Anavar for strength?


New Member
I'm looking to start up another blast in the near future and was curious on how yalls experience with anavar for strength gains. The previous cycle I did I ran 500mg/wk of Test-E for 20 weeks with anadrol as a kickstarter, but didnt really see huge strength gains. I did see some slight hair shedding and appetite suppression but that stopped after I dropped anadrol after 6 weeks. Anybody run anavar as a kickstarter and did yall see success with it in terms of increasing your SBD?
You’re just going to have to experiment. I’m a powerlifter with a mid 1600 total (nothing too crazy but I’ve learned a few things getting to this point). As for orals, I’ve tried halo, superdrol, dianabol, Anadrol, and anavar (all from a reputable UGL). They all gave me a slight strength boost but the only thing that really gave me a huge boost was 50-75mg of anavar PWO. I would say halo was the next best thing as far as orals go. However some people don’t get that response from anavar. So you just have to experiment. My advice is to take your full daily dose about 2 hours before your workout. …however, the best thing I ever took for strength was 40mg of trest ace IM about an hour before your workout.
I just did a month on 50 dbol & 25 var and I enjoyed that a lot, slow and steady gains. I was just going through some of my left overs from the stockpile. I don’t see acute performance gains from var alone like other orals halo,drol,dbol,var in that order for me in regards to strength . I mainly train for strength too, the biggest driver of my total was getting a coach I liked.
You’re just going to have to experiment. I’m a powerlifter with a mid 1600 total (nothing too crazy but I’ve learned a few things getting to this point). As for orals, I’ve tried halo, superdrol, dianabol, Anadrol, and anavar (all from a reputable UGL). They all gave me a slight strength boost but the only thing that really gave me a huge boost was 50-75mg of anavar PWO. I would say halo was the next best thing as far as orals go. However some people don’t get that response from anavar. So you just have to experiment. My advice is to take your full daily dose about 2 hours before your workout. …however, the best thing I ever took for strength was 40mg of trest ace IM about an hour before your workout.
Have you tried 75mg anavar as a suppository PWO? I'd bet it's off the charts strength but make sure it doesn't leak out during squats
If strength is your focus lean on tbol and cns stimulants like mtren, halo. Use them as needed to break sticking points, not as an added steroid. They are usually helpful at the tail end of a cycle when you peak at a strength block and you are pretty beat up from training going into a deload phase
To be honest, man, if you didn't feel the strength power of anadrol then something must be wrong. That shit is top 3 for strength. Anavar is no match compared to it. You could try Halo or Superdrol next. Those are known for explosive strength.

If nothing works then add NPP to your next cycle.
I just did a month on 50 dbol & 25 var and I enjoyed that a lot, slow and steady gains. I was just going through some of my left overs from the stockpile. I don’t see acute performance gains from var alone like other orals halo,drol,dbol,var in that order for me in regards to strength . I mainly train for strength too, the biggest driver of my total was getting a coach I liked.
I'm similar, but for me interestingly drol works slowest of all, I feel it few week in, then strenght gains become very clear. Dbol works super fast like almost immediate effect.
I'm similar, but for me interestingly drol works slowest of all, I feel it few week in, then strenght gains become very clear. Dbol works super fast like almost immediate effect.
For me I notice drol pretty quick, but I also have convinced myself it works fast. So you notice dbol within a couple days or same day you take it?
The whole kick start thing it’s just dumb
Anavar is not comparable to anadrol
orals should be used only to brake Plato’s and cutting (if competing)
For me I notice drol pretty quick, but I also have convinced myself it works fast. So you notice dbol within a couple days or same day you take it?
Dbol and sdrol feels like they start working the same day, anavar within few days and for some reason winstrol and anadrol lag and need a good week or more to really do something. It sounds like a bro science, because it is. Interesting nonetheless how these drugs work for different people.
Anavar le brinda una gran fuerza, así como una gran apariencia rocosa y gran grasa.
Para mí, 30 mg de ed está bien.