Anavar- How to know it's legit?


New Member
Well I am a high inhib beginner and have heard a lot of fud about ug anavar, what are the things I can do to make sure I get legit anavar and not dbol or any other compound instead of anavar? What would be my best choice of source, and once it arrives what can I do to check if it is actually anavar.
No one is going to spoon feed you a source

Doing a lot of reading is your best defense against making stupid choices
This question was asked by every single begginer steroid user.

Dumber and dumber becouse not using the search engine?
Well I am a high inhib beginner and have heard a lot of fud about ug anavar, what are the things I can do to make sure I get legit anavar and not dbol or any other compound instead of anavar? What would be my best choice of source, and once it arrives what can I do to check if it is actually anavar.
Test with janoshik or Analiza Bialek
I’ve gotten Anavar from multiple sources the last few years, and they all tested legit by Jano. It seems the “most Anavar is fake” hysteria is old news
Well I am a high inhib beginner and have heard a lot of fud about ug anavar, what are the things I can do to make sure I get legit anavar and not dbol or any other compound instead of anavar? What would be my best choice of source, and once it arrives what can I do to check if it is actually anavar.
Wouldn't ever recommend Var only as a cycle.
Personally, anavar-only raped my lipids and killed my sex drive.
Judging by pfp and language I'm assuming you're quite young -- Please do lots of research before committing to anything.
Best practice for a first cycle is test only, titrate up from 250mg/wk and see how much you can handle before e2 sides kick your ass. Good luck beast.
This question was asked by every single begginer steroid user.
If you mean back in the day, well first of all it was commonly faked and second thing is nobody really used Jano or such didn't even exist. So naturally those questions were asked by many. Only post 2020's it really became a thing to check out those sources and many failed the quality control test. PEDS scene and forums changed so much since then. As for dumb questions and people, they will come and go. That's the way it is, love it or hate.
Wouldn't ever recommend Var only as a cycle.
Personally, anavar-only raped my lipids and killed my sex drive.
Judging by pfp and language I'm assuming you're quite young -- Please do lots of research before committing to anything.
Best practice for a first cycle is test only, titrate up from 250mg/wk and see how much you can handle before e2 sides kick your ass. Good luck beast.

Looks like a strict Anavar only one to me.
Getting on my first anabolic- any tips?
Looks like a strict Anavar only one to me.
Getting on my first anabolic- any tips?
It appears poster is a woman -- explains the baby dose of Anavar. Self-proclaimed fat chick at that.
Please for the love of god don't do something as stupid as this @deadlypotato
1 hour of Stairmaster every day. Track your calories. Eat clean. 2 months of dedication will bring you such a long way.
Do more research, don't jump into PEDs if you're not already extremely dedicated.
No I am not a woman, My goals are similar to that of most women, that is don't wanna get huge but just wanna lose bodyfat, ideally without caring about it much.
In my case,I don't want to dedicate a significant portion of my focus to this and I wanna have it happen automatically. I know you must recognise that there are some people around you that just naturally stay very lean, without caring about it. Now, most people on this forum would just assume it is probably because they eat less, but I figure there are some people who could eat a lot and still won't get fat. I am not the pioneer in discovering that, I am pretty sure everyone knows a guy/girl who does that. But they just assume it probably because over a stretched period of time they must get in a deficit, which I refuse to assume.
Feeling like I've been successfully trolled :eek:
Would anavar still typically raise LDL (currently 40) and tank HDL (currently 23) but I'm already on statin and ezetimibe?

If your diet is great and especially if you're in a deficit, i doubt it. In my case while using anavar AND primo which both skew lipids, just on ezetimibe i even managed to drop LDL and triglycerides but i had 7 points drop in HDL as well.