Anavar injectable


New Member
Hey guys, I got some raw Anavar and was just curious if this could be brewed into an injectable, if so any recipe that would hold just fine ? Or is it a waste of time trying thank you.
Hey guys, I got some raw Anavar and was just curious if this could be brewed into an injectable, if so any recipe that would hold just fine ? Or is it a waste of time trying thank you.

Anavar is abosrbed orally at a rate of 98%

The fact that his half life is short and it is highly bioavailable orally makes injections useless
Hey guys, I got some raw Anavar and was just curious if this could be brewed into an injectable, if so any recipe that would hold just fine ? Or is it a waste of time trying thank you.
get one of those small measuring spoons and pop the powder in your mouth why even waste the time to make it into an oil
I don't get why people want to inject orals. Orals were designed to be taken orally. Why don't you just smoke it? Faster onset.
Only one benefit I can think of for injectable anavar is to eliminate acid reflux issues... Some people have issues running orals especially when taking Cialis. Injecting them eliminates that issue.
Only one benefit I can think of for injectable anavar is to eliminate acid reflux issues... Some people have issues running orals especially when taking Cialis. Injecting them eliminates that issue.
Maybe putting the raw or tablet into an enteric coated capsule would help? They don't dissolve in the stomach. They dissolve in the small intestine. You can buy them in any size and you can just put the raw into it. Put a small tablet in or break the tablet in half and put it in the capsule. I don't get any acid issues from orals so I had not thought of that.