advice if you have high blood pressure from using aas although ip-6 is a wonderful drug that can be used regardless.
Any idea where to find self phlebotomy kits?