Digestion, stomach and gut health


For the last months i m blasting high Trest, Primo and HGH and i m getting some stomach issues.
Digestion of the food is slow and i m not hungry most of the time.
Every time i eat something my gut gets abnormally big, which stays like this during the day. But when i wake up in the morning its in normal size.
During night time im getting heartburn and sometimes i wake up puking some kind of fluid.

Any ideas on how to improve gut and stomach health and deal with those issues?
For the last months i m blasting high Trest, Primo and HGH and i m getting some stomach issues.
Digestion of the food is slow and i m not hungry most of the time.
Every time i eat something my gut gets abnormally big, which stays like this during the day. But when i wake up in the morning its in normal size.
During night time im getting heartburn and sometimes i wake up puking some kind of fluid.

Any ideas on how to improve gut and stomach health and deal with those issues?
I had the same issue. I can’t seem to digest mass gainers or protein shakes well.

What helped for me is: probiotics, gas-x and digestive enzymes.
Certainly lower your doses while you find out what is wrong of not come off altogether.. I only say lower and don't just stop use due to hormone fluctuations causing even more problems..

Get bloodwork and check liver health.. Last time I did this they find hemangiomas all over my liver and huge gallstone.. Definitely worth doing if you want to keep progressing..

Iv even still posted after all that ffs

